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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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FastEddy said:


It is always comfortering to know, that a respected contributor would make Lite of such a topic. I'm quite sure that a number of our Female Readers are howling in the isles.

Keep up the good work.

And as you say, Cheers.

Well, thanks for calling me a "respected contributor" as opposed to an "outdated old dinosaur who hates woman in the military", or something like that. If I am truly what you say, then I hope it is because, along with my massive store of amazing military wisdom, I try to employ a bit of humour, and to accept that sometimes I will be the butt of a joke, or I will get a good thrashing. May I suggest that you do the same?

And , as I have said before, I don't think we should by usng "sir" on this forum. I don't post with my rank and I wouldn't encourage others to do so. This is supposed to be a level playing field based on experience, knowledge and interest. Normal politeness should suffice unless of course people are going to be idiots.

But, all that said, I am sorry if I offended you or any female posters here.

And, as I say, "Cheers".
pbi said:
Well, thanks for calling me a "respected contributor" as opposed to an "outdated old dinosaur who hates woman in the military", or something like that. If I am truly what you say, then I hope it is because, along with my massive store of amazing military wisdom, I try to employ a bit of humour, and to accept that sometimes I will be the butt of a joke, or I will get a good thrashing. May I suggest that you do the same?

And , as I have said before, I don't think we should by usng "sir" on this forum. I don't post with my rank and I wouldn't encourage others to do so. This is supposed to be a level playing field based on experience, knowledge and interest. Normal politeness should suffice unless of course people are going to be idiots.

But, all that said, I am sorry if I offended you or any female posters here.

And, as I say, "Cheers".

All of your points are well taken, especially the one on humor.
But with regard to this, I've noticed that certain member are prone to seeing this as agreement or endorsement of a subject. Especially coming from contributors like yourself.

Sorry to have bothered you with such trifling points.
But with regard to this, I've noticed that certain member are prone to seeing this as agreement or endorsement of a subject. Especially coming from contributors like yourself.

Sorry to have bothered you with such trifling points.

I see what you mean. The point was not really a trifling one if it was that disturbing. I will try to think a bit more before hitting "Post" in future.

Oh, fer cryin' out loud ...
Youse pant-wearin' guyz are just tryin' to annoy us "Ladies From Hell", aren't you ... ???
"What are you guys talking about? "

Well......we WERE talking about a recruiting drive specifically designed to put more wiminfolk into the Cbt Arms, but we appear to have lost our way, thanks in a large part due to...well.......me.


a recruiting drive specifically designed to put more wiminfolk into the Cbt Arms

What a horrible idea. Instead of trying to target someones race, gender or sexual preference, why not try to attract "people" who enjoy challange, want to help people and be a professional soldier.
KevinB said:

   Honestly as much as it pains me to say it - the two 031 females in 1 PPCLI are some of the better troops. Instead of cryign about integration and other fluff - concentrate on the standard - achieve it or STFU.

The CF would have been served to a much higher degree by taking the $ that went into that studies and its spin offs, and buying bullets for troops to train.

IMHO regardless of race or sex, I think all occupations in Canada (including combat arms) should be filled with the best qualified first.If that means a 5 foot nothing chinese female is chosen over a 6 foot body building white male, because she wants to be there and can do the job better, then so be it, it will only make the forces stronger.

There will always be people out there that say for instance, women could never do the job of an infanteer but that is in reality a biased opinion in that "Do you know every woman out there?

No I dont think there should be any sort of drive to recruit women because if a woman truly wants to join a trade, and can do the job, nobody should say she cant.

  Put things into the perspective of deoderant testers.There are those out there that feel sniffing armpits are for them and there are those that wouldnt enjoy it.Should you then give a signing bonus and perks to attract more sniffers into the industry?Or should you leave things alone and let the nasaly challenged come out of the woodwork on their own.
Ok, I know that this is a pretty silly question, and that this is one of the least important things to be thinking about if you are going to BMQ, but talking about 'female issues' brought this to mind...   I would imagine there is not time to be shaving your legs regularly - lightning fast showers and all.   So I was wondering what most women choose to do about this.   Thanks!

Beleive it or not...you're not the only one who has thought about this...so have I! Shave fast I suppose or the other way that I see it is I can shave my legs faster than most men can shave thier face. So, if the men have enough time to take care of thier business, I guess we do too.

I would definitley agree with you on the speed that most women are able to shave their legs.  My ex husband would be done shaving half of his face meanwhile I had finished my lower legs and underarms in that same amount of time. 
I'll probably do that! Although it hurts a little it's worth the time saving.

hi every one
it just seems all the perspectives are from guys.(no offense) but i was just wondering where all girls are. I was really hoping if can any one (meaning female) tell me how they found the whole Basic training coarse and  what are all the positive and negative aspects of it. :-\
There are some women around just keep looking and searching.....

here is a thread to get you started re: What to bring to St. Jean: Female perspective

Hi LL,
I am a female but I can't help you with your questions about basic...well not yet anyway. I go for BMQ training on the 26th of this month. Do you have a date yet for when you are going? Feel free to PM me if I can answer any questions for you

Bring whatever you want for personnal items but be prepared to have them stuck in storage.  if your going officer you'll have your own little cupboard in your room where you can keep things like facial products,makeup, purse etc....not to sure if it is the same for the enlisted course.  Iam quite the heavy packer and I love my facial producys and such and i made out fine...good luck  :)
I'm a chick too but i never did basic, just Arty battle school, i was a reservist, got in in '95, so i bypassed basic, goodluck.
