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A Deeply Fractured US

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I’m thinking my vote will be a write in for Nikki Haley as neither presumptive candidates really make me swoon.
Wait - didn’t she step down? Or can one still vote for a POTUS candidate who isn’t running to be a party’s leader?
Wait - didn’t she step down? Or can one still vote for a POTUS candidate who isn’t running to be a party’s leader?
Yeah you can write in anyone, they aren’t tallied unless eligible to be President.
A curious note out of California's primaries on how the game is played in the Land of the Free.

In the US Senate race, Adam Schiff’s month-long tactic of boosting Republican Steve Garvey, via an expensive ad campaign highlighting the retired baseballer’s conservative credentials, paid off. By night’s end, Schiff and Garvey were far ahead of Schiff’s Democratic rivals, Katie Porter and Barbara Lee—Garvey was, in fact, by Wednesday afternoon, within a hair’s breadth of taking the lead in the four-way race. The results ensure that Schiff will be able to run against a Republican in the November general election rather than against a fellow Democrat, and he ought to be able to consolidate the Democratic Party’s huge electoral advantage in California to ensure his election to the Senate.

As dirty tricks go, Schiff’s strategy was particularly unsavory, but it was also undoubtedly effective. While Barbara Lee’s campaign never really picked up traction, early on in the contest Porter’s candidacy had seemed to be building steam. Schiff’s cynical decision to elevate Garvey’s profile knee-capped her campaign, thus taking out of circulation a leading figure in the next-generation of progressives in the House and one of the most effective Congressional voices against corporate corruption—not to mention a candidate whom Schiff might well have struggled against in a general election campaign once she achieved greater name recognition with voters up and down the state. Congress will, undoubtedly, be the worse for Porter’s absence come 2025.

Schiff, a Democrat, paid for ads to boost his Republican opponents to ensure that his Democrat opponents would be defeated.
A curious note out of California's primaries on how the game is played in the Land of the Free.

Schiff, a Democrat, paid for ads to boost his Republican opponents to ensure that his Democrat opponents would be defeated.
Pretty FUBAR but that’s politics for ya.
A curious note out of California's primaries on how the game is played in the Land of the Free.

Schiff, a Democrat, paid for ads to boost his Republican opponents to ensure that his Democrat opponents would be defeated.
Shifty Adam Schiff. The guy could give Biden a run as the biggest liar.
Pretty FUBAR but that’s politics for ya.
I find it odd that states have anything to do with the selection of candidates by the parties. I can see having runoffs as part of the general election, but California's "top 2" primary system is by my standard f*cked up.
JFK was on a cocktail of drugs including painkillers while in office and the debate on whether Reagan suffered from Alzheimer's while President never ends.

Media personality Joe Rogan reportedly had this to say to his fans,

Joe Rogan claims Trump was on ADDERALL during his presidency

So, on the prescription drugs thing, if I can step away from innuendo and hypotheticals for a minute to something with a strong evidentiary basis, are we at all concerned with what appears to have been rampant malfeasance around prescription drug dispensation by the White House Medical Unit during the previous administration? They had a serious problem there. Certainly much bigger than any single administration figure.

Yup, let's forget about biden, the subject of the convo. Being the Trump bashing thread we have to pull out the whataboutisms, rumours, innuendo and attempted smears on him. Let's make it about Trump so biden isn't caught in the light.

Joe Rogan 'speculated' he was on Adderol. Zero proof.

The WH pharmacy is not under the POTUS direct control, that is other people's fault.

There is zero evidence of Trump taking narcotics or being a frequent flyer of the pharmacy.

"Certainly much bigger than any single administration figure." You know this as fact right?

You wanted to step away from hypotheticals and innuendo, but jumped right to it. C'mon, you're better than this.

Of course we won't mention cocaine laying around in secure areas of the Biden WH, that disappeared along with the investigation.

Your link is paywalled.
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Wouldn't be a first. JFK was on a cocktail of drugs including painkillers while in office and the debate on whether Reagan suffered from Alzheimer's while President never ends.

So, it's OK if Biden is deficient as long as he keeps taking drugs like other Presidents.

Got it. I have no idea why we're even discussing it then, if past practice absolved him of fault.
Yup, let's forget about biden, the subject of the convo. Being the Trump bashing thread we have to pull out the whataboutisms, rumours, innuendo and attempted smears on him. Let's make it about Trump so biden isn't caught in the light.

Joe Rogan 'speculated' he was on Adderol. Zero proof.

The WH pharmacy is not under the POTUS direct control, that is other people's fault.

There is zero evidence of Trump taking narcotics or being a frequent flyer of the pharmacy.

"Certainly much bigger than any single administration figure." You know this as fact right?

You wanted to step away from hypotheticals and innuendo, but jumped right to it. C'mon, you're better than this.

Of course we won't mention cocaine laying around in secure areas of the Biden WH, that disappeared along with the investigation.

Your link is paywalled.

It's topical. I asked to confirm earlier that prescribed drugs would at least be a concern, and you did in fact confirm that in at least some context. Now, there is of course no actual evidence anyone has presented in this thread that Biden is on any medication for his faculties or any other mental thing; it's utterly speculative however much you may want it to be true. I'm not qualified to speak to the clinical significance of Trump's constant rambling, his frequent significant sweating while giving speeches, the way he's all over the place and unfocused during some of his public speaking. It's certainly as reasonable to suppose he is suffering from cognitive decline as it is to guess Biden might be. As they're both contenders for president, speaking of both is fair game.

Since you and others were keen to suggest Biden may be on drugs, I thought it worth pointing out that there was a pretty significant prescription drug problem in the White House during the last presidency. It seems prudent to worry that might become an issue again in a second Trump administration. And yes, it's VERY clearly an issue larger than just one individual. IF the article is paywalled for you and you don't care to look it up from any of the many other sources that have covered the story since, that's fine- but then you may have to take my word for it that the reporting on the internal investigations showed a very widespread problem there with many people involved. If you care enough to comment further I'm sure you can find other coverage of it or circumvent the paywall like we all regularly do.
So, on the prescription drugs thing, if I can step away from innuendo and hypotheticals for a minute to something with a strong evidentiary basis, are we at all concerned with what appears to have been rampant malfeasance around prescription drug dispensation by the White House Medical Unit during the previous administration? They had a serious problem there. Certainly much bigger than any single administration figure.
It's paywalled. What were people getting? Stuff to stay awake? Stuff to focus concentration? Stuff to help them sleep? Stuff to help them party?

The president, as a "single administration figure" who also happens to be exactly the centre of executive authority of the most militarily and economically powerful nation, is a bigger deal than any number of staffers getting freebies to which they're not entitled.

[Add: So a guy named Ronny Jackson was running the show, and there were basically 3 main issues. 1, people receiving freebies who were not entitled to them (money). 2, wildly overpaying for name brand instead of generics (money). 3, almost no controls (abuse and safety). And what they were using a lot of was stuff to help with sleep, and stuff to help with staying awake. A scandal, sure. Not within a couple of orders of magnitude of worrying whether the mental state of the president might be deficient because of age-related decline, or deficient because of drugs being used to offset age-related decline.]
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It's paywalled. What were people getting? Stuff to stay awake? Stuff to focus concentration? Stuff to help them sleep? Stuff to help them party?

The president, as a "single administration figure" who also happens to be exactly the centre of executive authority of the most militarily and economically powerful nation, is a bigger deal than any number of staffers getting freebies to which they're not entitled.

All kinds of stuff, it appears. Uppers, downers, opiates… Pretty much a laundry list of what not to do when storing and dispensing scheduled prescription drugs. It was prolonged and widespread.

I consider it mostly an internal governance issue within the White House Medical Unit, and an oversight failure by DOD, but that’s supply side. The corresponding demand seems to have been considerable, and of necessity confined to those within or closely linked to the White House.

Finding C of the report is interesting. Seems their was a lack of guidance from the DHA so there were individual interpretations of policy at all levels.
Findings DODIG‑2024‑044 │ 43
Finding C
The Defense Health Agency Did Not Establish
Policies, Procedures, and Guidance for Executive
Medicine Services Within the National Capital Region
Medical Directorate
The DHA did not establish policies, procedures, and guidance for executive
medicine services in the National Capital Region Medical Directorate (NCRMD).
The NCRMD’s executive medicine facilities did not have consistent eligibility
criteria for determining enrollment into executive medicine services. Some NCRMD
executive medicine facilities allowed certain senior officials of the U.S. Government,
active duty flag officers and general officers, and their families, to enroll in care
while other facilities extended eligibility to military‑enlisted senior leaders, retired
flag officers and general officers, and their families.
Here's the WngO for the report.

The Executive Branch for sure knew about it through briefings, but they weren't copied on it.

So, we had a post, citing an internet influencer, as Trump, maybe, could be, acts like it, I'm a dummy and don't know shit, taking Adderol. No proof, no fact checking, just a cheap gotcha moment.

Yet somehow we ended up talking about something that had nothing to do with Trump. Malfeasance in a government entity. Like when did that ever happen before?

This is a dead end. Why don't we let it go and move on?
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