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A two year set back or a chance to try something else?

  That's weird, because my buddy is an MSE OP and he doesn't even have his full G1 liscence.
okay well it seems there has been a misunderstanding either on my part or on the recruiters part with whom I was speaking either way, one can apply for Med Tech.  I however will still be applying for Sig Op, my papers are being sent in on monday :D
Just an update, I sent all my forms in thursday and got called today!  I'll be headed to the Sudbury recruitment center on Wednesday May 7th!  The next two weeks could not go by fast enough!
CallOfDuty said:
  That's weird, because my buddy is an MSE OP and he doesn't even have his full G1 liscence.
A friend of mine is an MSEOp, and they don't have their full G1 license either. However, she said they didn't need it as all the vehicles she was driving on her course were all military veh's and as such only required 404's.

A recruiting requirement for Medical Technician is a full driver's license. (what I was told anyways, and I had to supply a copy of it with my recruiting documents) I'm getting ready to head out to BC for my civi paramedic course right now, and we ALL had to have a valid full driving license, as we will be doing a driving course with the ambulance once we get out there.

Best of luck to you with your recruiting Dolphado. I hope everything goes very smoothly for you!
Just another quick update.  I'm heading out to Sudbury on the 7th but now instead of taking the bus, my Daddy's going to be bringing me there since they changed my schedule from 12:30 to 11:00 am.  I'm really nervous about writing my CFAT.  I've written a similar test for my Police Foundations course however I failed it by only a few marks.  So one could imagine my dread of this test.  I have been writing online tests especailly the one for the governemt jobs (can't remember the name) and I tend to land around the 70's.  I'm really not sure if that's any indication as to how I'll do on Wednesday. Hopefully everything goes well and I pass at least that part of it.  In the meanwhile however, I have taken my old job back at Teletech to help suppliment the house hold income.  I really don't like the job but it is 10.50/h.  So that's what's new with me and as I had predicted this week is going by far to slowly.
If you want take this practice test,  http://www.psc-cfp.gc.ca/ppc/gct2_practice_test_e.htm

It helped me just to see what type of questions are going to be asked.

Best of luck for everything
Oddly enough thats one of the main tests I've taken. I do okay on it but nothing spectacular.
Are you a ware that in Ontario you can get your full G1 quicker if you take a Driver's course like Young Drivers.

" A new driver must hold a G1 licence for a minimum of 12 months before attempting the G1 road test. This time can be reduced to eight months if you successfully complete an approved driver education course.".

Follow your heart and try to get what you really want to do.

Good Luck.
Yes I am aware of the drivers ed course. However in my town it's only run twice a year once in the early spring and again in the fall.  I would also be required to pay almost $300.00 for the course on top of the pay I'll be loosing for the time off work.  Its just not feasable for me at this time.  That and I don't have acess to a vehicle to drive for the testing portion.  But let it be assured that I'm not upset about having to choose a different trade.  It actually made me look imto more trades and jobs that I would enjoy. I'm very pleased with my choice to go in as a Sig Op. And I'm looking forward to the training both mental and physical,  As hard as it is, succeed or fail, all I can do is say I did it!  Which is more then most people I know can say.
If you took Young Drivers they would provide a car for the day of your road test as well. Just in case you want to take driving training anyways.
Okay thats cool, is there a cap on the age to take the course?  I'm 25.
As far as I know there is no age cap. The name of the company may be "young" drivers, but I know there was a 28 year old in my class for the practical stuff, so I don't think it matters.
No age cap... my wife is 31 and taking it now. It also reduces your civi car insurance in most Provinces. Good luck!
So I wrote my CFAT today.  Got up at 5:30 am. On the road by 6, got into Sudbury at 10:00 am. I was early for the test which was okay because i just wrote it early.  I did amazing on my test. Much better then I ever expected. Qualified for all trades!  I did my medical and was told I'm medically boring HAHAHA!  Got to go see my eye doctor tomorrow, gotta get glasses (no biggy the librarian look is pretty cute).  And I was told I'm looking at an end of June start date providing everything goes smoothly.  I am so happy I did so well. Tips for CFAT: Stay calm, don't stress out, take your time and listen carefully!  But tahts been said so many times if you get it you get it, if you don't you don't.  So now its a few more weeks of Teletech and then basic!
Congratulations on qualifying for all your trades Dolphado! A lot of us can relate to how good it feels to walk out of the recruiting center with them having said "Congratulations, you qualified for all your choices." Go out and celebrate! :D
thnks everyone so much for all the support. I've been looking forward to this for so long now! Now its just waiting for my call.  ;D
So I have about a week left untill I get my call or call them to see if they have any updates.  I'm so excited. My glasses came in today too so I get to go pick them up tomorrow as well.  I have so much support from everyone. Even people I barely even know.

For example, at my job at Teletech I just finished up my training (had to go through it again since it's been a year and a half since I worked there last). Well we have people who have been there a while helping us out in the classroom getting to know the systems again. This one guy (his name is Jack) is a former service member (he was Airborne) and he gave me his first hooks as a good luck charm fo when I'm in basic! (if I get in) I couldn't believe this. We were talking becuase everyone knows how excited I am for this and he said "I'll have to bring you something as good luck charm". I never imagined it would be that!  If I get in I will so be bringing it with me. I'm going to keep it in my pocket since obviously I can't wear it hahah. But it'll be a very nice reminder of why I'm there when the days get hard.  I know its not much of an update but I felt it was a nice thing to share!