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25 Skills Every Man Should Know - Popular Mechanics article

I've used that one too Flip ... (without the fraggin' the neighbourhood part)

Neat eh??  :D

Look at Mortarman dragging this thread into the gutter ...

ArmyVern said:
Look at Mortarman dragging this thread into the gutter ...

Oh, it went there as soon as Petroleum Jelly was mentioned.  I only followed the natural path of least resistance!

(I see the "devil" smiley: where is the "angel" smiley?)
The best part of it was, the neighbor was "Mr. Macho." millionaire
with a 100+ firearms collection and an attitude no one liked.

The left handed way Dad chewed me out was pure gold!

Vern! - You mad bolt bombs as a kid?!?

I'm swooning. ;D

This thread is a mess isn't it?
Flip said:
Vern! - You mad bolt bombs as a kid?!?

Well, this one time for Christmas in Germany my brother got this remote control tank (you know the kind with cord running to it with the hand control ... I AM old -- dammit even older shortly) ... and I kind of experimented with some matchbooks, glycerine etc (the secrets you can learn from dads who are Scout leaders) ... and blew 'er to bits on the playground in between our Qs (mysteriousmind will know the playground!!).

The kids?? We loved it!! The parents who flew out onto their balconies?? No sooooo much.  :-\

My parents?? Were more pissed off that I blew it up before New Years had even arrived.
The "incident" considering bolts was the pinnacle and the abrupt end of
a stellar career in home made ordinance.

These bolts were very large and there was something else between them as well. ::)

The first time - a little pop.
The second time had me wishing there was an off switch.

The nut gouged the neighbors fence.
One bolt came skipping across the concrete toward me, and dented the
garage door behind me.

Then out came the neighbor - white as a sheet - Wotcha do-in ? he asked.
Nothin, I said.  He had been flipping burgers when a chunk of stucco was
knocked off his house - right above his head! He had the bolt in his hand.

He took all of my nuts and bolts right there.

That's it folks - my only "war story".  ;D

P.S. - Mr Macho only mentioned all this to Dad at a cocktail party two weeks later.
Cool eh?

I think that the ability to construct and fire a potato cannon should be "on the list".  I have a stellar example of a potato cannon.  It is kick-ass, and is a 30mm L/42.  I may go for a larger "L" value next time :D
Mortarman Rockpainter said:
(I see the "devil" smiley: where is the "angel" smiley?)


GreyMatter said:
Wait a sec... so you carry magnesium, cotton balls and petroleum jelly with you every time you go into the woods? 
I never before, but now I will  ;D
To drag this train wreck back onto the rails, and I should have expected it...

When I said we should create a similiar list of 25 skills for women, I was referring to actual life skills similiar to what was listed for men, not a fantasy listing of 25 bedroom olympics skills...  ::)
GreyMatter said:
To drag this train wreck back onto the rails, and I should have expected it...

When I said we should create a similiar list of 25 skills for women, I was referring to actual life skills similiar to what was listed for men, not a fantasy listing of 25 bedroom olympics skills...  ::)

I just looked through this thread again thinking I'd missed your above noted list ... nope ... not a single one of those posted here, let alone 25 of them. Is it just me?

Yrys said:
Maybe he's wishing for it  ;)
I know I am!  I'll admit that much, anyway!

(And no, I have no suggestions.  I'll just sit back and watch this all come together like said train wreck)
GreyMatter said:
Just to be fair, we can do a list of '25 things a woman should know to be a real woman' afterwards... 

I was refering to this comment, but you're right it wasnt very noticable, and no I didnt actually make one yet.

So, it looks like you are waiting for me to make one.  I can give it a shot.  Bear in mind Vern (et al) that this list is an achivement list for women in general, not those who have excelled in acquiring a lot of skills far beyond other women, so Vern and others may already have accomplished these.  Bear in mind, i think some of these should be on the guys list as well.

Let the popcorn fly!

25 Skills That Every Woman Should Know:

1. How to use a can of mace in self-defence. 
2. How to balance a chequebook.
3. How to use a lawn mower.
4. How to prune a tree.
5. How to use a drill to drill a hole.
6. How to troubleshoot your laptop computer.
7. How to talk back to chauvanist goons at the car dealership.
8. How to win an argument with a man. 
9. How to grow plants and vegetables.
10. How to dig a hole in the ground.
11. How to make your own italian pizza oven.
12. How to make whipping cream.
13. How to cook your own favorite meal.
14. How to flip off another driver who cuts you off in traffic.
15. How to put on makeup.
16. How to use household appliances.
17. How to bungy jump or parachute.
18. How to drive a car and/or motorbike.
19. How to play any major sport of your choice.
20. How to paint a painting.
21. How to write a business letter.
22. How to decorate a room, yard, or office.
23. How to dig for clams at the beach.
24. How to cook crab and/or lobster.
25. When not to wear stretch pants or sweatsuit pants.
Ok, I can do all but one on this list and 23/25 on the men's list.  ( I have 4 brothers)

I was confused about "how to make an Italian Pizza Oven" ..if that's the stone in the oven thing, then I have one.

OK - I can do 25/25 on the guys list, and 23/25 on the girls list.

Does that make me a "girlie man"??  :o

You're more of a "girl" than me, I only got 22/25 on the women's list.  ;)
Roy Harding said:
OK - I can do 25/25 on the guys list, and 23/25 on the girls list.

Does that make me a "girlie man"??   :o


I guess if the "list" fits  ;D
PMedMoe said:
You're more of a "girl" than me, I only got 22/25 on the women's list.  ;)

Maybe I'm just more in touch with my "sensitive side".

But that's OK - I like "manly" girls.  ;)
