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  1. J

    weight loss in BMQ

    thx for info guys ! 24 more days until im gone ;d cant wait
  2. J

    weight loss in BMQ

    how much weight did you lose, or gain in BMQ just curious.
  3. J

    BMQ August 30

    im going to :) I cant wait running my butt off in the mean time
  4. J

    Who is going for BMQ in St-Jean on the August 23rd????

    im off on the 28th of aug might see you there
  5. J

    question to the infanteers !;d

    wow there are some nasty people ;d lol oh well   :cdn:
  6. J

    question to the infanteers !;d

    ahh thx for the info :)
  7. J

    single life in petawawa

    so, i searched and didnt find anything of use really I think i need someones perspective on this...how is the woman situation in petawawa, It seems that once im done my training I will be stationed there. I would cry if I get sent to a "sausage fest" if you will
  8. J

    whos off to basic on aug 28th?

    not sure they didnt say i just got a call a couple weeks ago from my recruiter saying they had a offer for me etc and i took it i just hate that i gotta drive 5 hrs to calgary for swaring in on the 10th then i gotta go back on the 28th hehe but whatever:) im happy
  9. J

    whos off to basic on aug 28th?

  10. J

    question to the infanteers !;d

    sorry it was a bit rambling, question is when they say your rcr will you be posted at a rcr base after all your training...no way you can hop back to ppcli or is it final your in rcr.
  11. J

    question to the infanteers !;d

    when you first were sent to BMQ and they told you, you were to be rcr, ppcli, or van doo(sp?) when you were done with all your training were you posted there? reason i ask is i had wanted ppcli because all my family are near me sorta but i got put in RCR because ppcli was full which means ill be...
  12. J

    whos off to basic on aug 28th?

    im done nov 10th as well:) ill prolly see you there what you going for out of curiousity
  13. J

    whos off to basic on aug 28th?

    i finally got my call etc and i get sworn in on the 10th and sent to quebec on the 28th anyone else going then?
  14. J

    "I'm recomending you for employment in the CF under the following 3 conditions"

    when i went in i was a bit weary over the whole camo in a govt office building;d it went good for me to but i cant remember the third for the life of me either lol
  15. J

    Missed Mar. 28 Selection. When's the next one?

    im in the same boat as you, passed all my tests over a month ago and am waiting on medical to come back...everything was fine they just need to do the drug test which is fine to cause i dont do drugs, which is why this is a pain when i did my interview they said in may they have a selection...
  16. J

    tests inc soon !

    i just finally got a call after 3 weeks of finishing my app to do all my tests in 1 day i applied for army infantry only. just have a few questions ive read about them but would like some info from the people who have done them. 1. the dreaded step test ! i do 30 min of cardio a day sometimes a...
  17. J

    Self Evaluation and Preparing for Fitness Test & Course.

    any "bigger" guys here I'm not to out of shape just have a few extra inches on me I'm 6'2 260 I just went out and got a personal trainer who now has me on a eating plan and weights for 1 hr then cardio for a hr 4 times a week and every week i get stronger anyway my question is I want to get the...
  18. J

    Joining the infantry

    i think there are some army info for native groups around check with a recruiter or band they offer some stuff to you like couple months training to see if you like it etc, I found that out while i was researching the whole recruiting thing and i am metis
  19. J

    newbie questions!

    well right now id like to get my 2.4km run down to around 10min but that might make me wait for a bit while me and my trainer make the proper "adjustments" and i dont want to wait if theres a oppertunity to get into basic asap know what im saying?
  20. J

    newbie questions!

    so if i do everything good there is a pretty low chance of being rejected for infantry?