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  1. Sassy

    Budget 2007- Merged

    Nova Scotia and NFL got royally you know what, I can see alot of people turning their backs on the Provincial and Federal Cons.  Reading the editorials in the local rag that are full of anger and rage. I'm so disguested with Harper I can  hardly say his name, it's clear under the Conservatives...
  2. Sassy

    Facial covering/courts-elections-etc. (merged)

    I wonder if the fools at Elections Canada asked any Muslims women if they'd mind verifying their idenity before they agreed to allow the Burkas and Hyjabs?  Another example of finding offense, when none is meant and then back tracking when they get caught looking like moronic PC fools. On a...
  3. Sassy

    CF "seducing and preying" upon Canadian Youth - News Clip

    I don't agree with her opinion but I respect her right of "Freedom of expression", however; I wonder how her son feels about his mother going to the press and expressing her views on the Military to whom he's employed and serves?  I believe her motives are purely personal ergo to push her agenda...
  4. Sassy

    British sailors arrested at gunpoint by Iranian navy.

    I hope I post this in the right forum, if not my apologies.  I can't believe the nerve of this country, this is going to be interesting to follow. Diplomats meet over Iranian seizure of British sailors POSTED: 5:56 p.m. EDT, March 23, 2007 Story Highlights• NEW: Governments summon...
  5. Sassy

    Afghan Detainee Mega Thread

    LOL I concur with every word you wrote.  Dealing with these people is like beating your  head against a brick wall, it just gets more and more painful. Mover, again I agree with words. I would also like all parties to start concentrating on running this great country.  I would also add that I...
  6. Sassy

    Budget 2007- Merged

    Quebec, because of it's vast population base will control the purse strings for another year and then it's BC and Alberta's turn because their population has out paced Quebec. The times are a-changing and Quebec won't be holding the rest of Canada hostage for much longer.  I hope.
  7. Sassy

    Afghan Detainee Mega Thread

    Bravo I agree Colin. It's a war zone, and isn't Afghanistan now a democratic country?  So it's up to that country to decide what happens to enemy combatants and criminals-isn't it? Of course the odd soldier might snap and smack a detainee, that's hardly torture.  The media is more concerned...
  8. Sassy

    QC Jail dimisses Guard-in-training for wearing a Hijab

    Corrections Canada has a uniform, if she wasn't prepared to wear the "Proper" equipment that's her problem not the systems. A Hijab is part of a "Custom" and "tradition" but it is not mandatory for Islamic followers to wear a head scarf or hijab. While earning my degree in Criminology I visited...
  9. Sassy

    Got the offer....

    Congrats, enjoy the new journey you're about to embark on.  My husband retired after 20 years of flying for the Army/Navy and the AirForce of course and we miss the great people and the sense of family the Military provided. 
  10. Sassy

    Liberal principles and consistency

    The important thing is Quebec is "Entitled" to more contracts and subcontracts because it's "Quebec" and traditionally the Liberals have bent, or is that double over, backwards to "Appease" Quebec.  I'm still fence sitting on Harper and the Cons visa vie Quebec. 
  11. Sassy

    UN calls Canada racist for 'visible minorities' tag

    Can I drive the cat? UN workers are repeatedly reported for raping the very victims they are suppose to be helping, perhaps if they spent more time cleaning up their own filth and vermin and less time listening the squackings of their Member Countries-who's human rights records are beyond...
  12. Sassy

    Immigrant groups fear dual-citizenship review

    I like the idea principle, excluding prisoners of politics i.e. journalist and reporters. Avor I like your ideas as well, but let us be honest the left/left in Canada would go ballistic if a system such as you described were implimented.  I can hear the screams of outrage in my head.
  13. Sassy

    Immigrant groups fear dual-citizenship review

    I agree, I have no issue with dual citizenship but I do have a problem when Canada as a country goes into a war torn country to evacuate people who haven't live in Canada for years.  Canada should inform dual citizens that you will  not be protected by Canada in the event of conflict or war.  If...
  14. Sassy

    Liberal Hypocrisy and their Anti-Terror Law vote

    Well when some of the Liberals are not screaming the "Sky is falling" they are telling us unwashed masses what they will do when they win the next election.  I wish  I had their gift to see into the future, or would that be dislusional opinions. So Liberal legislation is due to expire and the...
  15. Sassy

    Dion may be one Quebecer too many for voters

    Well at least you could understand what he said, he sounds like he's speaking jibberish to me.
  16. Sassy

    Where do you call home?

    I have lived coast to coast from Victoria to Newfoundland, and now I'm living in Cowville Nova Scotia.  I hope no more moves, now that the other half retired from the Air Force. 
  17. Sassy

    The Terrorist Lists

    That is a great link, thanks.
  18. Sassy

    Justin Trudeau - Timelines

    I belong to a liberal discussion forum and according to the Liberals it's not "If" they get re-elected it's "When", this arragance is frightening. 
  19. Sassy

    CSIS report: Jihadization of youth a 'rapid process'

    LOL of course it's  the infidel's fault or the jews. What scares me is what is "Allowed" to be preached in the Mosques,  in England and Europe secret tapes have been released that would stipped paint off a wall, the hatred and violence tought to the young is frightening. A good first step would...
  20. Sassy

    Justin Trudeau - Timelines

    Justin, another LIberal who  thinks he was born to lead this country,  but don't all Liberals believe that they have the "God" given right to rule Canada?  Gag me with a spoon, and not a silver one like Justin is use to please. ;D