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A Deeply Fractured US

How dare you put “context” and “facts” in this conversation?!
This reminds me of that video that circulate among conservatives of Trudeau saying something like "I know it is against the charter and violates your rights, but I am going to do it anyway," but it was a clip of a longer statement that started with "I don't like the notwithstanding clause, because using it means you are saying 'I know it is against the charter...'"
Bowed head at that kind of assembly is unremarkable; once again, context matters. I could wish everyone here were so attentive to context when quoting fragments and referring to short snippets of video.

Biden is in enough trouble for other Maui-related gaffes that this isn't going to rehabilitate his image. He isn't well-liked there at the moment.
We could talk about his speech where he went on a rambling anecdote comparing his kitchen fire to the Maui conflagration to show he understands the pain the islanders are feeling.🙄

If he's not plagiarizing someone else's experience, words, speechs or incidents, he embellishes things to where they no longer have any semblance to the original incident.

Of course plagiarism, embellishments, blatant self promotion, etc, are just weasel words for lying. Something Biden does almost daily when speaking to America.
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I'm not sure he plagiarizes with intent, or lies (much). Some of his onion belt staples have been repeated so often over so much time that they may simply be what he recollects to be true.
I'm not sure he plagiarizes with intent, or lies (much). Some of his onion belt staples have been repeated so often over so much time that they may simply be what he recollects to be true.
He has been caught, flat out, using parts of other people's speeches and attributing them to himself. Or how about his school record? His IQ. More fabrication. If his memory is that bad that he can't determine if he is lying or not or his experience is lifted from someone else, he is too damaged to be POTUS. It means his mind is at the Mad Hatter's tea party and not at the nation's business.
He has been caught, flat out, using parts of other people's speeches and attributing them to himself. Or how about his school record? His IQ. More fabrication. If his memory is that bad that he can't determine if he is lying or not or his experience is lifted from someone else, he is too damaged to be POTUS. It means his mind is at the Mad Hatter's tea party and not at the nation's business.
Yes, but - intent. If he thinks he's saying things that belong to him, and telling the truth, he lacks intent to plagiarize or lie. It's certainly easy enough to forget the truth of how something went down - I often compare recollections with friends and relatives, and the "truth" only emerges after a bunch "I remember it as...", "No, no, it went this way...", "Oh, yeah...". It should be taken as given that his mind is less than it was; that's just what happens with age. Whether or not it is "good enough" is up to voters; or, if things are really bad, a cabinet vote.

I suspect Democrats are gambling if they force voters to choose between Trump and Biden, especially if Biden's VP pick is Harris again and Trump chooses someone within "normal parameters" (borrowing from PJ O'Rourke). Nate Silver said his model gave Trump about 1/3 chance immediately before the 2016 election. Assuming Trump's chances are not better, but not a lot worse, I wonder how many people really want to roll the dice on a 1/4 to 1/3 shot.
So they lied to the Grand Jury the first time. Who is to say they aren't lying again due to some favour from Smith? Zero credibility. Makes sense though, Trump just jumped above biden in numbers, again. Typical of the DOJ timeline, when biden starts slipping, starts looking demented in public, claims too much bad press, Trump get indicted again or Smith finds more charges.
Yes, but - intent. If he thinks he's saying things that belong to him, and telling the truth, he lacks intent to plagiarize or lie. It's certainly easy enough to forget the truth of how something went down - I often compare recollections with friends and relatives, and the "truth" only emerges after a bunch "I remember it as...", "No, no, it went this way...", "Oh, yeah...". It should be taken as given that his mind is less than it was; that's just what happens with age. Whether or not it is "good enough" is up to voters; or, if things are really bad, a cabinet vote.

I suspect Democrats are gambling if they force voters to choose between Trump and Biden, especially if Biden's VP pick is Harris again and Trump chooses someone within "normal parameters" (borrowing from PJ O'Rourke). Nate Silver said his model gave Trump about 1/3 chance immediately before the 2016 election. Assuming Trump's chances are not better, but not a lot worse, I wonder how many people really want to roll the dice on a 1/4 to 1/3 shot.
His numbers just jumped up further above biden. And he has gained more points above his primary opponents. He's turning himself in today in Georgia, I'll bet his numbers go up again.
So they lied to the Grand Jury the first time. Who is to say they aren't lying again due to some favour from Smith? Zero credibility.

Witness credibility issues aren’t a new or unusual challenge. If prosecutors intend to use this witness - which they obviously do based on the indictment - they will bolster the testimony with corroborating evidence like seized communications, maybe surveillance video, corroborative testimony from other witnesses whose credibility is not so impugned, etc etc. They already have enough to have advised this witness that he was the target of a perjury investigation, whereupon he dumped his Trump- paid lawyer, got a different one, and came clean about the conspiracy to delete security footage.

Makes sense though, Trump just jumped above biden in numbers, again. Typical of the DOJ timeline, when biden starts slipping, starts looking demented in public, claims too much bad press, Trump get indicted again or Smith finds more charges.

Nice try, but no. As explained in the government’s filing on this mayter, the flip was accomplished by early July based on evidence amassed in April. The DOJ actually requested permission to file this under seal - I.e., not visible to the public - as part of a conflict of interest hearing. The Trump lawyer representing the flipped witness was now representing two separate clients with very divergent interests. Judge Cannon refused permission to take this filing under seal, so prosecutors shrugged, filed it openly; and showed us all this rather significant development in the case.

By all means try to write this off as distraction from Trump’s polls, but no, this is simply a complex prosecution of multiple accused rolling forward the way it does.

As you yourself have said before, there’s only one poll that actually matters, and that will be in November. I’m quite sure prosecutors don’t factor Rasmussen or YouGov etc. into their strategy.
I’m going to give POTUS credit for an epic burn.

Nikki Haley actually took multiple shots at Trump on the debate too. Both on his economic record and the fact he’s despised.

She also came out swinging in defense of Ukraine

Trump is unelectable at over 2/3rds of our voters actively despise him.

For those that didn’t watch it, Adam K sums it up perfectly based on my experience.
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So they lied to the Grand Jury the first time. Who is to say they aren't lying again due to some favour from Smith? Zero credibility. Makes sense though, Trump just jumped above biden in numbers, again. Typical of the DOJ timeline, when biden starts slipping, starts looking demented in public, claims too much bad press, Trump get indicted again or Smith finds more charges.
Are you seriously saying that Jack Smith is producing unwarrented charges, including presenting evidence and testimony and convincing grand jury members that said evidence and testimony is reliable, on an "as needed" basis in order to keep Trumps polling numbers lower than Biden's?
So they lied to the Grand Jury the first time. Who is to say they aren't lying again due to some favour from Smith? Zero credibility. Makes sense though, Trump just jumped above biden in numbers, again. Typical of the DOJ timeline, when biden starts slipping, starts looking demented in public, claims too much bad press, Trump get indicted again or Smith finds more charges.
Do you think Trump’s legal team will attempt to use his and Biden’s polling numbers as a way to have this case dismissed?