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Ranger School

YoungQYR said:
Makes me wonder if this person is in the military at all...

A super-poseur-poser. I wonder if that's the same as double-dipping?  8)
LOL 40.....this was my favorite part..

"Yes Im not a Green Beret but guess what neither are you and unlike you I have to face unruly shoppers every day.My REAL problem is that, like any LEO, I have enemies because of my job. They may have access to high-powered rifles. My job starts and ends at the same time every day. Although I use four rotating routes to drive to and from work, I am still vulnerable during the walk to and from my car. This is the time that I load up on the trauma plates because I DO NOT WANT TO BE SHOT DEAD!Also, someone said that my Tac Team doesn’t get training. Not true. We meet at the range every night and shoot 400 rounds each through weapons that closely resemble our duty setup. We also practice unarmed combat. I am a Master of three martial arts including ninjitsu, which means I can wear the special boots to climb walls. I don’t think any of you are working as hard as I am to be prepared. I asked a serious question about tactical armor and I wanted a serious response. If you want to laugh at somebody, try laughing at the sheep out there who go to the mall unarmed trusting in me to stand guard over their lives like a God.  "
Call of duty,

  Did someone actually say that? or is that from a SNL skit or that Mall Cop movie?
Ahhh sorry. Mall Ninja I get it. There is a certain Hospital security guard that I come across on ocasion who claims to be retired JTF 2..most of us just say yeaahhhh riiiiight.

Him and the guy at Subway we deal with who also told us he was an ex JTF 2 Medic, got shot and is now working at Subway, maybe true but how do you confirm these things anyway?
Civvymedic said:
Ahhh sorry. Mall Ninja I get it. There is a certain Hospital security guard that I come across on ocasion who claims to be retired JTF 2..most of us just say yeaahhhh riiiiight.

Him and the guy at Subway we deal with who also told us he was an ex JTF 2 Medic, got shot and is now working at Subway, maybe true but how do you confirm these things anyway?

If they were 'retired JTF2', they wouldn't be talking about it; that they are is confirmation of el toro poo poo in and of itself.  ;)
On a slight tangent from the general Walt bash-fest... of which I heartily approve by the way

I've never done the Ranger course but know a few people who have. Some say it's worthwhile, others say that it doesn't teach or test much more than some standard infantry courses and is a waste of time.

Should Canada start up it's own Ranger-type course?

We had something like it in the PPF (Patrol Pathfinder) course out of CFLAWC (CPC) however the pass to fail ratio and the lack of a dedicated need for actual Pathfinders has seen the near demise of that course.

There are 2 units who run courses I would call better then Ranger school in Canada but that is just my personal opinion. I wont ever take anything away from someone with a Ranger tab though that is a very physically demanding course and one that anyone who completes should be very proud of. From personal conversation with many Tab Rangers in Canada I would say from their stand point it is a Recce course with less food incorporating Pl level tactics on raids.

Worthwhile course to some but I would argue on avg not really needed by the CF.
The US Army views Ranger School as a leadership course. Course attrition rates used to be pretty high,not sure what they are now. The Ranger battalions dont send a man to Ranger School until they have been in the unit awhile [rank Spc]. At Ft Lewis the 9ID[this was late 70's] would take an E4 that was burned out,promote him to SGT and give him time off.They made excellant fire team leaders. The burnout rate was definitely a problem because in a peacetime army the Ranger battalion was constantly training or deploying some place.
CallOfDuty said:
LOL 40.....this was my favorite part..

"Yes Im not a Green Beret but guess what neither are you and unlike you I have to face unruly shoppers every day.My REAL problem is that, like any LEO, I have enemies because of my job. They may have access to high-powered rifles. My job starts and ends at the same time every day. Although I use four rotating routes to drive to and from work, I am still vulnerable during the walk to and from my car. This is the time that I load up on the trauma plates because I DO NOT WANT TO BE SHOT DEAD!Also, someone said that my Tac Team doesn’t get training. Not true. We meet at the range every night and shoot 400 rounds each through weapons that closely resemble our duty setup. We also practice unarmed combat. I am a Master of three martial arts including ninjitsu, which means I can wear the special boots to climb walls. I don’t think any of you are working as hard as I am to be prepared. I asked a serious question about tactical armor and I wanted a serious response. If you want to laugh at somebody, try laughing at the sheep out there who go to the mall unarmed trusting in me to stand guard over their lives like a God.  "

Now I have to clean up my spagettio's.

With my limited experience I can only draw on one occasion when I ran into someone who simply would not stop kidding themselves. During my DP1 a guy would not stop claiming that his Father was in JTF2. We left him lone about it and then he went on to fail the AFV portion...2 or 3 times...
I, like a few others welcomed him to the site, but I found unusual was he mentioned he'd be gone for a few months in 'the Stan', when US tours are at least 12 months. His profile also mentioned he was already there. His Unit was strickly 'sky soldier' which is evasive IMHO. Also, in all my time in two armies, I've met many real snipers, yet I can say none of them would ever publically broadcast their trade like this bloke did.

IF he, and I say IF (MBP) is genuine, I am sure he could contact the one who challeneged him via PM with more info to clear his name.

Until then, he has lost me, and I hate being taken advantage of.

Oh well.

Its 35C at 12 noon, time for a quick swim, then hide inside in front of the TV, the sun is a bastard today.

Overwatch Downunder said:
yet I can say none of them would ever publically broadcast their trade like this bloke did.

On other Military forums, guys have said they were Snipers an they were legit.

Him calling the Ranger Tab a "Ranger badge" is a bit shady  an his ASI/SQI is missing info for what he claims, ie no Airborne or Ranger ASI.
That was one of the things that caught my eye. He called himself an 11B4,which confused me.Our enlisted MOS goes like this. Branch - Skill level- ASI for example an infantry Spc who is airborne qualified and is a sniper would be 11B2PB4 or a close approximation thereof.
A few years ago at a convention I had a conversation with a guy who claimed to be not just an Air Force Vietnam vet but that he had been a POW who had ESCAPED from a camp in Cambodia.  Naturally, he had a story about some kind of hush-hush operation in which he'd been involved.  You know the type.  >:(

I smelled a rat immediately, but decided not to say anything until I had checked my facts.  Investigation proved what I suspected: no POW ever successfully escaped from camps in Cambodia, Laos, or North Vietnam.  At least one officer escaped from a camp inside South Vietnam, in the Delta, where he had been held for several years.  During the Cambodian incursion in 1970 a soldier was captured and then immediately escaped in the confusion of a subsequent nearby air assault, if memory serves me.

When confronted with his lies, this charming asshat immediately confessed that not only was he not a Vietnam vet, he'd never been in the military at all.  He promised never to spread his lies again and as far as I know, he hasn't.

I was able to check with veterans organizations who specialize in exposing frauds.  Surely, veterans of the JTF2 and other CF units can do the same?  I know the Seals rigorously pursue frauds.

These shitheels sully the reputation of all veterans. 

Ranger school thread and the Promo video has not been posted yet?

Dissident said:
Ranger school thread and the Promo video has not been posted yet?


It has.......

Flawed Design said:
True Ranger School.