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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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Eye in the Sky, your RUMINT is pretty good.  Even though the QS has yet to be written, the basic intent is what you have heard.  Details change, QS an TP's get created and tweaked but at the end of the day the QL 3 will be academic, no flying.  QL 5 will be a combination of academics and flying, very similar to the course that is run now.  Courses will be loaded with a combination of direct entry privates and COTP's.  As for career progression and spec pay etc, that's outside my lane.  I've been hearing stuff but I'l stay in my lane not give bad info.  There will probably be some changes.

CDN Aviator, see you when you're out here.
Hey everyone, I am new at this. I have just heard of AESOp from a friend and I was interested every since. I am currently an NCIOp and would like more information on this trade. How can I learn more about it and who should I talk to?
Thier are quite a few folks on my ship that are remustering and some have had success, others not so much.  As a casual observer out of the 10 transfers that are pending on my ship the 4 apps that were submitted just before the summer all 4 we're accepted. The remaining 6 were not submitted or started untill after the summer or in the last few weeks and none of those apps were accepted. Some were refused because the apps didn't meet all the requirements for transfer but most were refused because they were not able to get waivers out of the trades.

I guess what I'm trying to say is if you intend to COTP or remuster get your request in early in the year just before or just after the FY. That way you'll have a better chance of getting a waiver out of you trade. Of note it seems that some of the OPS trades are getting dangerously low on pers so if you want out don't dilly dally get your crap in order now.

One last thing no one is allowed to request a transfer out of NCIOP until after I get my waiver,lol.
Thanks! I just read them all and realized I got a few years to go ??? I'll keep this opportunity in mind. Good Luck to all!
That just proves being a TACCO can't be *that* hard    :D
So apparently the CF recruiting site says that AESOP is open to direct entry now. I've been unable to keep up with the times lately, so anyone care to tell me when this happened?
popnfresh said:
so anyone care to tell me when this happened?

Its fresh off the press, so to speak.

Edit : I look on the site and didnt see it listed yet. I know its coming soon though.
No I think it could be good for the trades, I just wish options like this and others were available a year ago.

(Yes I'm aware it's a very hard course/trade)
I found the new trades video online at the AES op lounge, very interesting to say the least. From watching the video and poking around the gallery, I have some questions for you AES ops out there...without straying into anything sensitive of course

How much of the trade is "eyes on" type recce/evidence gathering? Is there alot of course material focusing on visual ID's of foreign/friendly vessels? I was always under the impression AES Op was mostly sonar/radar signatures and console work, I guess its a combination of both?

Anyways the video specifically mentions direct entry now, so it looks like a good go for people.

popnfresh said:
How much of the trade is "eyes on" type recce/evidence gathering?

We use all our sensors to provide information, thats what our job is. Sometimes that sensor is the Mk1 eyeball, most times its electronic sensors, including digital cameras and EO.

Is there alot of course material focusing on visual ID's of foreign/friendly vessels?

It is a significant portion. Our job on the crews is to be the SMEs on the subject. When i was on the QS writting board for the new courses, we made sure that a strong emphasis was made on core recce skills. This involves much more than just looking at something and saying "this is a________". We have to be able to identify ships, submarines, aircraft and land systems. We have to know what radars they are using, be able to identify the radar signals and interpret what they mean. We have to be able to identify what weapons systems they are asociated with and what are the threat ranges for those systems.

With the new radars we are getting, we will have to be ale to interpret a SAR / ISAR image and know what the contact is based on the picture the system provides. SONAR is also a big function we do to varying degree based on what airframe you fly. The guys going UAVs will have their own skill sets that will be developed and you can expect and "army-type" environment as the usual operational focus. Guys who will find themselves sent to CFEWC will find themselves in a specialized environment.

Thanks for the detailed response, I will be sure to attend the recruiting brief when the AES Ops come to town. Do you guys still employ the mk 46 out of curiousity, or are there plans to switch to a different system?
Does anyone know the colour vision level for AES Op? I tried asking the medical lady here where i live and she couldent provide it to me. Which I found strange because last year when I talked to a medical person they had a sheet that had every occupation and what level of colour vision you needed.

Thanks in advance.
Edited :

Here is a link for the med cat for all MOCs

AES Op is CV2 minimum
