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  1. J

    Oct 27 BMOQ

    I suppose I will be joining this course for Mod 2 starting in January. I hope the leadership portion of this course is more hands on than "death by powerpoint"
  2. J

    The Going To Esquimalt Thread- PAT, PMQ, Etc.- Merged

    Who would I go about contacting? Like I said, I have a lot of stuff I want to send out to Victoria and don't want to do it at my own expense. I am UTP-NCM MARS officer and was informed I don't have to live on base during any of my courses and I don't plan on it.
  3. J

    The Going To Esquimalt Thread- PAT, PMQ, Etc.- Merged

    I'm not sure where to put this but I plan on living off base immediately when finishing my BMOQ. I was wondering who I send a memorandum/contact when I have my pre-arranged apartment set up so I am given my allowance, don't waste a move and I'm nopt paying for quarters and mess at the base. This...
  4. J

    Oct 27 BMOQ

    I will be in St Jean December 5th to February 01 for BMOQ 0006E Mod 2. Essentially 5 weeks for the leadership portion. I'm not sure how I will fit all the army/navy kit in my ford focus but I suppose it will work.
  5. J

    When is the next NOAB?

    Ah, I didn't realize that. Just out of curiosity, when there are openings, who offers the contract?
  6. J

    When is the next NOAB?

    There are no NOAB at all. Once you finish your interview your broker will determine whether to give a contract or not. You go right from interview to St Jean or Victoria.
  7. J

    WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

    Fair enough, this is the first I heard of Venture being backed up. Everyone of my friends have been course loaded right out of RMC for NETPO, MARS 3 and MARS 4. Maybe they are on top of the ball so to say.
  8. J

    WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

    You would think with; A. The recent ship building contract B. The development in the Arctic and C. The high turnover rate of MARS officers, that they would put forth the funding towards a new NOAB. Could this be a case that the ships we have are going to be grounded for quite some time due to...
  9. J

    Spatial Ability Improvment?

    I would tend to agree with the CFAT. If your lacking spacial ability and then you proceed to chose Weapons Tech or Vehicle Tech, you will probably struggle with many of the tests on your trades courses. I advice you to talk to a recruiter and see what trades you are compatible with and then go...
  10. J

    DEO Interview Process

    Know as much about the trade as you possibly can. We are talking about your career. Why wouldn't you want to find out every possible detail about the job you plan on doing for the next 25+ years. Also, be prepared to answer situational questions and your prototypical Army questions.
  11. J

    No Fitness Test?

    If you believe that it is unfair to short-legged rugby player remember this, when it comes time for pullups and pushups you are at a great advantage with shorter arms. Just because a person has short legs does not give them an excuse not to keep up. The same can be said for us long legged, long...
  12. J

    I GOT A CALL FOR the NOAB" Threads

    I am on the waiting list for the next NOAB, which really isn't much of a problem for me. I would have liked to get my commission before May since that would be an ideal time to do NETPO, MARS 3 and MARS 4 in a row. In the meantime I will probably go on a 2 month DEMO tasking in Gagetown.
  13. J

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    I'd imagine different scores on the different aspects will determine what you are recommended for. A highly educated person may be in the top percentile for problem solving and linguistic but he may have done so poorly in visual that many of the "hands on" NCM trades certainly wouldn't be the...
  14. J

    WHEN IS the next Naval Officer Assessment Board (NOAB) ?

    Wow, what an interesting thread. I was anxious to find out if I am indeed on this upcoming NOAB but really, 3 months isn't a big a wait for the next board. I'll guess I'll go on a tasking in the meantime.
  15. J

    I GOT A CALL FOR the NOAB" Threads

    I did my original MARS officer interview at my local recruitment center late August and they said everything was fine. They told me the dates of the next NOAB however I have yet to hear back from them. Is this normal? I was told the NOAB was suppose to be in September but they bumped it back. I...