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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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Back to the hair question...
I have very long, thick, curly hair and it is in long layers.
I recommend only using "hair pins"...not bobby pins. The difference is the shape, the hair pins are "v" shaped. They work better with thick or curly hair then bobby pins, when you buy a pack, there is usually three different sizes or thickness to the pins...I use only the thickest/strongest ones and chuck the other two sizes...so buy more than one pack.
Buy both hair nets and pins in the closest colour to your hair colour, I also recommend buying clear "ouchless" elastics to hold the pony tail...that way it won't ever show through.

Directions for doing a lightening fast bun:
  • Use damp hair, put in some sort of gel product/anti-friz product etc
  • Put hair into a pony tail...not too low and not too high.
  • Twist pony tail into a tight ringlet, as you do this, wrap the pony tail around itself, keeping it flat to your head.
  • Take a hair pin into one free hand (you should have already put a couple of hair pins in your mouth)
  • Take the hair pin and stick one end of the v shaped pin into your hair by your scalp and stick the other end of the hair pin into the bun.
  • Warning..do not go into the thickest part of the bun, try to catch the edges of the bun to secure the pins.
  • Follow a clock pattern in putting the pins in...ie. 3 o'clock then 9 o'clock, 12 o'clock and then 6 o'clock and then fill in where it feels loose.
  • Now put a thin hair net over top of the bun, by pulling it tight, then twist it over and reapply back over the bun, repeat until net is tight...you can then use one or two more pins to secure the net in place if you need to

Remember you won't be able to do this for field portions since you can't wear a helmet with a bun...for this do one or two french braids (try to avoid pins in the field...they hurt with helmets on)
Practice Practice Practice...I can do all those steps in less then two minutes.
As for bangs...I have bangs and they do some funny things sometimes...but even guys get beret head if they leave it a little long on top, so keep them a little shorter than usual and there won't be as much of an issue!

Good luck
(aka hair goddess)
Thanks so much Denise.  It sounds to me that you have the same hair as I do, and I really am determined to not cut it off while I am on BMQ.  I have 3 weeks to practice before I leave.  Once again thanks for your help and everyone else as well.

LL said:
I thought so. lol.  how did you find the whole experience?

It was some experience I tell you. For me personally the first week or two actually took a little bit of adjusting to get used to. It is the whole "break you down, build you up again" period. That is the time (at least I've observed) where most people decide if it is what they want to do or not. The most important thing is to get yourself into the mindframe that you should not take anything personally and look at it as a huge learning experience, trying to absorb as much as you can from your instructors. Looking back now the course was not very difficult (i stress now) and if you begin prepared mentally and physically and keep optimistic in the most adverse conditions you will do absolutely fine. I am still waiting on this summer to finish the rest of my training (BIQ) -should have done BMQ during the year- meh no loss. As for any other tips, you can find it all over the website but make sure you bring two shave kits-one for use and one for inspection, lots of baby wipes, surplus of hairnets (they rip all the time) and other hair products. Jeeze, all this talk about makeup, no need at all, cam paint will be the closest thing you will be using haha. Oh and probably a tweezer for those eyebrows if you have any extra time. What else, speaking of cam paint make sure you bring good facewash, I have seen people with the best skin break out.

I am not sure if you are doing the BOTP or just basic training (for my case reserve) but I assume it is similar. GOOD LUCK!
by the way,coming back to hair. oh my hair!!! I definitely want to keep it all in braids b'cos if i let my 'fro' out it would take me at least an hour to comb it in the mornings!! (seriously, I'm not exaggerating.....OK maybe a tiny bit ;D). But I don't know if I can put my braided hair in a bun so I might have to go bald !!  :o Just kidding!! But  I might have to get it really low... :'( . If there's any alternative someone PLEASE!! let me know.
Dress regs now say that you can leave hair in french braids (one or two) with out tucking them or putting them in a bun.
Before this reg change, I used to do two braids and tuck the end up under and into the opposite braid and pin it there. Very Heidi....
Ok, here's the most important thing u need to know (been teaching for a while now, plus remember from my own way back when..) it's all mental. When there's screaming, don't take it personally it's part of an instructor's job (a perk i like to call it).  As long as you don't take things too personally & can get by with being physically uncomfortable at times, you'll do fine. The course itself isn't terribly hard as long as you do what your told, ask questions if you don't understand something, loose any attitude (learn to bite your tongue) you should do fine.

Hope that helps!!
Thanks for the advice as well.. I needed it! I am going to Winnipeg on 30th of June for my BMQ/SQ, I am a girl, and I am excited yet nervous about what to expect. However, your words seemed to help with the iddy bitty nervousness I have.. Thanks again!
If the hand grenade is still part of basic (BMQ/SQ) be forwarned they are very loud.

When instructing on a reserve TL2 basic in the early nineties in Ipperwash I had one female who was quite nervous of this phase. Thinking if I put her through the bay first when she succeeded the rest of the course would see how easy it was and the rest would proceed smoothly. WRONG Although nervous she prepared the grenade, removed the pin, thru the grenade and got down below the wall. All good. BANG She wet herself. Well I tried. ;D
X Royal said:
If the hand grenade is still part of basic (BMQ/SQ) be forwarned they are very loud.

When instructing on a reserve TL2 basic in the early nineties in Ipperwash I had one female who was quite nervous of this phase. Thinking if I put her through the bay first when she succeeded the rest of the course would see how easy it was and the rest would proceed smoothly. WRONG Although nervous she prepared the grenade, removed the pin, thru the grenade and got down below the wall. All good. BANG She wet herself. Well I tried. ;D

thanks for the warning, i'll make sure to pack my depends lol
I'm female...have done BMQ, but am waiting my SQ/Infantry course this summer. So far, it's been awesome. Definitly one of the best decisions I've made so far in my life.  The  whole weapons thing creeped me out a bit at first, but after you go on your shoot and get used to them, they're so much fun.  PM me if you want.
right on, i was just wondering, as I'm a sq qualified soldier waiting for BIQ this summer in the PLF
X Royal said:
If the hand grenade is still part of basic (BMQ/SQ) be forwarned they are very loud.

When instructing on a reserve TL2 basic in the early nineties in Ipperwash I had one female who was quite nervous of this phase. Thinking if I put her through the bay first when she succeeded the rest of the course would see how easy it was and the rest would proceed smoothly. WRONG Although nervous she prepared the grenade, removed the pin, thru the grenade and got down below the wall. All good. BANG She wet herself. Well I tried. ;D

Wow, i hope she didn't go Arty  ::)

I was wondering if there were female soldiers on here too! If so it would be cool to chat with you and learn the challenges of army life from your point of view as well. Thanks ~ Rebecca
Hey all...Im 20 Female...I Just finished my interview, aptitude and medical few days ago and I have to do my fitness still...I have to call and schedule it myself so ill probably set it up for mid august...I applied for Combat Engineer..any gals headng that way?? I talked to my interviewer she said that my application probably wont go in for this selection board so Ill be on the Sept. 5th most likely and she told me to expect to be in the early to mid Oct BMQ ..Im excited..!!! You can contact me at semper_fidelis7@hotmail.com if anyone wants to chat it up!  :threat: :skull: :threat:
Ok I need this question to be answer by someone who is serving in the armed forces. I'm in a Police Foundations course and will be joining the military soon after I'm done, one of my class mates seems to think that women can fight on the front lines in situations other then extreme cases; ei: there vehicle broke down on near the front line and they advanced to the front line to meet up with friendly units. So are women aloud to fight on the front line? Thats my question.

There are women serving in Armour and Infantry.  There are also women serving in the Artillery and Engineers.  These women are in the Combat Arms and Combat Support.  There are also women serving in the Service Battalions and other Logistic jobs in the Combat Service Support Trades.  So there will be women serving from the Front right on back to the Rear.