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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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The SAR trade killed DE about 4 years ago. Our biggest problem with DE is when Avr Blogging is MOAT qualified, he/she will be stuck in a line squadron or WOps until he/she get promoted to MCpl and is at the minimum PLQ qualified. On average, that could take up to 7/8 years to achieve that rank. It can be very long for someone to hold up a line squadron position before being employed at a school.
A problem which was identified well before we had our first DE.  At least now the folks up top seem to have a plan and are putting it in motion.
Dimsum said:
Completely out of my lane but out of curiosity, why go back to OT only?  What about our AES Op training/employment/recruitment is different than, say, the RAAF where it's (mostly) DE?

I don't know what training the RAAF does, but I'll guess it is something more along the line of the RAF where "AESOPs" are Cadet Sgt's, and come out of their trg and headed to the Sqn as Sgts.  Without knowing details, I'll assume they've some trg in NCO skills (outside of operator skills/trg).

Our DE's are not like that.  They are getting their Leaf with no real know-how about NCO type skills and tasks.  They've not yet been trained (PLQ) to even a basic level and have no experience yet either.  What they do have is 'their opinion' which is more often than not based on very limited NCO trg and/or experience.

They also lack the perspective of the OT folks who've seen the other side of the fence and know which one has the greener grass.

Exactly! Also no Cpls A cat will be a lead. That's a MCpl rank. So again what to do with all these A cats who can't be lead? All these issues mentioned above are reasons to increase VOTs and reduce DEs.
Hi everyone,

I'll be finishing by BMQ soon! Very excited to go to winnipeg! I juste wanted to know, when do we know if we'll be NASO, ASO or MH?

xoulliam said:
Hi everyone,

I'll be finishing by BMQ soon! Very excited to go to winnipeg! I juste wanted to know, when do we know if we'll be NASO, ASO or MH?


Keep in mind you could end up in a Wing Operations position.
Dolphin_Hunter said:
Keep in mind you could end up in a Wing Operations position.

Oh, and what exactly would I be doing? Is it straight after BMQ? Or after I'm trade qualified?
I know there must be a method to the madness;  I am hoping the reason some folks might go to ground billets rather than MOAT is because there is already a long waiting list for MOAT.  :whistle:

With the OTU shut down, etc I'm REALLY hoping for a 'bumper crop' of newly-minted MOAT grads to make their way to the line sqn's this year. 
Eye In The Sky said:
I know there must be a method to the madness;  I am hoping the reason some folks might go to ground billets rather than MOAT is because there is already a long waiting list for MOAT.  :whistle:

With the OTU shut down, etc I'm REALLY hoping for a 'bumper crop' of newly-minted MOAT grads to make their way to the line sqn's this year.

EEV explained it a few posts back.  It makes sense and it gives them experience, plus we have already had a couple newly minted AES Ops go directly to WOPs.

Don't hold your breath for a bumper crop, we can only train two crews at a time at 404.  The Sqns aren't doing the community any favours either.  We have one ASO student on this MOAT.  ONE.  Just thinking about it pisses me off.  "But we don't need ASOs.."    Good call!
So, the selection tool I posted earlier is in need of refinement.  A 2 year study reviewed by a committee that makes a recommendation to PWGSC should fix that!
Thanks to all those that have been contributing to this thread...

If destined for a ground job, any chance of someone going straight to CFEWC vice WOPS if they are so inclined?
hey everyone,

i just got a phone call asking me if i could go to CFB Trenton on may 27th for aircrew selection, anyone know what to expect for this? the recruiter didn't know much and when i asked if i should brush up on math or anything he just said there is no study guide, so i am basically going into this blindfolded, any heads up would be nice
