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  1. M

    Basic Up?

    I was also under the impression that Basic Up was some sort of reality show that would appear every so often on the Army website. But ever since they posted the teasers, I haven't heard anything new about it. I don't know about this. While I was at the recruiting office, I got a chance to see...
  2. M

    new recruiting policies

    Whoah. I guess it's very dependent on the person doing the interview and the amount of material which is provided by the person being interviewed. Mine lasted roughly 75-80 minutes. I must say though, that at one point we started discussing my traveling experiences which was likely not among the...
  3. M

    Incompetent journalists, again

    It's available online at: http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/story.html?id=99c79526-fab5-4d0b-a723-40f23914d317&k=91118
  4. M

    Army.ca pub night/meet and greet anyone? - Ottawa Chapter

    And the last ones... PS: Hopefully that wont be too many pictures for the mods' tastes  :-\ If it is the case, I apologize in advance for the trouble I will have caused you.
  5. M

    Army.ca pub night/meet and greet anyone? - Ottawa Chapter

    And here are some more pictures...
  6. M

    Army.ca pub night/meet and greet anyone? - Ottawa Chapter

    All right folks, I’ve transferred the pictures I’ve taken during Thursday’s Fortissimo event and decided to share some with you. A whole bunch of them turned out blurry and as darkness set in, my pictures turned out ever darker with the grain showing so I’ve only uploaded those which came out...
  7. M

    Famous Pictures

    This 'riot' you are speaking of is generally known as the Oka crisis and there are two very well known pictures that stick to your description: a) Pte. Patrick Cloutier of the 22e staring Brad 'Freddy Krueger' Larocque each other in the white of the eyes; and b) Ronald 'Lasagne' (or 'Lasagna')...
  8. M

    Army.ca pub night/meet and greet anyone? - Ottawa Chapter

    The Silent Drill Team was great, like the rest of the teams/bands performing. They brought a little green in the sea of otherwise red and blue ;D. I unfortunately didn't get one of those sheets they were distributing showing the evening program so I don't know exactly from which unit every...
  9. M

    Army.ca pub night/meet and greet anyone? - Ottawa Chapter

    Two points for people considering to show up at tonight's or tomorrow's performance: For people who wonder, you can bring some lawn chairs or a blanket if you plan on sitting on the grass. If you want to sit through the whole show however (apart for those moments where they ask the audience to...
  10. M

    Army.ca pub night/meet and greet anyone? - Ottawa Chapter

    I went to Thursday evening’s performance and I must say that I was very impressed by what I’ve seen. It would be hard to find a setting for the event which would be better suited than Parliament Hill. It provides a big flat green area, delivers a perfect acoustic, shields the bands from wind and...
  11. M

    Pourquoi les rubans jaunes sont si rares à Québec?

    Vous pouvez être assuré que je n’essayais pas de défendre l’opinion généralisée au Québec vis-à-vis des déploiements militaires. Si c’est l’impression que dégage mon message précédent, je m’en excuse – j’ai peut-être été peu clair. Seulement cdnbravery a posé la question à savoir pourquoi les...
  12. M

    Pourquoi les rubans jaunes sont si rares à Québec?

    D'après moi, c'est une autre manière pour le Québécois moyen d'exprimer son désir constant d'être considéré comme faisant partie d’une société distincte. Pour plusieurs Québécois, et notamment ceux qui souhaitent l’indépendance de la province, les décisions prises au fédéral ne prennent pas en...
  13. M

    My weight / BMI isn't changing?

    Agreed medic269. I also agree with Bert's and Haggis' followups. I myself do not tend to rely much on BMI. Considering how heavy muscle is, I have found BMI to be a poor index of fitness when weight training. So it's all good for me. Thanks for your replies guys.
  14. M

    My weight / BMI isn't changing?

    medic269: Not that I want to challenge your opinion (considering my knowledge on the matter is very limited), but I always thought that the whole 'converting fat directly to muscle' was but a myth. Could you, or anyone else who is knowledgeable in this field, clarify this point? The way that...
  15. M

    Forced to pay / belong to a mess [Merged]

    Mmm... I should keep that in mind. I guess I could make a whole lot of friends this way...
  16. M

    Need ideas for a Canada tattoo

    To me, there is something strange about asking someone else for suggestions on a design that will remain on you forever (or until you are so tired of it that you'll be ready to pay muchos $$$ to have it removed). I realize you feel like proving your patriotism, but I agree with Hale when he said...
  17. M

    I have a confession

    I've been re-reading the Artsy thread too and boy! that must make some pretty heated discussions at the Christmas gatherings.  :blotto:
  18. M

    Question to the CBC and Left

    Well I believe the problem with your point of view zipperhead_cop is that you think of Lebanese people as a whole entity. As far as I know, there is no such a thing as a Lebanese nation. In any case, if there was such a thing, it would be barely three generations old. Let me explain myself...
  19. M

    Question to the CBC and Left

    I hope I won't be flamed for making this statement, but since the 2006 Israelo-Lebanese conflict has started, I've been reading quite a few threads on this forum where Army.ca members accuse the Canadian Medias of 'taking the side' of Hezbollah. I am wondering what exactly lead you to this...
  20. M

    Pedophiles turn to politics *wow*

    What preoccupies me is that the party is supposedly a multi-platform party... According to the BBC, (source: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/5038682.stm). This means that drugheads may potentially overlook the paedophilia issue and vote for them just for the sake of having hard drugs...