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hey i packed for summer (sq in meaford ql3 in gagetown) but theres a few things not on the list: goggles, 2quart, thermals, bungie cords, tent pegs, butt pack,extra tacvest pouches,sleeping bag hood....also should u bring those big boot covers and whats boot sealent, boot blackener(not polish)? does the 1 duffle bag mean a personal one? and what is the "small pack" also is it ok to like "over pack"? like bring all that stuff even if its not on the list? and what about a hydration system and a small folding knife? would i get in a lot of treouble to bring my own personal stuff? Thankx for the help! i have only done bmq and pre sq and im in the 31CER regiment out of waterloo. please help me based on your experiances!
You should probably start by talking to your Section Commander at your unit. It's his/her job to ensure you're prepared both knowledge-wise and kit-wise for your course(s).

I'd ditch the goggles, butt pack (do you have a TV or 82 pattern webbing?), extra TV pouches (where you gonna use them? CFSME is pretty sticky when it comes to being one of the herd), and the boot sealant (also known as silicone - used to come in a blue can) and blackener (just use good ole Kiwi).
I'd definitely keep the 2 qt. (extra water is never a bad thing), thermals (seen it get down to 1 or 2 degrees in the summer during the 3 years I was posted to G'town), tent pegs and bungies (I'm sure you'll spend some time hooching it on one of those two courses), and of course the good ole combat conehead hood. I personally either have the hood or a toque when it gets down in temps at night all year around, so I would take it.

Other than that, the rest of your question is kind of vague, as I don't have the kit list in front of me to go off of. Like I said - talk to your Sect Comd at your unit and get the skinny from him or her - it's their responsibility to make sure you show up prepared.

All in all, try not to overpack too much. Generally, a barrack box, duffel bag and rusksack should get you through the enitre summer with no problems.
392 said:
You should probably start by talking to your Section Commander at your unit. It's his/her job to ensure you're prepared both knowledge-wise and kit-wise for your course(s).

I'd ditch the goggles, butt pack (do you have a TV or 82 pattern webbing?), extra TV pouches (where you gonna use them? CFSME is pretty sticky when it comes to being one of the herd), and the boot sealant (also known as silicone - used to come in a blue can) and blackener (just use good ole Kiwi).
I'd definitely keep the 2 qt. (extra water is never a bad thing), thermals (seen it get down to 1 or 2 degrees in the summer during the 3 years I was posted to G'town), tent pegs and bungies (I'm sure you'll spend some time hooching it on one of those two courses), and of course the good ole combat conehead hood. I personally either have the hood or a toque when it gets down in temps at night all year around, so I would take it.

Other than that, the rest of your question is kind of vague, as I don't have the kit list in front of me to go off of. Like I said - talk to your Sect Comd at your unit and get the skinny from him or her - it's their responsibility to make sure you show up prepared.

All in all, try not to overpack too much. Generally, a barrack box, duffel bag and rusksack should get you through the enitre summer with no problems.

Agreed on all counts.  I left CFSME about a little over a year ago and at the QL3 level..standardization was the name of the game.  You will also be living in tent city so dont bring anything expensive if you know what i mean. As for the dyffel bag...bring the issued military one.
Do the schools no longer issue joining instruction, complete with kit list?

Kat Stevens said:
Do the schools no longer issue joining instruction, complete with kit list?


They send them by e-mail or post them on the DIN......

so in other words nobody actualy gets them !!
I know for a fact CFSME stills sends out kit lists with Joining Instructions, but obviously, if this guy is asking if the one duffel bag means a civy one, I doubt his chain of command has even bothered to make sure he's good to go for his courses. Good to see some competent leadership there  ::)
392 said:
I know for a fact CFSME stills sends out kit lists with Joining Instructions, but obviously, if this guy is asking if the one duffel bag means a civy one, I doubt his chain of command has even bothered to make sure he's good to go for his courses. Good to see some competent leadership there   ::)

Are you realy shocked ?
thankx for help, on the kit list it just says "small pack". with no definition. i cant ask a sect commander cuz today was last day on presq course and they gave us the kit list only today. heres the kit list: http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/lfca_tc/Arc/Adm_Inst/Annex%20C%20Kit%20List.DOC oh and where do i find the course serial number? i want to write down the mailign adress for my family, oh and any tips for homesickness  :-\
spart8n said:
thankx for help, on the kit list it just says "small pack". with no definition. i cant ask a sect commander cuz today was last day on presq course and they gave us the kit list only today. heres the kit list: http://www.army.forces.gc.ca/lfca_tc/Arc/Adm_Inst/Annex%20C%20Kit%20List.DOC oh and where do i find the course serial number? i want to write down the mailign adress for my family, oh and any tips for homesickness  :-\

Didnt you read the list befor eleaving your unit ? If you didnt ...why not ? The small pack is probably th new small backpack they issued as part of "tease the soldier".  The serial number is not that important. With your name and SN...the mail will get to you but if you realy want to know it should be on your course loading message.

Tips for homesickness ?        GET OVER IT....you are a soldier now !
No clue what a "presq" is, but at some point somewhere, someone must have identified all those green things in the giant mystery bag that the binrats gave you.  If in doubt, take evey damn thing they issued you, less winter warfare kit.

The small pack is the old butt pack. Do you have a TV (by the sounds of your orginal post is sounds as if you do - you asked if you should bring the extra pouches)? If you go back and reread the kit list you provided, it says right there that the old webbing is only needed if you do not have a TV.

Here's a question for ya - where exactly is this Pre SQ course being run? Is it being run at your own unit? Or how's this - do you have a current copy of your Troop's fanout list? I.e. the one with your Sect Comd's phone number on it? Hint hint.

As far as the course number and such, that is something that will be on your course loading message, and is something that your leadership should have provided you. When does your course in Meaford start? I would suggest getting a hold of your leadership and getting the answers to your questions before you head off to Meaford, as I would suspect that once graduating from SQ, you'll be off the G'town promptly to start on your Sect Mbr course.

This makes me shake my head:
2. A pre inspection of students equipment is to be conducted before their arrival to ATC Meaford to be turned over to crse staff on arrival.
Obviously this has not occured at all if you are asking these questions - so get into your unit, kick some ass and get some answers! :threat:
thankx thats what ill do, just bring everything. one quick question tho, what about personall books and stuff is that allowed? we really wernt given rules as what persoanl studd to bring just that stinking, un explained kit list. oh and is 3 pairs of civies fine to bring? thnakx i aprxiate all the help its my first major course. thankx guyz!
P.s Pre-SQ is the small week course in which u learn and fire the c9 and c6 machine guns. shot them yesterday, VERY FUN!
So, as I understand this, a week prep course doesn't teach you what your kit is called, but it gets you behind a machine gun!?  The army sure ain't what it used to be...

Kat Stevens said:
So, as I understand this, a week prep course doesn't teach you what your kit is called, but it gets you behind a machine gun!?   The army sure ain't what it used to be...

CHIMO,   Kat

Kat Stevens said:
So, as I understand this, a week prep course doesn't teach you what your kit is called, but it gets you behind a machine gun!?   The army sure ain't what it used to be...

CHIMO,   Kat

No shit  :o
lol i just didnt know what the small pack was i was always told it was called a butt pack. today however my one sec commander said i shoudkl bring everything green, basically everything i think i would need. i have no problem bringign it all i just dont wanna get screamed at for bringing everything if were only supose to bring whats on the list. and even tho iv only been in the military for 6 months i agree that the insrtuctions given, or in this case lack there of, is pretty stupid. thankx for the help guyz i REALLY appreciate it!
Oh and what about a small folding knife, not a freakin machette but just a small one. oh and do we actually get a sweet engineer knife when we graduate? thankx for the help guyz its very much apreciated.
Here's a freeby:  on course, it is better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it.  Here endeth the lesson...

thnakx for the help! i can finally zip my duffle and ruc sac closed now lol. if u have any tips for this summer please post them tho as other people on my corse are reading this thread now. thankx again!!!!!  :cdn:
spart8n said:
P.s Pre-SQ is the small week course in which u learn and fire the c9 and c6 machine guns. shot them yesterday, VERY FUN!
Is this an LFCA arrangment to move the burden of these POs from LFCATC to the units?  

Was your BMQ a unit run course?