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1935 US Plan for Invasion of Canada

Actually people in France are quite interested in what is happening in Quebec. When they hear I‘m Canadian, I get asked about it all the time, in varying degrees of militancy. I was even asked once how our Quebec brothers were doing in their fight against the English oppressor. They weren‘t terribly impressed when I told them I wasn‘t Quebecois, just a maudit anglais qui parle francais avec un accent canadien. ;)
Bang on Che. A second lieutenant with a map and compass, right? ;)

Cheers from an ex-2lt
Major Baker - what ever happened to Manifest Destiny? Why is it unlikely that the US would have a plan to invade Canada - it was only 1935, we weren‘t the best of friends back then, only 30 years ago Roosevelt was threatening invasion over the alaska boundary crisis, and even so, it was the War College‘s job to plan, who cares if it‘s a "what if" scenario? I don‘t think anyone on this board feels threatened by it - I don‘t think anyone saw it as if it was "trying to insinuate that the US has a plan and could invade Canada."

And France couldn‘t give a **** what happened to Quebec, and vice-versa. France stopped caring about Quebec after 1763, and Quebec felt abandoned by them, and hated France for it. Now the hatred has died down, but they still dont give a **** about eachother. I‘m sure Canada does have a plan for when Quebec leaves confederation - wasn‘t there an article posted on here that showed the PM authorised Canadian troops to move in and seize key buildings?
We never had that reaction at all in Marsaellies (sp) or Brest at all. Would that be a reginal or cultural difference of opinion clasper?
These types of plans come out of dusty old cabinets all the time and one person or another gets their shirts in a knot. I surprised Cretin‘s shrill Ducros isn‘t spouting off or the twit of a MP who called down the US.

Some of you may recall in the mid to late 90s an allegation that CLFCSC was preparing war plans to invade Quebec in the event of their separation. In reality they were simply conducting TWETs using East/West Axis of advance and major cities as centres of gravity. The inept response by the CF made it almost seem as this was actually true. Hence the directive, no more using the names of actual towns (as enemy) on exercise.

I don‘t think Quebecers have any love of the mother country. Certainly few were actually willing to defend the motherland during WWI and WWII. However, politics makes strange bedfellows, and it is politically expedient for Quebec sovereigntists to have the support of France in order to legitimize their efforts. France can use Quebec to meddle in the affairs of another nation as well as being seen within the Francophonie world as something other than a washed up European power.

In the immortal words of Groundskeeper Willie on the Simpsons "bunch of cheese eating surrender monkeys". ;)
I‘ll clarify in case I gave the wrong impression. Of course the people of France would be interested in Quebec.[something for free!]
I believe Quebecers would find any connection to France quite distasteful. CHEERS
Originally posted by Ex-Dragoon:
[qb] We never had that reaction at all in Marsaellies (sp) or Brest at all. Would that be a reginal or cultural difference of opinion clasper? [/qb]
I don‘t think it‘s a regional difference. Most people ask about Quebec just because they‘re interested in other parts of the world that speak French. It‘s just a minority that obviously think Quebec should separate- and they tend to go away in a huff once my opinion has been made known. :D
I saw this same topic come up a couple of months ago on another military board, (full of wannabes) and you should have seen how fast it turned into a flame war between the Canadians and US.

You guys actually made me get my duff off of the computer desk, go over to my bookcase and drag out my copy of Canadian Brass, The Making of Professional Army 1860-1939 by Stephen Harris (ISBN-0-8020-5765-9).

It does cover this a bit. Both the fact that the US did have as noted a "war plan" dealing with an invasion of Canada, and the Canadian Militia response including preemptive strikes into the border states with militia flying columns. Some were a bit ambitious as they presumed a Canadian Militia of 15 Divisions!

Major Baker why does it get your red white and blue boxers in a knot that the US had at one time plans to invade it‘s neighbours. Similar plans existed for Mexico. In fact is that one of the reasons for having lots of bright young officers to plan and prepared for any opossible future conflict. The various colour coded plans mentioned earlier are a fact. This was just one of them.

Also why is it hard to beleive that other countries would have similar plans in some filing cabinet somewhere. The difference is that they were never implemented.

Finally for the last time we did not sack and burn Washington in the War of 1812. That was the Brits, by themselves. We sacked and burned Buffalo, twice.
Watch the Buffalo news, bit by bit it‘s still burning....
OK, about the france/quebec thing, i am currently living in quebec, and although i‘m not quebecois myself, i work with them everyday, and they have said that they dislike france even more than the US. So,in regards to quebec separation, perhaps your question would not be what is france‘s reaction, what is Quebec‘s? Major Baker, do you honestly think if quebec finally acheived independence, that they would turn around and become a french colony again? If you had ever been to Quebec, or talked to a normal person on the street about France coming back, they would‘ve laughed in your face.

What i‘m saying is, i‘ll believe you on whatever you say about the US invasion plans of 1935, but as for Quebec, i‘m sorry but you are out of touch with reality.
Those Brit‘s that sackd Washington were based out of Halifax..I think.
General Brock? Maybe, I can‘t remember. I know quite a few of their graves are at the "Old Burying Ground"
Originally posted by Che:
[qb] Those Brit‘s that sackd Washington were based out of Halifax..I think.
General Brock? Maybe, I can‘t remember. I know quite a few of their graves are at the "Old Burying Ground" [/qb]
According to the question of the week thread, yes they were based out of Halifax, but it wasn‘t Brock.

Originally posted by Michael OLeary:
[qb]Born in Ireland, Robert Ross joined the 25th Foot in 1789, rising to command the regiment in 1803. A popular commander who shared his soldiers‘ hardships, he was promoted to major general in 1812. After several major engagements in the peninsular campaign of the Napoeleonic War, Ross was sent to North America in command of 4500 men, with a mission to draw attention from other theatres and to avenge recent American actions in Canada.

On August 19, 1814, Ross landed at Benedict, about sixty miles from Washington. On August 24, in Bladensburg, Ross routed an American militia force and entered Washington that same evening. For two days, he British sacked and burned virtually every public building in Washington, including the White House. Ordered to march on Baltimore, Ross landed 12 miles away at North Point on September 12. In the vanguard as usual, Ross was shot from his horse and died before reaching the coast. His body was returned to Halifax for burial.[/qb]
Ah yes that‘s it, that‘s right, I knew that too I have a catalogue of the graves there. *WORK BRAIN WORK*

so what did Brock do then??
Detroit, Queenston Heights and everything based around Fort George, and a few others i cant think of
OK, about the france/quebec thing, i am currently living in quebec, and although i‘m not quebecois myself, i work with them everyday, and they have said that they dislike france even more than the US. So,in regards to quebec separation, perhaps your question would not be what is france‘s reaction, what is Quebec‘s? Major Baker, do you honestly think if quebec finally acheived independence, that they would turn around and become a french colony again? If you had ever been to Quebec, or talked to a normal person on the street about France coming back, they would‘ve laughed in your face.

What i‘m saying is, i‘ll believe you on whatever you say about the US invasion plans of 1935, but as for Quebec, i‘m sorry but you are out of touch with reality.
Phuck the phrench. Just dress a bunch of Bloggins up as Wermacht types and parade them through gay Paree and watch the smelly wine swillers fold like cheap tables.
Thought I would toss this out there. FW Rudmin (the professor who posted this 1935 Invasion Plan) also wrote a book in 1995 called Bordering on Aggression. He states - in his opinion as fact - that Fort Drum was set up to invade Canada. Here is the synopsis from his book jacket:

Bordering on Aggression: Evidence of Us Military Preparations Against Canada

From Jacket:
The United States has placed an attack force on the Canadian border south of Ottawa. The base that houses this force is inappropriate for training or overseas deployment but is ideally located, equipped and trained for intervention in Canada. In fact, that is all Fort Drum forces can effectively and efficiently do.

Many Canadians would like to think that the United States would never consider military action against Canada. Perhaps it is our vulnerability, or it could be that we don‘ t want to suspect a friend. Canadian schools teach that our two countries stopped being enemies at the end of the War of 1812 and have been friends ever since. In this century, our forces have fought only as allies. We have the longest undefended border in the world and we are proud of it. That pride is both unfounded and dangerous- The United States has made elaborate preparations for war against Canadians in the 20th century. Rudmin looks at these plans for clues to what the United States might do in the future.

Current U.S. top-secret war plans are, of course, not available but there are ways of uncovering intentions. Just as in a murder investigation, you look at means, motive, opportunities, careless statements; character, history and you build a case. Rudmin produces enough evidence to make all but the most complacent among us sit up and take notice. Rudmin builds his case relentlessly, not only examining supporting arguments, but using the process of elimination to ensure that there is no reasonable doubt. The United States has prepared an effective and specialised attack force and, under the right circumstances, is capable of using it against Canada.

Here‘s the link I found it on: www.maxdelta.com/catalogue3.asp?sku=4170

So, just stirring the pot some more.

Shameless Plug-
For a great action-packed military novel on this subject click on the ad in this website - FLASHPOINT QUEBEC -

BTW - I did have a French connection in my book, albeit mercenaries with shoulder-launched missiles against the U.S. and Canada, but still I think France would definitely have a greater economic interest in Quebec and form some kind of partnership rather than a recolonization of New France.
Originally posted by Marauder:
[qb] Phuck the phrench. Just dress a bunch of Bloggins up as Wermacht types and parade them through gay Paree and watch the smelly wine swillers fold like cheap tables. [/qb]
LOL! thanks that just made my day :D
Originally posted by Bert:
[qb] If I remember my history, didn‘t Canada march into the US early in the 1800s and burn down the White House? We won the war in 1812. Maybe the US never got over that?

What I don‘t get is the beer of choice at the junior mess on my base is Budweizer. I‘m sure Molsons has a plan to invade the USA, take over the brewery, and drain the tap water out of it. [/qb]
You do not remember your history well. In fact, you fail. There were no Canadian troops on the British expedition against Washington.
Originally posted by Bert:
[qb] If I remember my history, didn‘t Canada march into the US early in the 1800s and burn down the White House? We won the war in 1812. Maybe the US never got over that?

What I don‘t get is the beer of choice at the junior mess on my base is Budweizer. I‘m sure Molsons has a plan to invade the USA, take over the brewery, and drain the tap water out of it. [/qb]
You do not remember your history well. In fact, you fail. There were no Canadian troops on the British expedition against Washington.