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4 dead in Afghan protests over cartoon of prophet


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4 dead in Afghan protests over cartoon of prophet
Last Updated Mon, 06 Feb 2006 09:26:11 EST
CBC News
As many as four people were killed in Afghanistan on Monday during new protests in the Middle East and Asia against the publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammad.

Police fired at demonstrators in the eastern Afghan city of Mihtarlam after a police station was attacked, said authorities.

Hours later, American troops fired on a crowd outside a U.S. military base in Bagram, killing two more people.

Provincial officials said members of the Taliban and al-Qaeda incited the crowd, which called for the expulsion of Danish peacekeepers from Afghanistan.

Riots and protests began more than a week ago, after cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammad appeared in a Danish newspaper. Islam forbids depicting Mohammad out of concern that it could lead to idolatry, and many Muslims believe using images of the prophet to be blasphemous and offensive.

But more newspapers in various countries have reprinted the cartoons, resulting in clashes over freedom of expression and respect for religious beliefs.

On Monday, demonstrators in the Afghan capital Kabul attacked the Danish Embassy with stones and burned a Danish flag.

Noisy but mostly peaceful protests also were held in Indonesia, India and Thailand as Muslims threw rocks at Danish consulates.

In Tehran, protesters threw fire bombs at the Austrian Embassy, but it didn't catch fire. Austria heads the European Union.

European leaders have appealed for calm. A joint plea from the prime ministers of Turkey and Spain was published Monday in an international newspaper.

"We shall all be the losers if we fail to immediately defuse this situation," said Tayyip Erdogan and Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero in the International Herald Tribune.

On Sunday, demonstrators in Syria burned down the Danish and Norwegian embassies, while the Chilean and Swedish missions were damaged in the blaze. The Danish Embassy in Beirut was also torched in weekend violence.

Man, I used to live right next to the Norwegian embassy in Damascus. Crazy. At least the rioters in Afghanistan are only asking for the Danish "peacekeepers".

Think this may cause a lot of tension between Danish troops and locals in the sandbox?

Yup.  Lot's of stuff happening near by.  First time I've ever seen the ANP and KCP in all out riot gear...helmets, shields, batons, the works!

Uh-oh....  :-\

I found myself uncomfortably close to a riot here a few months ago, but they all ran off when the KCP went at them with huge beat-down rods and the cannon from the fire truck. For a moment it looked like the Palace Guards were going to open up on the crowd with the GPMG mounted on the back of their pick-up... madness!

Closely watching the security situation, hope it settles down soon...
I have tried to go on an Islamic forum to try to find out why the reaction is so strong toward any criticism or humour by Westerners (the rules of the forums are so stringent that any criticism of Islam is immediately turned into a ban)directed toward anything Islam, but at the same time it seems ok to them for Islam folks to crap all over anything Western, ie flaming flags, burning embassies, killing innocent Western women and children. I don't get it. The message I get form the Islamic community is this; We can do anything to you we want, but don't you dare do anything to us. Are these people that naive?

I think the Islam movement  needs to get their collective heads out of the sand and smell the coffee. There is a great big world out there, and only a small part of it is Islam, so get over yourselves already...jeez! I am trying hard to be politically correct here but it is tough given the one sided thinking by these people.
gnplummer421 said:
I have tried to go on an Islamic forum to try to find out why the reaction is so strong toward any criticism or humour by Westerners (the rules of the forums are so stringent that any criticism of Islam is immediately turned into a ban)directed toward anything Islam, but at the same time it seems ok to them for Islam folks to crap all over anything Western, ie flaming flags, burning embassies, killing innocent Western women and children. I don't get it. The message I get form the Islamic community is this; We can do anything to you we want, but don't you dare do anything to us. Are these people that naive?

It has nothing to do with being naive.  They beleive that their religion is the only true religion; that anyone who does not follow their beleifs is an Infidel not worthy of the same status as true beleivers.  At best their culture tolerates infidels while treating them as second-class citizens, at worst it encourages killing them at any opportunity.  When you beleive yourself to be better than everyone else, there's nothing "naive" or hypocritical about acting the way they've been acting.  Just like there was nothing naive about the way the Germans acted in WW2.  It might be insane, but it's not naive.
These people truly need help. All this over a cartoon....and you wonder why people dont wish to deal with you people. ::)
Well today, we had about 20 or so rounds of 7.62 go flying up into the air around us (I think from the US and PAK installation guards near us)...large crowd came by our loc on way to Danish Embassy...again...and pelted our place with stones and crap.  Our guards locked down the compound then advised us that we might want to get "our stuff too"...  Not required in the end, but sounded like a very angry bunch of folks...

Not sure things have hit their peak yet...it would be more helpful with a greater literacy level, as many act on what their Immam tells then to do...


Rioters clash with police and NATO peacekeepers over prophet cartoons
13:05:07 EST Feb 7, 2006
KABUL (AP) - NATO peacekeepers exchanged fire with protesters who attacked their base Tuesday in a second straight day of deadly demonstrations in Afghanistan over the publication of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad, officials said. Three demonstrators were killed and dozens wounded.

In neighbouring Pakistan, 5,000 people chanting "Hang the man who insulted the Prophet" burned effigies of one cartoonist and Denmark's prime minister. Citizens from Denmark - where the images were first published - were advised to leave Indonesia, the world's most populous Islamic nation, because of safety fears.

A prominent Iranian newspaper said it would hold a competition for cartoons on the Holocaust in reaction to European newspapers publishing the Prophet drawings, and Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, said the publication of the cartoons was an Israeli conspiracy motivated by anger over the victory of the militant Hamas group in the Palestinian elections last month.

The European Union, in turn, warned Iran that attempts to boycott Danish goods or cancel trade contracts with European countries would lead to a further deterioration in relations.

The drawings - including one depicting the Prophet wearing a bomb-shaped turban - have touched a raw nerve, in part because Islam forbids any illustrations of the Prophet Muhammad for fear they could lead to idolatry.

The most violent demonstrations were in Afghanistan, where thousands of rioters clashed with police and NATO peacekeepers across the country.

About 250 protesters armed with assault rifles and grenades attacked the NATO base in the northwestern town of Maymana, burning an armoured vehicle, a UN car and guard posts, said a doctor at Maymana Hospital.

Some in the crowd fired light weapons and threw stones and hand grenades, and Norwegian troops responded with tear gas, rubber bullets and warning shots, said Sverre Diesen, commander of Norwegian forces.

Three protesters were shot to death and 25 were wounded. It wasn't clear who killed the protesters.

Two Norwegian and two Finnish soldiers were slightly hurt, Diesen told reporters in Oslo.

The United Nations pulled its staff out of Maymana, near Afghanistan's border with Turkmenistan, and NATO peacekeepers rushed reinforcements to the remote town.

In the capital, Kabul, police used batons to beat protesters outside the Danish diplomatic mission office and near the offices of the World Bank.

More than 3,000 protesters threw stones at government buildings and an Italian peacekeeping base in the western city of Herat.

About 5,000 people clashed with police in the town of Pulikhumri, north of Kabul, and the windows of several buildings and cars were smashed.

Four people died and 19 were injured Monday in demonstrations in Afghanistan.

Muslim anger has been directed at Denmark, where the cartoons were first printed in a newspaper in September. Danish missions have been attacked and boycotts of Danish products launched in many Muslim countries.

The cartoons have since been reprinted by media outlets in other European countries, the United States and elsewhere - sometimes to illustrate stories about the controversy but also by some who say they were supporting free speech.

In India's portion of the disputed region of Kashmir, police fired tear gas to disperse hundreds of protesters. At least six protesters and two police were injured in the clash.

The protest in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar was the largest to date in that Muslim country against the prophet drawings. There were no reports of violence.

Chief Minister Akram Durrani, the province's top elected official who led the rally, demanded the cartoonists "be punished like a terrorist."

"Islam is a religion of peace. It insists that all other religions and faiths should be respected," he told the crowd. "Nobody has the right to insult Islam and hurt the feelings of Muslims."

Danish citizens were also advised to leave Indonesia, where rowdy protests were held in at least four cities Tuesday. Danish missions, which have been repeatedly targeted by protesters, have been shut because of security concerns, said Niels Erik Anderson, the country's ambassador to Indonesia.

Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said his government had temporarily closed diplomatic missions in Palestinian territories - where it shares a building with the Danish mission. He warned his citizens to be wary if travelling to the Middle East.

The Iranian newspaper Hamshahri invited foreign cartoonists to enter its Holocaust cartoon competition, which it said would be launched Monday. The newspaper is owned by the Tehran Municipality, which is dominated by allies of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who is well known for his opposition to Israel.

© The Canadian Press, 2006

Sounds like it's heating up. Take care all of you who are over there
gnplummer421 said:
The message I get form the Islamic community is this; We can do anything to you we want, but don't you dare do anything to us.
Sounds very childish... This is exactly what I meant in the original thread about the cartoons when I wrote that they (radical Islamists) should "grow up".
I think Iraq has a very mature approach to the situation: they chose the economic and diplomatic measures route. THAT is the way adults should act; they have a right to be infuriated by something and to take measures, but nobody can go around destroying public property and killing people for a few cartoons. No matter what !!
Apparently there are two more days of "protests" planned.

At least its Afghani verus Afghani for most of it. 

And to think I saw a Danish surf that was mud covered but for the Danish Flag decal they had cleaned right off to be prominent  ::)
Some pics from Kabul.









I have been trying to find the "comic" on the net but no such luck, I saw it briefly on the news and from far, it really did not seem that bad. I am wondering though, with the deployment of several hundred more Danish troops eminent, as well as British and Canadian for that matter, will the carton combined with the increase of troop levels cause more rioting and hatred towards the "infidel West"? Will this anger towards the Danes also translate into more attacks on NATO troops in the Kandahar region?
edit scm77 got them all so I removed the one

Just a link as I dont want army.ca fireombed by some fruitcakes.

C/ M.Bdr. Banks said:
I have been trying to find the "comic" on the net but no such luck, I saw it briefly on the news and from far, it really did not seem that bad.

Here are all 12 cartoons in one large picture.  You may need to click on the image to get it to show full size.
   My God what pagan puppets , for a religion that has no problem protraying  other cultures  and religions they sure seem able to give it but they cant take it . Welcome to the 21st  Century Aknad ,  unfortunately there 'civilization' is 600 years behind the times and little slow on the uptake , these cartoons were printed last September . I was rather dissappointed with the cartoons they were fairly lame , funny how a society can be enraged by a stupid cartoon but not enraged by acts of barbarity . Pagans , mindless easily manipulated ignorant illiterate pagan puppets .
So this would include all the pagan puppet Muslims that have been speaking out against the senseless violence perpetrated by their fellow Muslims. Or is your brush just stuck on the 'broad' setting? Cut back on the hate a bit and use reason in your rhetoric.
Well, Cannonfodder just "...opened [his] mouth and proved it."
Sounds similar to the occurances when the Koran was supposably flushed in Q Bay last spring.

Thanks to this last post of yours, I now know that rioting Islamics are not the only
Cannonfodder said:
mindless easily manipulated ignorant illiterate pagan puppets .
real soldiers have to deal with around here.

    They are doing nothing for there cause other than catering to western stereotypes . Religion is a tool that can be manipulated to control the masses . An ignorant society that has not yet seperated religion from there national affairs .