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"I'm recomending you for employment in the CF under the following 3 conditions"

Joe Blow

Reaction score
Hello -

Had my interview today.  2 hours!  That man knows me better than anyone but my wife.  (It went very well.  I recommend that you have your have life story ready from grade 9 or so on and give some thought to the answers you gave on the interview prep form.  Then RELAX, go in and introduce yourself.)

In any case, after the interview I was thrilled to hear him say that he would recommend me for employment in the CF ...under three conditions.

First - I have to pass the medical exam
Second - I have to pass the fitness test, and
Third - ........um .....oh .....NUTS!!  :-[

Obviously I should have written it down, but it was hard to think over all the fireworks going off in my head.

So, before I call him again and make an a$$ of myself I have to ask; Does anyone know what that third condition might be?  It was entirely standard.  Had nothing to do with anything particular to my file.

Any help would be appreciated.

He probably told you "You have to do your first 15 years in the Infantry, then, maybe... you will be eligible for an OT to Armour or Artillery...maybe..." ;)
Security Clearance!  I do believe that was it!  Thanks PPCLI MCpl!  That's been eating me up all day.

when i went in i was a bit weary over the whole camo in a govt office building;d it went good for me to but i cant remember the third for the life of me either lol