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Search results

  1. K

    Québec va garantir l'emploi des réservistes qui servent en Afghanistan

    Est-ce que ça signifie que ceux qui participent à des missions de combat, comme la mission en Afghanistan, ne sont pas couverts par cette loi? Ce projet de loi est une bonne nouvelle, mais j'ai peur que certaines entreprises refusent d'engager des réservistes à cause de cette loi...  :-\...
  2. K

    waiting for BMQ (reserves)

    For the Communication Reserve, the June 21/22 BMQ is a French one. The next English one starts on June 28/29. I'm supposed to go for the June 21 BMQ, but I still haven't got the papers from my unit.
  3. K

    *Server Is Under High Stress*

    Snail speed in Montreal. XP Pro (SP3) + Firefox. Monday, I checked the servers of the company I'm working for and they weren't the zombies. We let iWeb know about that issue, but knowing them, I wouldn't hold my breath... Edit : Changed my last sentence to make clear that I don't work for...
  4. K

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    Unfortunately, I can't link directly to a page with one of these ads. The way the systems works, ads appear on the site (in this case radio-canada.ca) depending on several factors : Each add have objectives. If an add is close to it's objective, it will show less often. The ad priority. If...
  5. K

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    I know for a fact that the Canadian Forces are doing an online advertising campaign. I work for the company that does ad serving for Radio-Canada.ca (Only the french website, not CBC.ca), and we currently have a small campaign for the Department of National Defence. It ends this week, but a...
  6. K

    *Server Is Under High Stress*

    Ah crap, not again.  :threat: The servers used by the company I work for now, are hosted by iWeb, and we were hacked this January. I hope the servers we work on aren't affected. iWeb technical support is practically nonexistent. It took us almost a whole month to fully recover from the last...
  7. K

    balistic eyewear

    I asked tonight the MCpl who is responsible of recruiting at my unit about the BEW inserts. He told me that I'll get them only if I need to; if I am assigned to a weapon that require the use of BEW(C6 and C9) during SQ. Otherwise, I'll get insert when I'll deploy on a mission.
  8. K

    balistic eyewear

    I'm in the Communication Reserves and I'm headed to do my BMQ in Shilo at the end of the month. I need glasses, so when I was issued my stuff, I asked about the prescription lenses. I was told to have my prescription (done by my optometrist) when I'll leave for Shilo, and that they will make...
  9. K

    WTB - Issued Army Barrack Box

    I've seen them yesterday at the clothing store, but I was told they aren't issued anymore (At least in Montreal). I was issued a generic plastic box (Not the Pelican 1630), that I've seen in hardware stores before. It's black with safety orange closing handles.
  10. K

    Canadian "Support Our Troops" Ribbons, Bracelets, Pins, etc

    This morning I had and unpleasant surprise when I got to my car. Somebody replaced my Support our Troops magnet (or defaced it) with black ribbon with I don't think by myself / I am fighting for oil written on it. It was crudely written with Liquid Paper. I've had a ribbon on my car for almost...
  11. K

    Anyone here have a MAC?

    Mac Vs PC is sooo yesterday. Now it's Mac Vs Toaster!  ;D
  12. K

    The Bernier Fiascos & Resignation

    I think Stephen Harper will deal with him as he usually do when his ministers are in trouble. He will let the dust settle a little bit, then shuffle him out of harm's way. Just like he did to Rona Ambrose. That way, Harper will think he did not appear to give ground to the opposition, while the...
  13. K

    Computer Problem

    Unless you disposed of them, you should have a CD with those drivers. If you have an onboard (IE directly on the motherboard) NIC (Network Interface Card or ethernet card) or video card, the driver for those devices are supposed to be on the motherboard drivers disk. Usually if the NIC works...
  14. K

    Alright rockers - Assistance in iIdentifying a video required... Can you help?

    The way you describe it, I think it's Seize the day from Avenged Sevenfold.
  15. K

    Cpl. Michael Starker - 15 Fd Amb - 06 May 2008

    Rest in peace.  :salute:
  16. K

    Physical fitness test

    PT Testing Information For All New CF Members Headed to BMQ or IAP/BOTP 60 Failures out of 129 candidates failed PT test Milnet.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ Took me 2 minutes to find that info. Easy when you search!
  17. K

    Lion on the lam in western Quebec after it escapes from owner's home - CP

    Heard in the news tonight that Boomer's going to Grandby's Zoo. Good for him, they'll treat him right there.
  18. K

    Got a call early this week

    For the reserves, the physical test is done prior to enrolment. I've done it last month at a Nautilus Plus Gym. I've done the step test because they didn't had enough floor space do do a beep test.
  19. K

    Iran to ban Barbie, Batman and Harry Potter?

    Because of his unhealty relationship with Robin?  ;D