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Help fellow Engineers!

spart8n said:
...what about personall books and stuff is that allowed?

There shouldn't be any problems with you bringing personal things like books and the such. Like aesop081 alluded to, ensure you have a serviceable lock on your barrack box prior to departing home, and you do not leave your keys unattended - that is of course, if you don't mind one of your so called "buddies" you'll meet this summer relieving you of some of your personal goodies.

As far as advice to not becoming homesick - learn to like being away from home, otherwise your choice of career (albeit a part time one) may not sit well with you. Make friends, enjoy the challenge of training, and try to enjoy the new scenery (even if it is Meaford and Gagetown ;) ). Seen as how you're on your SQ and Sect Mbr courses, I doubt you'll have much time to miss home anyway....
That's wierd.. At my unit for pre-course training we have to dump out everything we're issued, and the Sergeant tells us what everything is, along with where to mark our last name and last 3 numbers of our SN. He then gets us to put all the things we will need into one duffel bag, and all our winter warfare stuff into another. I guess these things just vary from unit to unit..
RossF said:
That's wierd.. At my unit for pre-course training we have to dump out everything we're issued, and the Sergeant tells us what everything is, along with where to mark our last name and last 3 numbers of our SN. He then gets us to put all the things we will need into one duffel bag, and all our winter warfare stuff into another. I guess these things just vary from unit to unit..

Awesome pics, where were they?
Yea we only did a kit inspection once at the beginning of the bmq course and for most of that course we only ever used the basic clothes and sleeping gear. And it wads not a unit course it was actually a coop highschool program (ok start the making fun of me now lol) which was done at RHFC with RHFC, 31 CER and 56 FD. It was freaking awesome! Oh and about the barracks box, im planning on bringing 3 Dudley Combination locks (not with keys). 1 for duffle, 1 for barracks box, and a back up. do they supply the barracks box when we get there? im geussing they do but u mentioned i should have a good lock on the box before i left. Oh and is the barrakcs box for storing all kit or is it just a small box for personal items that instructors cant get into (thats what iv herd anyways). Thank You SO much for the feedback guyz You have definatly made getting ready and preparing alot easier for me!  :army: :cdn:
The barrack box is an issued item of kit, and you'll end up storing whatever it is the staff want you to store in it. Personally, I wouldn't see a reason why they wouldn't let you leave your attractive items in it.

BTW, you should have one issued prior to going on course, I doubt CFSME will have any on hand to issue to RETS candidates.
392 said:
The barrack box is an issued item of kit, and you'll end up storing whatever it is the staff want you to store in it. Personally, I wouldn't see a reason why they wouldn't let you leave your attractive items in it.

BTW, you should have one issued prior to going on course, I doubt CFSME will have any on hand to issue to RETS candidates.
Pres: I just went down to base supply to try and get a barrack box, the Cpl told me no can do due to Op Requirements...
Is Jeff Bendel still RSS with the Elgineers?  If so, tell him Kat says he has to help you out naming all that green crap....

I think he is coming back to 1 CER Armd Tp this summer.
"bout bloody time he got back to earning his pay.... ;D

this is for QL3 only

-forget about the goggles
-bring the 2quart cantten
-no termals, ok maybe the just top for those chilly mornings 
-forget about tent pegs and bugies, all of QL3 is spent in tent city.
-bring the army duffel and a civi backpack for weekends.
-bring a small knife if you want to, but the gerber is fine. you get the FE knife at your unit
-you can bring as much or as little personal kit as you want, as long as it doesn't show up in inspection  ;D
-if you have the tec vest bring all the extra pouches, as you will need to arrange you kit according to course std           

i was in gagetown for my 3's and will be leaving for my 5's soon ,heres the kit outside of the issued stuff i suggest
1.power bar ,the tents in tent city only have 2 outlets , ones for lights....
2.camel pak - some courses let yous some don't , but if they to these come in handy

I will be in gagetown on my 5's this summer
just ask for Spr Lam 


Thank you Mike!! Great help! oh and on the kit list is says we will be issued barracks boxes in meaford, nuttin about gagetown. and whrere is the course serial number? theres some numbers on dif pages but none is labeld as the course one. oh and do we get the FE Knife when we arrive for 3's or once we complete the course? im just gunna bring my gerber and if course allows ill get my parents to mail my camel back and small knfie. thnakx for the help though man!  :cdn: :cdn:
Hi , Yes you will get barrack boxs in gage town.
-For the FE knife , i'm assuming your a reservest like me, in that case you will get your knife when you go back to your unit with the cap badge :), for knives a gerber or any sharp knife is fine.
-About the course number don't worry about it, they start one course every 2 weeks. They and you will know what course your loaded on.
-The course serials go like this "QL3 0504" "05" is the year" "04" the the 4th course of the year.   
Kat Stevens said:
Do the schools no longer issue joining instruction, complete with kit list?

When I got my joining instructions, the first thing I did was get my kit list

made the most sence