Well I've never been to St-Jean but I think summer reserve basic would probably be similar in this case. We didn't wear all that much of our regular clothing, only to sleep in (when I wasn't sleeping in my PT clothes for the next day) or for PT (I'm told reg force gets issued PT gear, so scratch that too.) We were only allowed to wear civvy clothes about midway through basic, and that was only weekends and some evenings. SO you can probably figure out what you need from that, I brought about 3 pairs of pants, a few shirts and sweaters, and some PT clothes. A good pair of running shoes is a MUST, flip-flops ditto (unless you want to pick up something nasty from the shower) but other then that, maybe 1 other pair of civvy shoes if you really need them.
I've also been told that in St-Jean, you spend most of the first week in civvies while checking in and doing admin, but maybe someone who's been there can clarify.
As for make up HAHA who has time for that no one cares how you look during course but if you must, keep it simple cause you won't have much time to use it. It's just going to take up space. A little's good for those times when you actually will have time to wear it, but don't fill half your civvy suitcase with make-up.
WRT hair, you are allowed to keep it long as long as it's in a nice bun, with a hairnet over the bun if you need it, and if your hair is frizzy like mine you'll need gobs of gel on the side of your head to keep it neat. You're also allowed a braid, but when depends on your staff, on my basic we were only allowed braids in the field. You can also cut your hair short (which is SO much easier) but it can't go past your collar, and should be kept pretty neat as well.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask, and good luck!