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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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What I have heard is that for that trade you don't need a super high amount.

The CFAT is not something you should be wasting 150$ on. Just study up on your High School Math.
The CFAT is very important for the forces in determining your suitability, stacked is correct the practice exam is not a good example of what you will see on the test. I highly recommend you brush up on all your math skills as this is a huge part of the test. Do not take the test lightly, in such a highly competitive environment it could be the difference between getting the trade you want and being passed over.

When you are practicing try and set a short time frame for each question, on the test you will not have alot of time, so speed and accuracy is essential.
If you don't pass the test, you don't get in the CF.  If you score lower than buddy next to you and you are both going for the same trade, you might not get an offer as soon as him, or at all.

Very broad question, but thats my answer for you.

So based on "if you fail, you can't get in the CF", I'd suggest it is pretty important.

Make sure for the math you can do fractions, and good luck.
Thanks to everyone that replied to my question.
I'll prepare in order to pass my CFAT with the best score possible.
Stacked said:
If you got questions wrong on the practice PDF.. I highly recommend you doing ALOT of studying. Imo, that practice PDF is a very poor example of the difficulty and just lets you see the TYPE of questions. The real one is much harder.

Is the real one much harder because you were under more pressure and the clock was ticking? It's weird because I often read that the questions are harder, but just as often I read that it's the same difficulty level, just different questions...
Why are we discussing the CFAT in a brand new topic and wasting our time rehashing everything that people have asked so so many times before?  Use one of the most desired trait that the CF may be looking for in you; initiative.  READ what has already been written on this subject and any other questions you may have.  We would really hate to have to label you as a waste of bandwidth/rations/air.
trampbike said:
Is the real one much harder because you were under more pressure and the clock was ticking? It's weird because I often read that the questions are harder, but just as often I read that it's the same difficulty level, just different questions...


Mr. Wallace is right! The CFAT question has been debated on the forum many times.
Please find the links below.

In the mean time, here's what I have to say about this test: Yes, it is much harder than the pre-test provided. And yes, pressure and stress are a big factor on your passing this test or not. I failed it... by 2 points in the math part... pressured by time (did not have the time to answer to 6 questions) and STRESS (which I did not manage well at all) and I am known to be a fairly quiet person...

So in short, the key word here is: STUDY maths... and wish me luck for my second exam on July 27th ;)


Sorry to revive this old thread, but I heard on this site you only need about 18/60 to get into infantry.. is this true?
Tallgeese said:
Sorry to revive this old thread, but I heard on this site you only need about 18/60 to get into infantry.. is this true?

Scores are not released. Scores are not given out. Knowing an arbitrary number won't help you write the CFAT.  Each section of the test is scored separately and will have a different effect on what trades you may be eligible for.
To add to Mr. O'Leary's post, even if you did know what score you needed to get to be able to apply for a certain trade, you should still attempt to do your very best on the CFAT.  I don't think I'd want to hire someone who only strives to meet the minimum requirement. 
I just had a couple questions about selection for combat engineer. I understand that it is a highly competitive trade to get in to right now and i was wondering what kind of scores are needed on the CFAT to be able to apply? from what ive heard the scores are similar to the infantry.
Start with these two links:


http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/96404/post-969246.html#msg969246 (adjust inputs as appropriate)

Welcome to army.ca.

Milnet.ca Staff
Some recruiters will tell you how you did, but not what the cutoffs are I don't think.  I was told my score for example.  I took the test with 3 other guys and we were informed we all did well.  Then later the recruiter who had handled my file for much of the process told me in a meeting how I did.  That said, he didn't say what the average engineer score was or where the cutoff was or anything specific, so your score doesn't have a lot of perspective.

Don't worry though.  If you have your engineering degree you should do extremely well on the CFAT.  I'm not allowed to say any more about it, just go over the sample test they give you and you should be fine.
Agree with Matt.

We were a group of people who wrote the CFAT. Of course cannot discuss, but engineers I have heard score well as its basic math and logic. The results are declared in some time right after the test. The file manager will call each individual personally and tell them that they have met the requirement for the selected trade. Like I was tld that I qualify to be an officer on engineering with Navy. I hope this helps. I have never heard marks or cut offs given out as you might have 3 different choices of trades and all these trade might have different cut offs. So they generalize and let you know if you qualify or if you do not
I'd imagine different scores on the different aspects will determine what you are recommended for. A highly educated person may be in the top percentile for problem solving and linguistic but he may have done so poorly in visual that many of the "hands on" NCM trades certainly wouldn't be the right fit. I don't think it's worthwhile is worry about.
Well after my CFAT during the interview, my interviewer gave me my score and said I did excellent. I'm pretty sure that there is such thing as failing the CFAT but I think it would be pretty hard. Besides it's an Aptitude test, not an achievement test, they want to see what your suited for if your a genius.

Asians and their cheat codes,
Just sayin' : ;D
My recruiter told me, (P-RES) that i would be given a Regiment interview, then after that, I would have another.. do my CFAT.. etc. I guess lots of people do everything differently, varies i guess.
I did my CFAT today and it wasnt that bad. The spatial was the hardest for me. lol a lot of guessing. but for the math read the instructions they gave you and practice your fractions, decimals, percentages, and long division and you should be good to go. thats what i did and i passed. I aint no academic wizard. My high school average is 54.