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A two year set back or a chance to try something else?

GOT MY CALL TODAY!!  Sorry for yelling hahahaha, I'm so happy, My start date is June 30th just like the recruiter said! I'll have to call monday to get my swear in date since I wasn't home to get the call and ask but thats no biggy :)
Dolphado said:
GOT MY CALL TODAY!!  Sorry for yelling hahahaha, I'm so happy, My start date is June 30th just like the recruiter said! I'll have to call monday to get my swear in date since I wasn't home to get the call and ask but thats no biggy :)

WOW Dolphado it's great news! I'm very happy for ya good luck!!!
Dolphado said:
GOT MY CALL TODAY!!  Sorry for yelling hahahaha, I'm so happy, My start date is June 30th just like the recruiter said! I'll have to call monday to get my swear in date since I wasn't home to get the call and ask but thats no biggy :)
Whoa, slow down...tell us how you REALLY feel ;D

Honestly, at the moment I huge ball of nerves LOL,  I need to go shopping to make sure I have everything I need * read I get to go shoe shopping sweet!!!!* plus I have to make sure I can get my hubbies Birth certificate (gonna try to overnight it asap) so I can hand that in at Basic.  So much to do and so little time to do it in. I didn't really think it would go this quickly.  But I can definantly say I'm happy and excited!
Congratulations! I'm glad everything went smoothly for you. Keep up the PT. ;)
Oh I am, not tonight (I'm enjoying my evening) but first thing tomorrow morning :D
Okay, so here I am 2 days away from my swear in date.  And these last few weeks have rough!  I've been sick 3 times already!  I had a bad cold in training at my job (picked it up to help cover costs till I get my first pay from the forces) that plugged up my ears so bad I could hardly hear.  I got over that and then picked up a flu bug ravaging its way through the production floor at Teletech as usual!  and managed to loose 5 lbs just from being sick!  And then to boot I ended up on antibiotics for three days for another infection!!  All this since getting  my call and I had been healthy as a damned horse all winter!  Could I have worse luck?  At least I haven't gotten injured mind you I've been trying as hard as possible to avoid that happening.

So my PT has taken a backseat to just staying relatively healthy this past month and its horrible. All the work I did on my push ups and running seems to have amounted to nothing! Please at least let me make the bare minimums in a few days so i don't get RFT'd  I'm hoping adrenaline helps on that day.  On a better note, I've been using my time to learn more about the CF. I've been working on rank structure and trying to put insignia's and rank together on sight. So Far that's going well. Also I've been doing more research on the trade I chose, bases, base housing, things of that nature. I've also been extending my days so I'm up earlier. This way the 5 am wake up at Basic won't kill me ha-ha. Oh and my tongue ring came out the day before yesterday, figured it would be best if I didn't lisp at my swear in.

So Sudbury here I come, me and my small enterage of my Mom, Daddy, Fiance and maybe the Baby too (depends on whether my brother will babysit that day or not ha-ha) All to go watch me sign a few papers and say my oath.  Oh I hope my parents don't cry, I'll end up crying too!  But we plan to make a nice day trip of it so it should be fun. I just wish it was a little later in the afternoon, my Daddy wants to leave at 4:00am, 5:00am at the latest so we have time to stop for coffee and such once we get there.
I thought I would throw this in since someone mentioned it earlier, in regards to Drivers Ed. All the Insurance companies I have phoned say that Drivers Ed will lower your insurance only if you are under 25, after that then it doesn't matter. Now it could just be the people who I was talking to, but they seemed like they were quoting policy.
I'm officailly a Private Recruit as of today at 12 noon! Woot for being a Recruit!  So now its just finishing up my packing until I fly out on the 29th.  Cannot wait!
Congratulations on completing the first step. I know you will be very busy but don't forget your friends on Army.ca and keep us informed of your progress. Maybe you can give back to the forums by providing some realistic input to others who ant to follow your footsteps. Best of Luck and remember to take it one day at a time!

I definantly will be remebering everyone on Army.ca!  I am addicted to the site now, I got hooked ha-ha.  And yes I will try to contribute what I can about what I experience to the benefit of other prospective CF members.
Congrats and best of luck. 
If you have any questions for someone who has recently finished platoon, feel free to ask questions, I graduated BMQ last month and I am currently on OJT awaiting my 3's.  I am quite lucky that I am not on PAT right now!  I am home with my hubby and kids, learning my new job, it's great.
Anyway, smile when you can and never let them see you cry.