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A Deeply Fractured US

Could you find a more biased source? There are a lot of #lys there that imply a lot that aren't based on any real facts.

Is it even a sweetheart plea deal for those particular charges for someone with no prior convictions?
Oh, you wanted a more biased source? Very well then. Here: https://www.cnn.com/
Oh, you wanted a more biased source? Very well then. Here: https://www.cnn.com/
Ah yes, whataboutism, well done.

Charlie Sheen Applause GIF
Consider it a free public service. If nobody said or posted anything to the contrary of your hardened narrow views, you'd go your whole life only seeing one side. Think about how boring that would be.
Consider it a free public service. If nobody said or posted anything to the contrary of your hardened narrow views, you'd go your whole life only seeing one side. Think about how boring that would be.
Yes, narrow hardened views that ask for trifling things like facts and evidence, and then form/update an opinion based on the info available at the time.

I normally read things from a number of sources for that reason, and then filter them based on credibility of their argument (ie what actual evidence they have behind their argument). I change my mind on things all the time when learning new things.

Speculation based on what would happen in comparable cases is fine, the 'secondly' through 'sixthly' points were all made up bullshitting.

From what I can tell, the plea seems to be within the reasonable scope for a cooperating defendant with no priors for those charges (especially given how much difference it makes being able to afford a decent lawyer on the outcome). If they have evidence of other criminal acts, charge away, I don't really care.

There is no real indication there are more charges pending, and all the politicians attacking the justice system aren't basing it on anything real, so well done on undermining a fundamental pillar of democracy in some weird attempt to score votes. They can share a partisan stage fiddling while their country falls apart I guess.
Well the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden is a Trump appointee and spent five years on the case which kind of makes it hard to suggest that Biden is getting special treatment.
Trump's appointees at that level were based on recommendations by the DOJ/AG. They aren't Trump's buddies - LOL
It sounds like the prosecutor in the Hunter Biden investigation is a very experienced, independent, and objective guy. I see nothing suggesting partisan considerations would factor into this either way. His bio reads as simple professionalism.

Does any of these particular issues really impact any of you. I have weighed in some reporting/discussion because I like a good discussion. The amount of vitriol is rising, which signifies either an entrenched position, or a propensity to engage in arguments. Neither of which are a productive use of your time.
Does any of these particular issues really impact any of you. I have weighed in some reporting/discussion because I like a good discussion. The amount of vitriol is rising, which signifies either an entrenched position, or a propensity to engage in arguments. Neither of which are a productive use of your time.

Speaking for myself, I’m in the ‘interesting discussion’ camp. I like adding informed perspectives, analyses, and facts when I encounter them.
Anything coming out of Washington DC is political and always has another angle and that is the case regardless of the party or people in power. I don't doubt that Trump has some dirt and was stupid at times. I also believe that of Clinton and Biden. Not to mention Bush and Obama. By the time you get up to that level you owe your soul to many people.
Thankfully it's not the bureaucrats who decide the leader of your country... err never mind, seems history is demonstrating they have a level of influence over and above ever intended.
So are you suggesting that something has changed, and that bureaucrats now do decide the leader of the US? If so, then what do you believe changed that, and when?
So are you suggesting that something has changed, and that bureaucrats now do decide the leader of the US? If so, then what do you believe changed that, and when?

LOL - I sure hope you're better at interviews than this when you try and elicit a statement in a real file.
Speaking for myself, I’m in the ‘interesting discussion’ camp. I like adding informed perspectives, analyses, and facts when I encounter them.

My wife is eligible to vote in their elections. So, I value your informed perspectives, analyses, and facts.

I also appreciate that you don't drag "whataboutism", and Canada into it.

Other than family members is there anyone who worked with DJT as POTUS that thinks he’s a legitimate option to return to power?

That was discussed on Fox News the other day.
