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weight loss in BMQ

I was about to ask the same question!!

I'm hoping for a good ten or twenty, but we'll see.

My hubby lost three pounds but he really bulked up in the muscle department.  ;D
I lost 20lbs which was about normal for the platoon in 03. Really helps when you spend the course as the hit me guy.

I hope not loose any .... lol ... i dont have any to loose ....  ;D

if i loose some .. i'll need to put weight in my pocket when the wind blow ....
hmm 1 guy lost 3lbs the other lost 20lbs.....where you overweight or did one of you work much harder on BMQ than the other? That seems to be a HUGE difference in weight loss for 2 people on the exact same course
My husband was tad bit overweight but he gained a lot of muscles and I mean alot.  I know that his body changed while he was at BMQ, in fact his fellow platoon members said hey when you came here you were an A body and now you are V body.  They say that muscle weights more than fat so that is the only thing that I could chop it up to. 
I lost 75lbs in 6 weeks.

The best diet  EVER!!

*sigh* unfortunately I gained most of it back 3 years later.
armywoman said:
I lost 75lbs in 6 weeks.

The best diet   EVER!!

*sigh* unfortunately I gained most of it back 3 years later.

Holy sh*t, what was your weight/height?
Better question would be, how much bodyfat can you expect to lose during BMQ?    

BTW, I'm not asking  ;)
OK all this really depends on what kind of shape you are in before you go,  I big fat lazy slob would stand to lose 3-4 times more BF than someone thats 17 yrs old and is only 110lbs.

Get it.  If you want to lose lots of weight stop doing everything you do know until you start BMQ then you will defiantly lose weight but good luck finishing.
Yeah I was just told you have to redo the fitness test as soon as you get there, so don't let yourself get TOO out of shape eh...
3 lbs but it felt and looked like 20.  Really I just readjusted weight, my legs got more muscular and my boss said I look like I've gained a lot of upper body strength.
We had a guy with a mega-bulked-up upper body loose lots of muscle, 250 lb plus guy loose lots of fat and the females who had kids lost weight (they were happy).  Basically like it was said earlier in the post you will become much more toned top to bottom.  I loved the times where you had negative five minutes to eat for lunch (it seems like).  It all depended where you were formed up in rank as you were marched in on how much you could eat for that sitting.  The food I honestly thought was not as bad as others made it sound like - the breakfasts were excellent.  With regards to the 250 lb plus guy, he was always marker by choice for the ruck marches for the platoon leading the whole way without faltering.  I guess for him the rucksack was nothing for its extra weight but for some of the gals (and guys too) it was a bit of a struggle but they finished.
Icer said:
the females who had kids lost weight (they were happy).  

That's what I am looking forward too...hehehe ;D

Maybe get back to my pre-preggo size...but with curves!
Icer said:
We had a guy with a mega-bulked-up upper body loose lots of muscle,

Wow that guy must have been super pissed, do you know how much effort and trainging you have to put into getting really bulked up like this? w/out the use of roids either I am assuming (as he had passsed the medical to get on BMQ)...I have a bulk upper body as well and I hope I dont lose any of it, I weigh 210, with no fat to lose only muscle  >:( >:( :(
You will find out quick that endurance is just as important.  Keep running.
SeanPaul_031 said:
Wow that guy must have been super pissed, do you know how much effort and trainging you have to put into getting really bulked up like this? w/out the use of roids either I am assuming (as he had passsed the medical to get on BMQ)...I have a bulk upper body as well and I hope I dont lose any of it, I weigh 210, with no fat to lose only muscle   >:( >:( :(

I wouldn't worry too much about the loss in muscle mass. BMQ is only 3 months and if you've been training for years, you'll gain back your muscle quickly. It's all about muscle-memory!