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A Deeply Fractured US

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They both just mouth one lie after another.
Biden seems very frail and a bit out of it, like he’s already been sized for a casket. Not good imagery either way for a President.
Did they really just have an argument about golf in a Presidential debate.

As seems to be in vogue, “Jesus wept…”
How far can Joe Biden hit the driver and is his handicap really a 6 with that swing. The real answers Americans need.
Biden has been trying to trigger Trump all night. Trump hasn’t taken the bait. Biden keeps repeating debunked accusations, Trump is correcting the record and not taking Biden's crap. Biden doesn't or won't recognise the troubles the US is in. Trump makes the problems clear.

I haven't been able to understand half of Biden's mumbling. The fact he keeps saying the US is in the greatest shape shows me there's something amiss upstairs. He's tried to bite back on everything Trump has said, except when Trump said he was the Manchurian Candidate and works for China. Joe moved right away from that one and didn't deny it.

No matter, in the big scheme of things, the debate won't change stalwart voters. It's just entertainment.

I will say, to their credit, the normally highly biased CNN moderators are being pretty even to both.
Didn't watch. I gather from the commentary that the politicians and staffers and media that gushed how sharp and energetic Biden was in private might have been telling tall tales?
Didn't watch. I gather from the commentary that the politicians and staffers and media that gushed how sharp and energetic Biden was in private might have been telling tall tales?

Oh yeah. Big time. Biggest misread since the newspaper claimed Dewey won the Presidential election. He was out of action as POTUS for more than 7 days at Camp David. A replica of the TV set in the hanger, drilled by 16 expert people in debate points, not looking after the country. Then they put him on stage, likely pumped up with something, wouldn't look into the camera. Didn't blink and stood there with his mouth open, staring into space. Biden lost a lot of support, even media allies were at a loss for words. Lied about the border, the economy, black support, Ukraine and the ME. His rebuttal on rape and murder by illegal aliens was just bizarre.

Trump kept his cool, brushed off Biden's barbs, made his points in a clear way and flat out won this one. Probably even picked up some of the votes Biden lost.
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Biden’s performance last night has almost certainly assured a win for Trump. Sad.
Who can the Dems bring out to replace Biden? It seems that Harris has even less support than POTUS.
Doesn't matter what Trump's performance was like. His supporters will continue to support and his detractors will continue to oppose. Biden however came across as old, feeble and rambling. Dems and undecides alike will have lost faith and will have trouble voting for Biden. Many may decide to stay home on voting day. The way I see it the only hope the Dems have now is to force Biden to step aside in favour of someone that has a chance against Trump.
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