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US Army M110 Sniper Rifle Video


Army.ca Legend
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This is a new rifle that is being fielded next month.

See there is something about the def......."20 rd. Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle"......that just makes you feel warm inside.

Very cool, thanks for the video!
now if they could only start employing snipers properly they'd be set. 

DesertVengeance said:
now if they could only start employing snipers properly they'd be set. 


Yes please do explain ???
Well some of what i know comes from various articles... some second hand through friends... and a little from a marine i know who was a sniper for a tour in iraq.  But essentially they've been having HUGE problems with various sniper dets being attached to regular infantry companies.  Half the time they end up being employed merely as squad marksman the other half they are employed as snipers but under the direction of infantry officers who have no experience or training in the employment of snipers.  ie.  my buddy got sent to a position that HAD been an excellent overwatch position but through a series of events had become known to the insurgents as a high threat area... so they were quite careful to avoid it through use of cover thereby nullifying his overwatch.  When this was brought up, it was dismissed because the officers all thought that this was the best spot to put a sniper. 

In addition they have been having real problems getting permission to act independant of their responsible units.  As in a sniper team is most effective when they are turned out to find their own shooting positions, recce their own targets and make their own target assesments.  Sure they can be valuable support elements... but the crux of what they are is 'lone wolf' type hunters.  Which is a problem because that sort of individualism goes against the whole army ethos of team and all that.  A lot of times my buddy had credible intel for missions that would have been perfect for a sniper to execute... but was denied in favour of sending larger assets out which in turn scared off the insurgents driving them deeper into cover as it were. 

He was also quite frustrated that he was not being permitted to engage in any anti-IED actions.  He knew of a couple areas where there had been repeated ambushes and IED strikes.  He wanted to go camp out and nail them while they were setting up... but these requests were denied in favour of letting a larger force patrol with the snipers in support.  He said it was the reason he got out.  He was tired of seeing guys die that if he had been allowed to do his job... he might have been able to prevent.  He said most of the guys in his unit (snipers... i'm not quite sure how they were organized or attached) felt the same way.  That was about a year and a half ago... and i've only seen what he said repeated in various pseudo military press like SOF and so forth. 

I'm definitely no expert but i have always been interested in military tactics and history since i was a kid... and snipers have always been of particular interest because of the huge impact they can make with such a small force.  I could never do it... don't have the patience... but I've spent enough time around/talking to them to have a pretty good idea of not how they should be employed but how they could be employed and from what i've heard i'm not far off in saying they are hugely valuable resource that right now is being terribly mismanaged.

(kinda like how our recce platoon was driving around on 4 wheelers and wondering why they kept getting lit up=)
Yes I read the SOF articles as well, they would have you believe that there is an epidemic going on while the reality of it is different. Any of the actice US Army/USMC and ARNG snipers I know have had nothing but a positive tour as far as their trade goes. It's all spin and what you chose to believe I suppose, add to that a few disgruntled troopers who are pissed off at thier lot in life , all of a sudden there is a problem that never existed in the first place.
  As for the M110 SASS, it's nothing new and has been in the US Army inventory for a while now, except it is now a general issue weapon. From what I have heard the bolt guns are staying, the M110 is to agument them much the same way we use the AR10T with TAC 50/T-wolf teams.
see a ranger friend said sort of echoed what you said... the snipers in his unit were all happy as a pig in shit.  But he also alluded to army/marine snipers being whored out to units that just didn't know how to use them.  I liken it to our recce platoons being attached to LAV companies...  they're just not being weilded as effectively as their training would allow.  I mean it's not a new problem it's been around for as long as there have been snipers attached to regular units. 

as far as the M110... i have a few friends that have tried it... and it may just be their instinct to stick with what works but they also had some tech issues which they related and i really don't have enough experience to quantify but the general consensus was that while they thought the M110 was definitely a good rifle... they still preferred their M21s. 


You mean the M24 I think.

nope M21.  They seem to be popular for those that can get them.  I know the marines tend to stick with the M24 (whether it's preference or mandatory use i couldn't say)... but I know the M21 is popular in ranger units and some army dets.
Well considering theM21 has been out of service for quite some time and the fact that it was a mediocre system to begin with, it's no surprise that those issued with M14 DMR rebuilds (NOT M21 Rifles)are welcoming the M110. It is not as consistantly accurate as a bolt gun, but will hold min. of hadji all day long.
The Marines have solved the issue that caused the Army to get an entirely new weapon. They were able to tweak the M24 with an external magazine. Naturally the Army wasnt able to do this because our M24 was a bit different than the Marine version. Thus the need for a large magazine semi automatic rifle. :o
MG34 said:
Well considering theM21 has been out of service for quite some time and the fact that it was a mediocre system to begin with, it's no surprise that those issued with M14 DMR rebuilds (NOT M21 Rifles)are welcoming the M110. It is not as consistantly accurate as a bolt gun, but will hold min. of hadji all day long.
uhhhhh.... ok.  The M21 was 'officially replaced' but that doesn't mean it's no longer in service, hell look it up if you don't believe me.  But I guess when a friend tells me guys in his unit prefer the M21... he's just full of it.  Cuz he wouldn't know the difference between his M14 and his friends M21.  Like I said before... some guys i've talked to or heard about second hand liked the M110 but many still prefer their own rifle. 
Wesley  Down Under said:
Need I say more.

Yes you do, then I can say I heard it from a friend who read it in an article!!  ;D
GAP said:
Yes you do, then I can say I heard it from a friend who read it in an article!!  ;D

that's dope! :rofl:

But you know what would be even funnier? :D "I heard it from a friend who read it on a forum, about a guy who read it in an article once!"

USMC bought a shitload of the Mk11 Mod1 rifles they aren't sold on the M40A3 either...

which is bascially a Mk11 Mod0 rifle with a URX rail as opposed to the FF RAS. (somewhere I have a pic I took of a Mk11)

The M110 is pretty much a Mk11Mod1 with a Flashhider (the Mk11 series has a tgt crown and no flash hider) both have gas blocks that incorporate a Suppressor mount from a back over barrel suppressor

The M24 (and yes I was briefly issued one - and I stole the box tag  ;D) is a long action, which while makes for a .300WM rechamber an option - sucks for det. mag.

SPR/Mk12 is a 5.56mm SOCOM only system

The M21 is a POS - long long gone - the USMC breifly played with the XM-25 - a modernized version it too died a well deserved death.  The M14 DRM guns where a stop gap measure - many were issued with 1 (yes ONE) mag due to lack of parts etc.

I have to ask DesertVengence - Tacsit is that you???



the M14s are still fairly widely issued... but LIKE I SAID.  Some unit still have M21s and some shooters still prefer them.

they still use them in sniper schools as well.

I love how you just sort of pick and choose elements of what i wrote to support your pre-dispositions about me. 

So I suppose you've never learned anything from an article?  You only learn things first hand... cuz you guys are in REAL soldiers. 

Like I said before (which is becoming a recurring theme)  I know some things first hand (limited but when i go to the states I take full advantage of the pletheura of firing ranges) some things passed on from friends with first hand knowledge... other things passed on from friends who've had information disseminated to them.

But since you guys are so much smarter i'm sure you'll find some way to try and discredit what i'm saying.

anyways I found this was a decent review of the M110

In any case... while the M110 does look like it's come out ahead... something about it just doesn't sit well with me.  Then again if i had a choice i'd be humping this around.