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9 mm pistol as secondary weapon

Wonderbread said:
It's one thing to say that everyone from Pte to LCOL shoots pistols on the range.  It's quite another to say that everyone from Pte to LCOL is each issued a pistol on ex and overseas.  While the former happens often, the latter is pretty far removed from reality.  COBRA-6 is pretty accurate in his statement that pistols are allocated based on rank.

Within my organization during Ex Provincial Guardian, everyone from myself (the Pte) through the MCpls, Sgts, RSM and CO were carrying sidearms in addition to their long barrel weapons, with the intent that it would be the same when we head overseas in the spring. The ones that weren't carring pistols were the odd Infantry section and a few of the CSS types.
Snaketnk said:
Within my organization during Ex Provincial Guardian, everyone from myself (the Pte) through the MCpls, Sgts, RSM and CO were carrying sidearms in addition to their long barrel weapons, with the intent that it would be the same when we head overseas in the spring. The ones that weren't carring pistols were the odd Infantry section and a few of the CSS types.

I agree that this should be the norm, however there is no doctrine to support it either way. The current allocation is varried dependant on individual units/org as far as who gets one. If you look at pistols on the TO&E for TFA it was almost exactly based on rank, with MCpls or Sgts and up allocated pistols, except for a few orgs that have SOPs to issue pistols to others based on the positions they held (i.e. some Armd crewmen). However, there are almost enough pistols in theatre to issue one to everyone, which suggests that far more are issued out than captured on the TO&E. This is not a bad thing, it just indicates that we need to capture why this is happening  and update our doctrine accordingly.
PMedMoe said:
Give it up.  As you stated elsewhere, we all die the same, regardless of education location.

Yes we all do die the same under the same circumstances.WTF does that have to do with anything?
You tell me about your firefight to occupy Canada house,4 IED's heading down to the boardwalk and I'll agree with you.Otherwise your totally wrong.And your comment above added nothing to the discussion of 9mm.Infact your comment had nothing to do with it besides saying you agree with one poster and a little dig at myself.

As for dying the same due to location I believe you should read the news and haul out a map.Sorry...it isnt.Your wrong.

As for the other little dig you threw out there.Explain to me how a PHD student will survive due to an education?Are the taliban giving skill testing questions at IED strikes now?Again your comment makes no sense.

Anywho I bit your bait.I'll head off and live life for a bit (outside..stuff like that) .You can sit here hitting refresh until I return in a few day. Or you can realize your totally wrong.Which you are.

Both of you can take your pissing contest to PMs, if you wish to continue. Your ongoing fued is getting tiresome. Both of you grow up. If you can't interact civily, quit talking to each other. We won't put up with it here anymore.

Milnet.ca Staff