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The Going To Esquimalt Thread- PAT, PMQ, Etc.- Merged

Get Nautical said:
Not to sound on the wrong tack but the galley packet is that regardless of it technically being incorrect, it sometimes still referred to Bosun Stuff.

Tut, tut. You're dealing with NDHQ here. They know what's best for everyone. The actual practical, and topical, situation at sea may not jive what they have in their books.

Best stay quiet before you find yourself in some shore billet warehouse counting marlin spikes until you fly your paid off pennant. ;)
Leaving for Esquimalt, BC this week, just about finished basic. I was wondering what the living area is going to be like and if ill be able to get personal internet setup in the shacks? Thanks.
I'm assuming you're an OS. If so you'll be in Nelles block. What it's like can only be experienced. You're in for a treat. you'll most likely have 1-3 roomates. Yes you can have Internet in your room. It's cheap 20 bucks a month. There's also free Internet connection outside the galley.
I am a stoker, and will be a AB (T) when i get there this friday. Also will reporting be anything like cflrs? Or is it a little relaxed? Thanks
It is nothing like cflrs. When you're on course you have dress inspection Monday morning. Room inspection first Wednesday of every month. And yes they are very "relaxed". You'll report to the regulating office at the fleet school while on PAT. I was on PAT for 4 months and had one walk in walk out room inspection. I'm also MSE div. I'm assuming youre living on base. Unless you have a wife and kids in Victoria you won't be permitted to live ashore on your QL3. You'll march with your course from nelles to the school in the morning, lunch and end of the day. Regardless if you live on base. No marching on PAT.
I assumed you're doing your 3's.
5's dont march and are posted so they can live ashore.
If you're posted to ship, cant help ya.
I'm not sure where to put this but I plan on living off base immediately when finishing my BMOQ. I was wondering who I send a memorandum/contact when I have my pre-arranged apartment set up so I am given my allowance, don't waste a move and I'm nopt paying for quarters and mess at the base. This will be my first military move so I am a little out in left field.
Going by your profile, I'm assuming you're a CT?  As a PAT or QL 3 student in Esquimalt, you will be in barracks.  The one exception is if you enrolled locally and you have house/appt etc prior to enrollment.
Hey, it is possible to live out before/during your QL3, if you've been stuck at the base for more than a year. Rare, but it does, and I have seen it happen. Alternatively, you could live out anyway, and just be in your Nelles room for monthly inspection. No one really cares that much.
Yo, Stacked, you're not the only one who's been here for a year, and not my problem if you didn't read the joining instructions or the School SOP's , wherever I saw that. I'll get the link for you tomorrow.
Who would I go about contacting? Like I said, I have a lot of stuff I want to send out to Victoria and don't want to do it at my own expense. I am UTP-NCM MARS officer and was informed I don't have to live on base during any of my courses and I don't plan on it.
http://esquimalt.mil.ca/cffs/so/SO2/SO%202-30%20Request%20to%20Live%20Ashore.htm  (DWAN only)



References A.      DAOD 5024-0

B.      DND Living Accommodation Instruction

C.      Base Standing Order 2-201, Requirement to Occupy Single Quarters

D.      Memo “Request to Live Ashore”

E.      Service Request Form

1.        The purpose of this Standing Order is to provide guidance with regard to student requests to live ashore.

2.        In accordance with ref B, CF members undergoing basic recruit training are required to reside in DND training quarters. CF members awaiting or undergoing occupation training are authorized to reside in residential accommodations of their choice, unless there is a bona fide environmental/military indoctrination requirement, or an occupational or pedagogical training requirement for members to reside in DND quarters.

Ref C further stipulates the requirement that CF members must continue to reside in DND quarters until the completion of Naval Environmental Indoctrination Programme (NEIP).  Cmdt CFFSE is authorized to exercise the BCmd’s discretion in allowing students latitude for consideration to live ashore, as detailed at ref C.

3.        In general terms, all CFFSE students shall live in SQ until completion of NEIP regardless of marital status or prior geographical location.  This period is intended to include both Basic Military Qualification (BMQ) and NEIP, after which students may be given flexibility to choose to live ashore.  Considerations that may warrant approval to live ashore prior to the completion of this period include the following:

a.  completion of at least six months of service.  Reserve force service will not necessarily be considered as contributing to this requirement, but may be assessed on a case-by-case basis;

b.  completion of NEIP.  Students who have undergone Occupation Transfer (OT) or who have re-enrolled from other Environmental Commands may be granted exclusion from certain portions of NEIP and as such, may be given consideration to live ashore.  All individuals in this situation will be assessed on a case-by-case basis; 

c.  the ability of the trainee to live ashore without adversely affecting training; and

d.  positive recommendation from the individual’s Chain of Command.

4.        Students wishing to live ashore are to submit a “Request to Live Ashore” memorandum (ref D) and a Service Request Form (ref E) through their respective divisional system.  Divisional Minute Sheets are to accompany the request and are to include the following information:

a.  student data (i.e., name/trade/course serial/course dates, etc);

b.  salient points of the request; and

c.  Div Cdr recommendation.

5.        Division Commanders are to forward the request form, memorandum, ancillary documentation and the Pers File to SO Admin for staffing to the Commandant for the final decision concerning living ashore.

JMacNavy said:
Who would I go about contacting? Like I said, I have a lot of stuff I want to send out to Victoria and don't want to do it at my own expense. I am UTP-NCM MARS officer and was informed I don't have to live on base during any of my courses and I don't plan on it.

So are you going to university after you finish BMOQ? You need to contact the PSO shop on the base who will set you up with the University Liaison Office, because that's where you're posted (well, technically to your school but all your admin goes through the PSO). You won't be living on base so don't worry about it.

If you're finished school and going to NOTC you'll have to contact them. I have no idea what their living-off policy is.
NEIP? Different from NETP & the OJT Component of NETP (on ship) once completed?
Get Nautical said:
NEIP? Different from NETP & the OJT Component of NETP (on ship) once completed?

NEIP - Naval Environment Indoctrination Program; was instituted a few years ago to help use up the time of youngsters (rank-wise) on PAT and doing George jobs while they wait for trade or NETP courses. Too many were being allowed to goof off early in the day and then going downtown and getting into shit.
Hi, I was wondering if someone could tell me what the conditions are like in the Work Point Barracks in CFB Esquimalt. I will be staying there for my next contract.