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5's Course this summer-question


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i was wondering about htis summer, so far im unsure if im goign to go on the 5's course this summer in gagetown and i wanted to ask a few questions before i make up my mind,
#1-what exactly are the different training you do? so far i only know u do 1 week of mine detection (fun lol) , mines, improvised explosives. sur;ly theres more ove rthe 6 weekd then that.
#2- how is the pt and disicpline, i wont go into it but last year on my 3;s there was a problem with an instructor being a little to tough on us, anyways it really wrecked the experiance for alot of us so i was wondering if they still treat you as bad as they did before you were a sapper or a little more mature like weve been treated since. also last year the pt wasnt very difficult, does that change?
#3 and just overall is it funner or more difficult then the 3's?

i know these questions may give the impression that im hopeing it will be easy but i just want to know what to expect, thankx alot guyz i appreciate the info,
On the 5's course you will start off by learning how to do site sketches, then go to demolitions to learn about how to do reserve demolitions, then to mines to learn how to do fishline recces and then to CMD. It is not like your QL3. You do have PT in the morning though. The thing about your QL3 that you must understand is that the instructors are there to train combat engineers. They are training you to go to war. They are tough on you for a reason. Either to test your patience and to test you under difficult situations. You must be able to react and think under pressure. There is a reason for everything. I'm sure when you finished your QL3 you were proud about finishing. A lot of people CRACK under pressure and can't handle it. Your QL5 is different. You are there to learn. Just be prepared to study.
KK thankx alot for letting me know, now that i think about it i rember seeing them doing sketches while we were doing tools. and i know what you mean about the craking thing we actually lost someone to severe depresssion at the begining of our Ql3. anyways thanks alot for the reply i really appreciate it! CHIMO
sapperubique said:
On the 5's course you will start off by learning how to do site sketches, then go to demolitions to learn about how to do reserve demolitions, then to mines to learn how to do fishline recces and then to CMD.

The CMD portion of the 5's course is only offered on the Reg Force course.
You are right. I was under the impression he was talking about the reg force. The only time they will do the CMD is if they are going on tour. They will do a conversion course.

Ok so bassiably the 5s is the same physically but less mentally? (less C0ck for lack of better word??)
and do u actually do any infield weeks?