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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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How did you bypass Basic?  I thought everyone had to do Basic!
o.k. let me re-phrase that   :P i did QL2/QL3 (basic)  reserve course, i didn't do Basic when i got in the reg force i did my Arty battle school, i didn't go to St. Jean.

BTW guys it makes perfect sense. Recruit School By-pass cause as she said she was a reservist with time in
I'm female i'm 17  i've been in for about a year an half and just finsihed all my basic over last year and the summer and I had a blast you do get a little more critisim from some of the guys like one warrent called me a midget all summer but non the less it was fun just don't try and stick out as a female and just be one of the guys and everythings fine. the ruck sack was a killer for me cause i'm short but jst practice keep up in PT and everything will be good
Hey tx to all fr so good info...I wont have any problems with my hair, bcse I shaved it all...LOL
There is a question about how we will be able to keep contact with our people.
Are we going to be able to give calls, do we have access to a computer fr email and stuff???. 
How about cell phone are we allowed???...
I'll be fine, but I'm going to miss my man fr sure, just wanted to know how I'll be able to talk to him and how often????..lol...
My bf is a traffic tech. in Greenwood, NS...and I'm going fr Infantry (though one, huh, we wont be able to be together bfre atleast 2 or 3 years :'()...

Also, I heard that during basic in St-Jean, we have until like the week 6 if we by any idea wanted to change our trade?  Is it true or just a urban story...lol

thanks in advanced
Heavy_Duty391 said:
There is a question about how we will be able to keep contact with our people.
Are we going to be able to give calls, do we have access to a computer fr email and stuff???.  
How about cell phone are we allowed???...
I'll be fine, but I'm going to miss my man fr sure, just wanted to know how I'll be able to talk to him and how often????..lol...

I have not been to basic myself, as I am still in the recruitment process. But my boyfriend was in St-Jean for basic in the fall, and he usually found time to call me about twice a week. I know that after his 4th week he spent his weekends off base, relaxing, so he found more time to call me then. He also had access to a computer for e-mail, I know he said it was usually busy and it cost money to use it.
Hope that helps a little!
Ok sorry but I am going back to the topic of hair.  I have long very curly hair, and frizzy.  I really want to try to keep all of my hair.  I was wondering if anyone could tell me the best way to put it up and keep it down because it is frizzy. and one other thing do the bangs have to go up as well or can I wear them down.  Thanks in advance for the help.
Gel, gel and more gel, and bobby pins will be your new best friends. And a hairnet on top of the bun, nice and neat.
Great I will keep all that in mind.  Now what about the bangs do they have to be put back as well.
Thanks every one for all the advice. I just had one more question about "that time of he month". It might be silly to ask but what if you don't want to use the pills to stop your period.
let me elaborate on that. I mean I don't suppose anyone would be given time off if you get cramps come during training
Bangs...very attractive sticking up when you take off your beret! lol. I have bangs too. Basically just tuck 'em up in your beret and hope for the best when you take it off! In the field you dont really need to tuck them up since the helmet and funny hat come down more. A friend of mine has very long and curly hair. She found that if her hair was really wet it was easier to put up and i think she used hairspray as well as gel.(she has really crazy hair!) hope some of that helps! cheers!
LL said:
let me elaborate on that. I mean I don't suppose anyone would be given time off if you get cramps come during training

Ah, you wish :) "but MCPL I have cramps". The only situation I could see this working is if you are hunched over and in the fetal position lol
Hi Everyone! I was just wondering if anyone else is going to Wainwright this summer for BMQ??

And thanks for all the great tips, I appreciate it!  :)
Well I haven't completed it all yet but I can help out a bit...

Positive:                                                                                              Negative: (hmm does not even compare to positive aspects)
-test the limits of your "intestinal fortitude"  -drive, motivation              -less sleep than usual
-get a little dirty                                                                                    -its a "dry" course (no alcohol)
-become a part of a new "family"                                                            -having to deal with your female problems at the wost possible time
-get paid pretty well                                                                              -spend a whole 2 months away from friends and family (unless you see
-use weapons you legally can't in civi life (unless your from scarb.  ;))        them on your time off)
-actually have a balanced diet                                                                -spending time up in the Meaf (if you are)
-improve on your physical fitness                                                            -"Marching Everywhere" and having MPs that try to bust you for anything  :-*
~And serve your country.                                                                        -almost forgot, eating IMPs

remember your mind is your strongest muscle...
canadiancarebear said:
Bring whatever you want for personnal items but be prepared to have them stuck in storage.   if your going officer you'll have your own little cupboard in your room where you can keep things like facial products,makeup, purse etc....not to sure if it is the same for the enlisted course.   Iam quite the heavy packer and I love my facial producys and such and i made out fine...good luck   :)

Wha?! They didn't let us keep anything in those cupboards for inspection and the shoebox they gave us to keep personal items in (kept in the drawer under the bed) could fit very little.

Just a question: why would you bother with the civvy-ablutions regimen when everyone's too busy to notice or care how you look? The women in our platoon dispensed with that stuff pretty quickly during the week and I can't think of a single one of us that cared.
Ah, you wish  "but MCPL I have cramps". The only situation I could see this working is if you are hunched over and in the fetal position lol

I thought so. lol.  how did you find the whole experience?