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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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I got some info from my Sqn CWO about Aircrew selection for AES Op. Basically the guys who will be going in a few days will be "Guinea Pigs" and there will be no pass/fail for them since their score will help set a benchmark for future candidates.
Actually I haven't heard of any offers yet for our trade; there are a few people waiting for the big decision on the Wing I'm at.
Had an interview with a recruiter Friday and I can't go AES OP since I didn't bother to take Advanced maths in high school. Looks like I'm going in the Intel branch now.
If you are really interested in AES Op, have you considered upgrading your math while waiting for an offer or discussed what you'd need to do to make the minimum entry requirements for folks right off the street?

*Int Branch*;  AFAIK Intel is a US term.

Either way, good luck.  But personally, I'd rather be the dude collecting the stuff that processing it.  :nod:
pascalywood said:
Had an interview with a recruiter Friday and I can't go AES OP since I didn't bother to take Advanced maths in high school. Looks like I'm going in the Intel branch now.

I'll never understand this.  If you can do basic algebra you can be an AES Op.  I know there are various reasons why they have the advanced math requirement, but it seems out of touch with the jobs we perform on the aircraft.

Best of luck in the Int world! 
Dolphin_Hunter said:
I'll never understand this.  If you can do basic algebra you can be an AES Op. 

Or some of us who suck at math (raises hand) who still seem to be able to do the job.  I think (like ACS) this is a quick easy way.

I'd rather see the previously mentioned selection week that assessed CRM, ability to maintain SA in a multi-tasking environment, etc.  I bet I'd fail the math test but rock-on in the CRM/SA/multi-tasking stuff.
Eye In The Sky said:
Or some of us who suck at math (raises hand) who still seem to be able to do the job.  I think (like ACS) this is a quick easy way.

I'd rather see the previously mentioned selection week that assessed CRM, ability to maintain SA in a multitasking environment, etc.  I bet I'd fail the math test but rock-on in the CRM/SA/multi-tasking stuff.

I agree.  I don't know how they can assess the SA/CRM/multi-task ability before Winnipeg.
I found out I have to upgrade my math as well, so I'm doing the course right now. Kinda sucks because already had other courses on the go, but it is what it is.

I guess even my own trade has bumped the math requirement since I joined, but dropped the math pack that I did. I wonder if I'd be able request a waiver for the math based on already functioning at a high level in a trade with the same math requirements? And various CF courses/math packs? I assumed not, so I signed up for the course - but if anyone has insight, it's appreciated. Makes me feel like I am wasting my time a bit if none of this will be useful in the trade...but still better than the Int branch, that previous poster must be nuts!

I can only speak as a LRP Line Sqn dry sensor guy (RADAR, EO/IR, ESM, MAD), but I am not strong in math and it's had no negative effect on me.  Having said that, I'd not be well suited to a ground tour EW analyst billet and there are some of those filled from within the trade.  Strong (ish) math is required there.  :2c:

Sure but even then there are specific math packs that must be completed, or certain material that is taught which is entirely independent of someone's previous math credentials (or lack there of)

"I'd not be well suited to a ground tour EW analyst billet" - that's a good line, I will have to remember it.  ;D

But at the end of the day, like I said, it is what it is. The ACS and math may scare off a few people, which I'm sure will help the trade get dedicated candidates. It just makes for a lot more homework and a possible delay in application for some.
congrats!  Enjoy your time before you hit the training system...once it starts and you end up on Sqn, its busy.
Eye In The Sky said:
congrats!  Enjoy your time before you hit the training system...once it starts and you end up on Sqn, its busy.

Busy is an understatement!

Good luck!