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  1. DesertVengeance

    US Army M110 Sniper Rifle Video

    http://www.olive-drab.com/od_other_firearms_rifle_m21.php morons.  the M14s are still fairly widely issued... but LIKE I SAID.  Some unit still have M21s and some shooters still prefer them. they still use them in sniper schools as well. I love how you just sort of pick and choose elements...
  2. DesertVengeance

    US Army M110 Sniper Rifle Video

    uhhhhh.... ok.  The M21 was 'officially replaced' but that doesn't mean it's no longer in service, hell look it up if you don't believe me.  But I guess when a friend tells me guys in his unit prefer the M21... he's just full of it.  Cuz he wouldn't know the difference between his M14 and his...
  3. DesertVengeance

    No Chechen Fighters in Afghanistan

    i know the 06 rotos ran into chechnyans a couple times.  One friend said it was the worst fire fight of the tour.  He knew something was up when he started recieving aimed single shots in the fight.  He said it was kind of a shock when you're used to fighting spray and pray and all of a sudden...
  4. DesertVengeance

    US Army M110 Sniper Rifle Video

    nope M21.  They seem to be popular for those that can get them.  I know the marines tend to stick with the M24 (whether it's preference or mandatory use i couldn't say)... but I know the M21 is popular in ranger units and some army dets.
  5. DesertVengeance

    US Army M110 Sniper Rifle Video

    see a ranger friend said sort of echoed what you said... the snipers in his unit were all happy as a pig in shit.  But he also alluded to army/marine snipers being whored out to units that just didn't know how to use them.  I liken it to our recce platoons being attached to LAV companies... ...
  6. DesertVengeance

    US Army M110 Sniper Rifle Video

    Well some of what i know comes from various articles... some second hand through friends... and a little from a marine i know who was a sniper for a tour in iraq.  But essentially they've been having HUGE problems with various sniper dets being attached to regular infantry companies.  Half the...
  7. DesertVengeance

    Desert Boots

    It's all about the boot chit.  I apparently have less than no arches and the issued boots were giving me stress fractures like crazy.  Switched to Danners... Smooth sailing.  I got a pair of desert Danners and i freaking love them.  A little heavy... a little sweaty... but they are tough as hell...
  8. DesertVengeance

    US Army M110 Sniper Rifle Video

    now if they could only start employing snipers properly they'd be set.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XM110_Semi-Automatic_Sniper_System
  9. DesertVengeance

    How on Earth did a Czech get our uniform?

    I've also seen our cadpat duplicated on items... Back when we had the completely useless rubber rain coats i was thinking of buying a gortex type poncho from supply sergeant in edmonton.  The cadpat wasn't as vibrant as issue stuff... but other than that the pattern was exactly the same.  I'm...
  10. DesertVengeance

    Wearing of "team/roto" patches overseas.

    I found that most US combat units had patches out the wazoo.  I think my favourite was an OEF patch for 'Team America World Police' with a big mean looking eagle head.  I thought about designing a patch for our unit... but the logistics of it just wasn't something i wanted to deal with right...
  11. DesertVengeance

    Importing Kit from the US

    ::) thanks tips.  all i was saying is that from my experience holsters typically don't get held by customs. 
  12. DesertVengeance

    Importing Kit from the US

    Holsters are fairly easy to get.  but sometimes they do get held up at the border for a few extra days, sometimes even a week or more.  USPS tracking numbers work once the package is in canada tho.  I use em all the time.  As well I know dozens of ppl who've ordered holsters with no proplems. ...
  13. DesertVengeance

    B-1B At Kandahar

    ya you think our sea kings are bad...  great bomber but it's the most labour intensive plane in the military, something like 28 man hours per 1 hour of flying time.
  14. DesertVengeance

    How to fold a Mod tent

    lol well ya, when it's a functioning tent, mod is sweet.  But the whole getting to and from process i could do without.
  15. DesertVengeance

    How to fold a Mod tent

    1. look busy when it's time to fold mod. 2. step 1 fails, get in there early and rip it apart, someone else can fold it. 3. step 2 fails, quickly muckle onto some poles and take a bunch of them to the ML it will be folded by the time you get back. 4. step 3 fails, stand there looking stupid. ...
  16. DesertVengeance

    ATC-2000 Helmet Cam

    http://helmetcameracentral.com/ some links to uncompressed footage for the 2000 on there.  MiniDV is good... but expensive and often fragile.  If anything I'd go with the samsung-sc-x210l Good quality, real compact.  Then just get a hardcase from tactical tailor with MOLLE, drill a hole for the...
  17. DesertVengeance

    Online "Kit" Websites

    http://www.commandarms.com/ <--- Absolutely solid weapon mods for every situation/weapon http://www.extremeoutfitters.us/ <--- like ranger joes... good all round site for knick knacks. http://www.specialopswatch.com/ <--- Watches you could beat an elephant to death with.  A bit pricey, but my...
  18. DesertVengeance

    Importing Kit from the US

    lol I never have problems getting kit up here.  Command Arms Accessories ships me gun bits all the time.  Optactical is a great site for tactical gear (altho no weapon mods allowed to be shipped up here)  Crye Precision wouldn't ship me multicam... so i just got it on ebay.  If you spend the...
  19. DesertVengeance

    CADEX Tactical Grip C7/C8

    it's nice the government is finally starting to push (seemingly insignificant but hugely combat effective kit) through the system to combat units... but man that grip is JUNK.  Why does it need to fold?  that prolly is half the cost of the bloody thing right there.  It doesn't stay tight on the...
  20. DesertVengeance

    Question on Brownings and Tactical Holsters

    safariland.  HANDS DOWN.  Outstanding holster in every way.  I've yet to be beaten by anyone on a timed draw and i'm not that good.  Transitioning is just ridiculously easy... which is nice when the only other thing your carrying is a C6.  It's comfortable as anything, you could bash that sucker...