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A Deeply Fractured US

My take on this Trump arrested and charged affair

I don't like Trump. I never did. He has always been an arrogant asshole that treats his wives (note the plural) like garbage. I have deep respect for honouring family and marriage.

That being said, I feel he was a far better choice than Clinton was in the '16 presidential election (look up Trey Gawdy and the way he went after her, Clinton is a real slimey politically manipulative POS)

Now, I thought Trump might drastically improve the American economy (and potential for Canada to ride on the coat tails), but no. I think he fizzled out badly on improving Yankee economy.

However, these charges on Trump strike me as very weak and low probability (according to lawyers from both republicans and dems) of conviction. It does seem odd, this all came up after he announced he was running for the Republican nomination for 2024. Mmm Timing a little coincidental.

IF Trump beats these charges, then their will be political fall out. First it politically martyrs Trump (that makes me sick to be honest). Next it PUTS everyone in the political sphere under the most ridiculous scrutiny. It may very well give the republicans a win for 2024.

I wish Trump just enjoyed his time as Pres and went off into the sunset. However his ego couldn't let it go, I guess.

Is this justice or petty politics?
I wish Trump just enjoyed his time as Pres and went off into the sunset. However his ego couldn't let it go, I guess.

Is this justice or petty politics?

There was so much scandal surrounding his presidency (the Russia collusion hoax for example) that he can't just let it go. That is not in his nature. He'll let it go when he's dead and buried.
Trump Break.

This is the swamp that needs drained. Maybe this can be "both sides'd", maybe not. Some may reflexively defend to the position of "of course the powerful float in powerful circles", but regardless of political affiliation one cannot bemoan the establishment/elites/ etc and simultaneously condone blatant influence buying.
Institutions in the US have so damaged their credibility going after Trump for the last seven years that I think it will be almost impossible to dig out of the hole they are in while the country remains irreconcilably divided. There is only one way to reset this and that is a Trump POTUS 47 followed by a house cleaning of epic proportions, then resignation after two or three years into the term and handover to the VP (hopefully Tulsi Gabbard) to finish the term and run for a second. You could even call it the "Great Reset"!
This was sarcasm right?
Tulsi Gabard should be in jail, she a raving fuckstick of epic proportions who makes MTG look normal.
Gabbard? This happen since she recently became independent, or all during the years she was a Democrat?
It does seem odd, this all came up after he announced he was running for the Republican nomination for 2024. Mmm Timing a little coincidental.

No it didn’t. This all goes back to at least 2019. It’s a continuation of the same investigation that saw the Trump Organization and Allen Weisselberg criminally convicted. It simply took years of fighting in court for prosecutors to eventually get all the records they were seeking and to pierce various privilege claims to the point where Trump himself was indicted. This is by no means a matter of a criminal investigation having started after he announced his political intentions. It started even before the last election.
Trump Break.

This is the swamp that needs drained. Maybe this can be "both sides'd", maybe not. Some may reflexively defend to the position of "of course the powerful float in powerful circles", but regardless of political affiliation one cannot bemoan the establishment/elites/ etc and simultaneously condone blatant influence buying.
You have proof of influence buying? I mean if it's so blatant you must have some pretty compelling evidence. An unknown faceless judge making comment is hearsay. Thomas has been personal friends with the guy for decades. There was nothing secret about it. Don't try make a conflagration out of some cigar smoke. The democrats want his seat and have been playing gotcha with him since Biden took over.
You have proof of influence buying? I mean if it's so blatant you must have some pretty compelling evidence. An unknown faceless judge making comment is hearsay. Thomas has been personal friends with the guy for decades. There was nothing secret about it.

Just so we're clear, are you
A. disputing the accuracy of the article and it's supporting flight logs, staff accounts, and pictures
B. stating your personally belief that regardless of political affiliation or leanings it is A-OK for a senior official to accept millions in undisclosed gifts and perks to spend large amounts of time with a carefully curated list of influencers, so long as that official claims friendship with their financier, regardless of that friendship being cultivated formed after their rise to power?
Just so we're clear, are you
A. disputing the accuracy of the article and it's supporting flight logs, staff accounts, and pictures
B. stating your personally belief that regardless of political affiliation or leanings it is A-OK for a senior official to accept millions in undisclosed gifts and perks to spend large amounts of time with a carefully curated list of influencers, so long as that official claims friendship with their financier, regardless of that friendship being cultivated formed after their rise to power?
The Aga Khan enters the chat...

From Wikipedia:
Justin Trudeau adopted the position that he and the Aga Khan were close friends, and the trips were of a personal nature.[5] This was ostensibly supported by a close relationship between Trudeau’s father, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, and the Aga Khan. Furthermore in 1983, when Justin Trudeau was twelve years old, their two families had undertaken a vacation together to Greece.
So does Justin get a pass on this now?
Despite divisions in the US, I think we all can agree: This is what America is all about.

A friend of mine, not knowing what it was rented that movie for the young kids during a friend party. They are like the Thunderbird he said to himself. The idea change when is daughter came outside asking if it's normal when someone s*** on somebody else... DVD on stop :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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A friend of mine, not knowing what it was rented that movie for the young kids during a friend party. They are like the Thunderbird he said to himself. The idea change when is daughter came outside asking if it's normal when someone s*** on somebody else... DVD on stop :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

“Oh hey, American post-9/11 imperialism as portrayed by puppets! No way this can be too bad.”
