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  1. S

    QL5 - QL3 part 2?

    CMD? and whats is the new corse made up of ? still mines , ied's and field sketches?
  2. S

    QL5 - QL3 part 2?

    lol seriously tho man, what exatly will i be doing on my 3's part 2 that i do in 3 days?
  3. S

    QL5 - QL3 part 2?

    ok but what exactly am i doing on this corse? is it still mine's, and field sketches? and what else is on the corse? thanks alot
  4. S

    QL5 - QL3 part 2?

    Hi, im about to leave for gagetown in 3 days to do my 5's, however i recieved an email from a friend who is already there and said that the 5's were cancelled and now its a corse called QL3 part 2? is this true? what does this mean and is the corse content the same (what exatcly is it?) thanks...
  5. S

    5's Course this summer-question

    ?? anyone
  6. S

    5's Course this summer-question

    Ok so bassiably the 5s is the same physically but less mentally? (less C0ck for lack of better word??) and do u actually do any infield weeks?
  7. S

    5's Course this summer-question

    KK thankx alot for letting me know, now that i think about it i rember seeing them doing sketches while we were doing tools. and i know what you mean about the craking thing we actually lost someone to severe depresssion at the begining of our Ql3. anyways thanks alot for the reply i really...
  8. S

    5's Course this summer-question

    Hey, i was wondering about htis summer, so far im unsure if im goign to go on the 5's course this summer in gagetown and i wanted to ask a few questions before i make up my mind, #1-what exactly are the different training you do? so far i only know u do 1 week of mine detection (fun lol) ...
  9. S

    What Do You do on Ql3?

    thankx for answers (others please feel free to reanswer those questions with your own input) also i just talked to someone who did his ql3 last year and he says that the instructors are alot more laid back then infantry and that we use trucks alot instead of walking, is this true?
  10. S

    What Do You do on Ql3?

    Hi im doing my SQ right now in meaford (im off for the weekend) and i have less then a week left, then i go to gagetown. i was wondring tho, we were never really told exaclty what we were doing this summer on the course so can somoene quickly (before i leave tomorrow) answer these  questions? 1)...
  11. S

    Help fellow Engineers!

    Thank you Mike!! Great help! oh and on the kit list is says we will be issued barracks boxes in meaford, nuttin about gagetown. and whrere is the course serial number? theres some numbers on dif pages but none is labeld as the course one. oh and do we get the FE Knife when we arrive for 3's or...
  12. S

    Help fellow Engineers!

    Yea we only did a kit inspection once at the beginning of the bmq course and for most of that course we only ever used the basic clothes and sleeping gear. And it wads not a unit course it was actually a coop highschool program (ok start the making fun of me now lol) which was done at RHFC with...
  13. S

    Help fellow Engineers!

    thnakx for the help! i can finally zip my duffle and ruc sac closed now lol. if u have any tips for this summer please post them tho as other people on my corse are reading this thread now. thankx again!!!!!  :cdn:
  14. S

    Help fellow Engineers!

    Oh and what about a small folding knife, not a freakin machette but just a small one. oh and do we actually get a sweet engineer knife when we graduate? thankx for the help guyz its very much apreciated.
  15. S

    Help fellow Engineers!

    lol i just didnt know what the small pack was i was always told it was called a butt pack. today however my one sec commander said i shoudkl bring everything green, basically everything i think i would need. i have no problem bringign it all i just dont wanna get screamed at for bringing...
  16. S

    Help fellow Engineers!

    thankx thats what ill do, just bring everything. one quick question tho, what about personall books and stuff is that allowed? we really wernt given rules as what persoanl studd to bring just that stinking, un explained kit list. oh and is 3 pairs of civies fine to bring? thnakx i aprxiate all...
  17. S

    Help fellow Engineers!

    thankx for help, on the kit list it just says "small pack". with no definition. i cant ask a sect commander cuz today was last day on presq course and they gave us the kit list only today. heres the kit list: http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/lfca_tc/Arc/Adm_Inst/Annex%20C%20Kit%20List.DOC oh and...
  18. S

    Help fellow Engineers!

    hey i packed for summer (sq in meaford ql3 in gagetown) but theres a few things not on the list: goggles, 2quart, thermals, bungie cords, tent pegs, butt pack,extra tacvest pouches,sleeping bag hood....also should u bring those big boot covers and whats boot sealent, boot blackener(not polish)...
  19. S

    The Elgins in Waterloo?

    Hi does anyone know the phone number for the waterloo location? I recently enrolled in a high school coop program and i am to go to parade night buy i dont knwo what equipment to bring....i have it all at my house but havnt been shown how to use it and stuff. any ways quick response would be...