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A two year set back or a chance to try something else?


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Okay well after talking to recruiter today I was informed that I do currently need a full G (ontario graduated licensing) to apply to my selected trade.  I would hav loved to know this a few months agao however the recruiter I spoke with just said current drivers license.  So alas my pitiful G1 is not enough  :'( .  I am however looking into what was my second chioce, sig op.  Now my main concern with this is they ask for "physically robust" people.  Now not sure just the **** they mean by that but I'm a 5 ft 1 girl who weighs about 115lbs soaking wet, but I never quit.  (okay well no point in trying to play it up I'm just stubborn like my Daddy). 

So here's my new plan, Finish this chemistry course no matter what trade I decide on (it did cost $50.00 after all, no point in wasting money)  and then continue to work on my driving untill trees no longer have to worry about me crashing into them hehehe, while working as a sig op.  Hopefully I have what it takes and well if I dont, I'm sure I can work on making myself have what it takes.  After my inital contract then I'll see about going for Med Tech then.  Who knows I might settle nicely into the sig op trade and want to stick around as long as they'll keep me :D
I know a Sig Op (female type) about 5'2" ... 120 soaking wet.

It's all in the attitude, not the stature.
Perfect, just the bnews I wanted to hear!! For some stupid reason I always feel better knoing I'm not the smallest person wanting to do this lol, its probably cause I'm the smallest of all 7 kids in my family :(
It seems to me that your first option was Med Tech? This is the same as mine, and I was told that I only need a G2 to join. Currently I don't have a drivers licence because my G2 expired before I went for my full G. Now, I don't have to wait for my G2, I can write my G1 then do the road test as soon as I can. But it would be a full year from receiving my G2 before I can go for my full G. I really hope that I don't have to wait the full year.

Would anyone be able to clear this up? There seems to be a lot of confusion among recruiters about what licence is needed.

Perhaps I should start looking at different trades like Dolphando is...
wel the recruiter I spoke to this afternoon (on recruiter chat) said a fully qualified G license. and someone else on here (in the medical board under med tech enlistment) had also pretty much said the same thing yesterday  when I put it up on here,  so with two people saying yes you need a full G license free from any probabtionary stuff  thats enough for me to go Sig Op for my first term of service until I'm sure I won't run into a tree (or anything else for that matter since I'm not a very good driver anyways) 

plus it makes sense since some people say that part of their training was driving feild ambulance and such. so yeah its a set back but not really as it does give me the chance to try out choice number 2 for my first term of service :D
I agree with Vern. One of my good buddies he's about 5'4" 130lbs and he made it through my infantry course and didn't drop out once, I'd be lying to say its all Mind but its 90%, you still need to be in good shape especially if you are smaller then the average person. As for which trades to pick, pick the one you want because OTing (occupational transfer) is not something you want to play around with you might get screwed around and be stuck in a locked trade that you don't even want to be in.
see thats why i'm going with my second choice and not just something to get me in (if that were the case I'd probably go steward since I have 5 years bartending) but I want something new and challenging.  I'm really interested in Sig Op too, I had to choose one over the other so i picked med tech first. Now since that isn't working out I'm going sig ops.  Plus, I would finish my TOS before I even thought of trying something else, maybe even take some time off after my first TOS to have another baby (come from a big family and 2 just isn't enough heheh) and then re-apply altogether as a med tech and see how I do, providing nothing happens that would strictly stop me from doing this.
you'll learn a lot about this kinda thing through basic, once you know the system you'll get a much better understanding on how to get what you want.
90% mind, 10% physical :), you can push your body to do what ever you want it to do.
slowmode said:
90% mind, 10% physical :), you can push your body to do what ever you want it to do.
Agreed.  The human body is remarkably strong with great reserves of energy.  With the proper attitude, the human body can run the equivalent of three marathons without rest.  (by "run" I mean run, walk, jog, whatever).  Among mammals, humans probably have the greatest endurance.  We are painfully slow compared to the top speed of some mammals (eg: cheetahs, horses, kangaroos, etc), but we are like energizer bunnies: we can keep going and going and going.  So, people who "just can't keep going" have quit mentally, usually.  Though of course people who are out of shape (eg: morbidly obese) can barely stand, so this doesn't apply to them...
Herbivores such as horses and giraffes have greater endurance than carnivores such as Lions,felines known for their long lazy naps.
The relation between diet and endurance holds true for humans as well.
X-mo-1979 said:
Herbivores such as horses and giraffes have greater endurance than carnivores such as Lions,felines known for their long lazy naps.
The relation between diet and endurance holds true for humans as well.
Mmmmmm....long lazy naps......Sometimes I wish we were true carnivores and not omnivores!
I've been up since 5h30 doing PT...feeling very carnivorous right now.. ;D
Okay so I called the sudbury recruiting center today, lefta  message about my wanting to change the trade I'm applying for, so now all I can do is wait.  Hopefully I don't have to wait too long for the recruiting center to get back to me, also hopefully I left my message with the right person too (i'm always so nervous about stuff like that) :-[
Don't worry about the message. As long as you left your full name and a number where they can call you back, that message will find its way to the person who has your file. If you don't hear back in a day or two, give them another call, and try and get ahold of an actual person to ask them. Sometimes things go faster when you talk to someone instead of the machine haha. Best of luck!
Wow that was quick.  So they called me back and I just have to fill out some paperwork they had already sent me and then they're gonna schedule me for testing :D  Now I just have to find a way to sudbury for the dates they schedule me for :D  WOOT! of course worst case is I take the bus so I'm not worried about it.
I know it's already been commented on, but just wanted to throw in my two cents. As a 5'2" female who's 115lbs, I've been able to do some astounding things with this small physique. You just have to work and train hard...and it *is* mainly a mental game.

Best of luck in your application!
Dolphado said:
Okay well after talking to recruiter today I was informed that I do currently need a full G (ontario graduated licensing) to apply to my selected trade.  I would hav loved to know this a few months agao however the recruiter I spoke with just said current drivers license.  So alas my pitiful G1 is not enough  :'( .  I am however looking into what was my second chioce, sig op.  Now my main concern with this is they ask for "physically robust" people.  Now not sure just the **** they mean by that but I'm a 5 ft 1 girl who weighs about 115lbs soaking wet, but I never quit.  (okay well no point in trying to play it up I'm just stubborn like my Daddy). 
What trade needed a G1?
I'm an Armoured Crewman and I joined with nothing but a Honda 250 Bigred/35 mercury outboard qualification.And for those who say it has changed,I taught MANY drivers with not even a beginners permit who are now driving at the armoured regiments of Canada in the past two years.
X-mo-1979 said:
What trade needed a G1?
I'm an Armoured Crewman and I joined with nothing but a Honda 250 Bigred/35 mercury outboard qualification.And for those who say it has changed,I taught MANY drivers with not even a beginners permit who are now driving at the armoured regiments of Canada in the past two years.

Helps to read the thread.