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I GOT A CALL FOR the NOAB" Threads


I am in for the NOAB Oct 18th - Oct 22nd 2010

Anyone else?
Congrats! If the upcoming NOAB is anything like the earlier ones I've seen people talk about, you're in for an interesting, probably very enjoyable, week.
I did my original MARS officer interview at my local recruitment center late August and they said everything was fine. They told me the dates of the next NOAB however I have yet to hear back from them. Is this normal? I was told the NOAB was suppose to be in September but they bumped it back. I was of the assumption they moved the date back in order to fill it.

Any advice would be reassuring.
I highly recommend calling the CFRC every month or two to check up on your file. I like to watch for the NOAB dates on this website and make sure that they send my name to get merit listed. Example.... I called the CFRC for the July NOAB and my name had NOT been sent along... I was selected (once added to the list) and then few days later removed. Looks like I won't attending Oct either... I haven't gotten the call. Really wish I knew what my black mark was. But even after a year and half, I'll keep trying.
I wonder how many people are merit listed for MARS/CSE/MSE in total. I know they probably won't invite everyone who is merit listed to the NOAB, but wouldn't it be a decent percentage? I would have thought more people would have reported getting their call if they had finished calling everyone who is to be invited to the Oct NOAB (meaning maybe they are still in the process!).

Of course, it could just be that I'm trying to find excuses for why I'm merit listed and haven't received a call.  ;D

Oh well. The worst case scenario is that we will go on a later NOAB, which really won't be the end of the world. I'm sure we will all get our chance.
The problem for us is that there might not be a later NOAB, and possible we might have to reapply again next year. For MARS, I think I was told there were 7 position available for the current NOAB.
I am on the waiting list for the next NOAB, which really isn't much of a problem for me. I would have liked to get my commission before May since that would be an ideal time to do NETPO, MARS 3 and MARS 4 in a row. In the meantime I will probably go on a 2 month DEMO tasking in Gagetown.
Hi All,

I got the call to go to the NOAB a few weeks ago and got booked on a flight, but I have not recevied any official information about what to bring, where to go once I get off the plane in Victoria, etc.  I can kind of guess what is going to happen based on other threads in this forum, but has anyone got anything official?

Thanks in advance,

I got my flight details yesterday from Edmonton. Nothing other than that. I am planning to go to the CFRC sometime next week to get any latest or last minute updates. I hear that there will be an officer in uniform at the airport luggage area. But thats what I read on threads here nothing official. But yes anyone else knows please post it here.

Also, there is another candidate with me from Edmonton. If you are a member on this forum pleas message me.

Just got the call... Woot! Hah now how to explain this one to work. "Sorry boss, won't be in on Monday... or the rest of the week."

The girlfriend will be even trickier...
Yah nothing like last minute, at least I'm not the only one... got home from the woods last night had a phone message and three e-mails from the CFRC waiting for me. Now I have to explain to the CIC why I have to skip out my Lieutenants Qualification Course that starts Saturday. Oh well. See yah Sunday.
So I got a call yesterday from the RC in Ottawa telling me that I had been selected for the next NOAB. I had been told before that there would be an NOAB on December 6th. What was strange is that my recruiter told me that my case was going to be different and that they would not be sending me to the NOAB in BC, but rather that I would be having a telephone interview with the Navy Officers.
I was really hoping to go to BC to have the NOAB experience, but has anyone else ever gone through a similar process? My recruiter told me she would contact me again with more information about what is happening in regards to my interview, but I was almost sure that I needed to attend an NOAB in order to be selected for the Navy?

If anybody has any info on this I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me figure this out :)
Hi Alejo, what occupation are you apply for? That's very lucky of you to get an offer like that so best of luck! Hopefully I'll get my call soon as well  :P
Globemaster said:
Hi Alejo, what occupation are you apply for? That's very lucky of you to get an offer like that so best of luck! Hopefully I'll get my call soon as well  :P

I applied for NCSE. I got a call again from my recruiter today saying that my NOAB interview will take place next Tuesday over the phone. I really hope it goes well, even though I would have rather had a face to face interview with the Navy. But perhaps they do not have the budget to send us to BC after the previous NOAB just took place less than two months ago, or maybe the trade has more positions than applicants and they are in need of people.

One way or the other I really hope everything goes alright with my interview and I get offered the job that I have wanted my whole life :)
Same situation here, just missed the last NOAB, having the phone interview Tuesday.  Super happy that I'm getting a shot before next year, though I'm still a little nervous about a phone interview.  I'm applying for NCSE as well.

From the schedule they emailed out it looks like these interviews are going to be pretty rapid fire.  I was expecting something more long and intense.  Either way, fingers crossed for Tuesday.
Indeed Matt. Good luck to both of us. I hope we get accepted and maybe we'll start basic at the same time.  :)
The phone interview was extremely short. I was extremely nervous but I hope this didn't make me mess it up. I feel I could have answered better if I had the officers in front of me. I really hate not being able to see people's reaction to what I am saying.

Also the fact that I got no input at all was kind of scary. Anyone else that was interviewed yesterday had a better experience?

I was told that the results would be available within 1 to 2 weeks. This is going to be the longest week of my life!!
Hey Alejo, I feel you.  My interview went about 7 minutes I think, waaay shorter than I expected.  I never got a reply to any of my answers either, though that is typical of interviews.  The problem is I'm good at reading people and I can usually tell their reaction anyway, which is impossible over the phone. 

I was a little worried that my answers were too short by how fast it went, but apparently it was like that for you as well.  I also was told a week or two by the way.  Good Luck!

PS: Any idea how many positions they have open?
Yeah man, let's wait and hopefully we both get good news next week. I did call my file manager to see if I could get information as to how many positions were available, and she said that she did not know the exact numbers, but that there were only few positions. I was kind of discouraged, but then it makes sense that they would not run a full NOAB if there were only a few spots available.

As I said, all we can do is wait, be patient, and hope for the best!
Good Luck to Matt and Alejo

I was surprised to read about phone interviews as I know they had issues with the budget for NOAB and every time they do a NOAB they have to justify it. Guess telephone interviews if they are doing wil become a norm in later days.

From my NOAB in Oct 2011, we were told that there are very few positions for MARS for fiscal year 2010-11. MS Eng had a bit but NCSE had maximum positions. They also mentioned about more positions opening in April 2011. By the way I was on Nov 8th BMOQ but now I am moved and starting January 17th 2011 at St. Jean

I am not sure if I am allowed to tell people about the number of positions when we were told at NOAB so I am not wiritng the number here

- K