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  1. FutureQYR

    Hitting the Gym While on Course?

    Thanks for the responses guys. Can someone maybe clear up what/how long an 'indocterination period' is? (NFLD Sapper) Im really trying to get an up to date feel for what life is going to be like reg. I take it by course schedule you mean depending on the content and day to day doings of my...
  2. FutureQYR

    Hitting the Gym While on Course?

    Im in the process of a component transfer from PRes to Reg and will hopefully soon after be taking my Engineer QL3. Now I know being on course is very demanding on physically and mentally, I was just curious if someone might be able to inlighten me as to whether or not I will more than likely...
  3. FutureQYR

    Leave ?

    I know this is a really old thread, but being that im CT'ing to Reg I was curious about whether or not time off for christmas was included in the 20 day mentioned earlier?
  4. FutureQYR

    Reserves Promotion

    I know in my regt we have to not ony be in for 2 yrs and be qualified but have DP2 aswell.
  5. FutureQYR

    Question about career openings

    Well, I know I put in for a CT to reg force (Inf.) in October and was shortly after told that there were no current positions available in that trade. I was given the choice to either change my desired trade or WAIT. So yes, in its most literal (a word?) sense I would think there is a "waiting...
  6. FutureQYR

    Ranger School

    Now I have to clean up my spagettio's. With my limited experience I can only draw on one occasion when I ran into someone who simply would not stop kidding themselves. During my DP1 a guy would not stop claiming that his Father was in JTF2. We left him lone about it and then he went on to fail...
  7. FutureQYR

    Ranger School

    Makes me wonder if this person is in the military at all...
  8. FutureQYR

    Word association (just for fun)

  9. FutureQYR

    sittin here at BMQ week 9

    When I did the gas hut a couple months ago, in April I think it was, I loved it. Not so much the part about all the fluids coming out of your nose and eyes, but it had to be watching all the people who werent paying attention during lessons and couldn't seem to figure out how to seal their masks...
  10. FutureQYR

    What book are you reading now?

    Shaking Hands With The Devil, by Romeo Dellaire
  11. FutureQYR

    New Political Endorsement from..... The Taliban

    I hope Dion goes down in flames...Go Conservatives! :)
  12. FutureQYR

    The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

    Well, I gotta tell you I'm not sure , perhaps there is some sort of out of this world conspiracy in order to keep me from PARTICIPATING in the CF until I'm 17 through a co-op... Sounds like a job for Mulder. I'm not sure how you would have COMPLETED co-op at the age of 16. Perhaps the entire...
  13. FutureQYR

    The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

    What province are you from?
  14. FutureQYR

    The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

    Back to the main topic, I wish whoever started the forum good luck in the application process!
  15. FutureQYR

    The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

    For god sake, get it through your head!, I am not saying he can't join the Canadian Forces, but rather not in the sense he is thinking. He Cannot, regardless of what you may believe, participate in a Coop program at the age of 16. Again I am currently in line to begin a Coop program in February...
  16. FutureQYR

    The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

    And this link says "you may be enrolled", not you may serve, exactly what i'm trying to explain.
  17. FutureQYR

    The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

    Not tryng t prove anyone wrong, just trying to giveyou a little insight, I know how it fels to be confused about this stuff  ;)
  18. FutureQYR

    The Reserve Thread- A Merged Collection of Q & A's

    You cannot be in the reserves at the age of 16, but you can begin your application process. you have to be 17 (with parental consent), to actually serve. I should know, I'm 16 and have already handed in my papers, but can start my course in february at the earliest, as my 17th birthday is in...
  19. FutureQYR

    What does your name mean?
