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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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Got the happy news on May 26th while I was in the field on Maple Resolve 16, got my offer for my OT from Geomatics Technician to AESOp, only took two tries but from what I have heard about the trade, should be worth the wait. Change over on 15 Jul and then go to Pet to start my PLQ on 18 Jul.

Although PLQ in Pet vs PLQ in Borden...  That sucks!

Thanks. Unfortunately, my PLQ was scheduled before my OT came in and it was decided to keep me on it.
Will be nice to get it out of the way before all the other courses start filling my time. The other good news, is now I shouldn't have to do the army portion ;D

Currently 2 days out from finishing week 5 of my army PLQ, after that it's to the field for the week to do Stab Ops. Things are going to be busy the next few months, I get back to Edmonton from Pet on the 20th and then fly out on the 22nd to Winnipeg for AMT, then I go to Comox the end of October for Aircrew Survival Sea and then Winnipeg at the end of November for Aircrew survival Land.
Nov is a great time to do Land Survival (BSERE), I did mine in late Nov.  Enjoy...I think you'll find those 3 little courses enjoyable.  I had a great time at all of them.


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Enjoy the courses, I assume you're slated for the Jan 2017 BAQC followed by IAQC. Come with an open mind, study hard, and stay focus on the goal on becoming an AES Op. The IAQC has been completely revamped, students now learn the Procedure Crew Trainer (PCT) and also get an Image Analysis (IA) qual out of the course.  Good luck!
IA is something we probably should do in my old trade as well, but we could only tell you about the ground in the imagery and not man made objects, even if they were obviously a specific object.

I haven't heard anything official on courses beyond AMT and the two survival course. I am looking forward to finishing off my last army course and starting some air force courses, at least then I won't be the odd man out. Currently the sole air force member left on my PLQ, getting a bit of some razzing from all the army guys, even though I have more reg force army time than some of them, lol.
Well, finished PLQ on Friday and now I head to Winnipeg tomorrow for AMT.
Start of a new life!  Hope you enjoy your first aircrew course and (maybe) life in the Dakota Inn. 
Good day everyone,

I am writing to inquire about the current AESOP prequalification trial being hosted in CFB Trenton. I have been invited to attend this trial serial on 20/21 Oct 2016.

I managed to obtain a set of joining instructions from the CFACS website. However, CFRC Ottawa has outlined that the selection I am scheduled on is different. After reviewing the posts in this thread, I am still uncertain as to whether or not this is the amalgamated aircrew selection that was discussed earlier. If so, can I expect the selection agenda to differ from the joining instructions I found on the CFASC. Can anyone confirm or deny? Also, can anyone provide any information about this recruiting step without compromising the secret nature of the selection process?

A bit about myself. I am Quality Oversight Manager with GardaWorld Avaition Services responsible for national audits of airport screening services. I acquired this role after releasing from the CF 2 years ago. I spent 7 years in the Reg force. I was a QL5 Med Tech upon release.

I am eager to re-enter the CF as an AESOP. This thread has a wealth of information but any other advise you can provide will be most helpful. I am certain that others will benifit from the information aswell.

Please contact me anytime to discuss.


I am completely out of the loop on the new recruiting 'stuff';  Eagle Eye View is currently posted to the School in the 'Peg and has a pretty good sense of the pulse of the new stuff happening.  Hopefully he'll be along to edumacate you/us.  ;D
Hello everyone,

This post will focus on clarifying some points about the AESOP aircrew selection process and my current phase of recruiting. The goal is to provide other AESOP applicants, like myself, with added context to the sometimes confusing recruiting process.

My previous post highlights some key aircrew selection concerns I had before attending the trial serial in Trenton. Unfortunately, I will not be able to provide you with any information as it pertains to the testing, however, I do want to emphasize that this is indeed a trial. The trial intends to allow AESOP candidates to be processed through some aspects of the regular aircrew selection process. The results will be used towards buidling a database of scores that a benchmark can be drawn from. I was informed that I would have passed aircrew selection had it been a  test for grading towards selection. The tests were a lot of fun and are genuinely related to aptitude. It helps to be prepared by using the tools provided on the aircrew selection website but you either have it or you don't.

I have recently interviewed as an AESOP and was successful. I am now waiting to attend my Aircrew medical in DRDC, Toronto.

I wish anyone along the process all the luck in the world towards their quset of becoming an AESOP. Use your time at aircrew slection to try and build a realistic job overview by interviewing the pilots and BPSO present. Please reach out if you are in a similar position as I believe we will likely meet in the near future on course at 17 wing.

Be well,
Hello, I am currently in the process for enrollment as an AESOP; getting the aircrew medical tests completed at the moment. I am more or less curious as to what capacity AESOPS were used in Afghanistan, I have been told by a friend of mine that they would assist SAR techs aboard helicopters to pick up and collect wounded troops + they would also man the machine guns on our griffon and chinook helicopters. All the while also having the possibility to being posted to a air reconnaissance and UAV section. Is this true? if so, is it possible for AESOPS to be posted in an army setting despite being primarily an airforce occupation?


Thank you all for your service!  :remembrance: :cdn:
For reference, perhaps,

AESOP - Question

will be merged with,

AESOp ( MOC 081)
36 pages.
Where did your friend get this "information"?

SAR TECHs are a domestic SAR capability; they are not CSAR(such as USAF PJs).  Also, AFAIK the door gunners on Griffons and Chinooks were Army Combat Arms(eg Reserve Infantrymen).  What do you mean posted in an Army setting? Such as an Army unit(Infantry, Artillery, etc)? If so, than no.  Or do you mean something like a TAC HEL squadron?
If you read the thread there's a lot of info on AES Op. No the AES Ops were not door gunners in Afghanistan and no we don't get posted to army unit. The only time you'll see AES Op working with SAR Tech is when the Cornorant fleet is U/S and the Sea King is manning SAR standby.