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I have a confession


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Artsy is my mother, I invited her here hoping that you guys could talk some sense into her and I apologize for bringing more of that stuff on here. http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/43047.0.html  :brickwall:
I had fun rereading that thread...always enjoy a silly thread  ;D    er....that was a silly thread wasn't it?  ::)
Jake it's neigh on impossible to talk sense into someone not looking to hear an opposing point of view. Truly you tried, sadly she didn't want to hear anything we could have said that might have cause some thought.

Perhaps your mother will someday actually do some research on an opposing point of view, now however I think her mind is well set in her beliefs.

No one on here would agree with her, but we would all sacrifice our life for her right to think and say what she pleases.

*Edit: Spelling and grammar, poorly I might add.
GAP said:
I had fun rereading that thread...always enjoy a silly thread  ;D    er....that was a silly thread wasn't it?  ::)

Roger, Devil Dog: It was a very silly thread... very silly. As silly as a guy in a theater selling dead albatross...
I've been re-reading the Artsy thread too and boy! that must make some pretty heated discussions at the Christmas gatherings.  :blotto:
Jake said:
Artsy is my mother, I invited her here hoping that you guys could talk some sense into her and I apologize for bringing more of that stuff on here. http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/43047.0.html  :brickwall:

I believe you need to throat punch your mother (for TMM)  ;D
HitorMiss said:
Jake it's neigh on impossible to talk sense into someone not looking to hear an opposing point of view. truly you tried sadly she didn't want hear anything we could have said tat might have cause some thought.

Perhaps your mother will someday actually do some research on an opposing point of view, now however I think her mind is well set in her beliefs.

No one on here would agree with them, but we would all sacrifice our life for her right to think and say what she pleases.

I 100% agree with HoM.  Some people just have something so set in their minds that logical thought and debate is shut down.  It's easy to see a "no war" activisit on TV or in the paper or wherever they happen to be seen or heard, and then just play "follow the leader".  It's a senseless argument that will continue for lord knows how long.  Best you can do is respect her opinion, bite your tongue, and thank her for raising a good son.  Hope it helps :)

Cheers, Chris
Wait.  You mean we're not there for the pipelines and oil?  :crybaby:
Because I could actually use some for my gas lovin' F-150 right about now.  Anything to bring the price of gas/litre below the price of a coffee.

Seriously though, there are some people that simply don't want to listen to anyone elses side of the story.  They have it in their minds that they are right, and that's the bottom line.  There's one thing to be ill-informed and post your view.  It's entirely different to cast everything aside that doesn't support what you want to hear.  As Mud Recce Man touched upon, we sheepdogs exist so the sheep can live blissful ignorant lives about what the wolf wants to do to them.

P.S.  I can't remember the article exactly where the Sheepdog, Sheep and Wolf analogy came from.  I read it while on Phase 3, and found it to be an inciteful article that I would encourage everyone to read and keep a copy for themselves.

Just read the thread you linked.  Hopefully, your career choice won't create too much tension between you and your family.
Callsign Kenny said:

Just read the thread you linked.  Hopefully, your career choice won't create too much tension between you and your family.

Maybe he can enlighten his family a little. Once his family begin to worry about a family member/ friend that may be sent to Afghanistan they may begin to look up the facts.....just maybe, Here's hoping.

And if that doesn't work refer to the quote below....

Trinity said:
I believe you need to throat punch your mother (for TMM)   ;D
that was a silly thread wasn't it? 
Ha ha sure was, it was funny to read.
It definitely does make for some heated discussion at Christmas.....and Thanksgiving and birthdays and weekends  ::)
Maybe he can enlighten his family a little. Once his family begin to worry about a family member/ friend that may be sent to Afghanistan they may begin to look up the facts.....just maybe, Here's hoping.
I've given up trying to do it as a civilian, she is definitely set in her opinion. Maybe I'll have more luck when/if I get some first hand experience in A-Stan. Right now, everytime I say something about my application progress or anything having to do with the CF she starts with the "You know what's really happening over there?"  ::)
Just read the thread you linked.  Hopefully, your career choice won't create too much tension between you and your family.
It might cause a little with my mom and the boyfriend she managed to brainwash, but my dad's side of the family is very supportive.
I believe you need to throat punch your mother (for TMM) 
Hahaha if nothing else works, I'll keep that in mind  ;D
Trinity said:
I believe you need to throat punch your mother (for TMM)   ;D

Geese Padre show a little sensitivity, the guy can’t throat punch his own mother! A really compassionate, sensitive guy would have offered to do it for him!  ;D
Well Jake good luck trying to convince your Mom to change her views. IMO she's probably not going to. What I found disturbing the most was not that she holds the views that she does, but she seems incapable of actually discussing them.

Honestly I thought she was either completely drunk or unbalanced. Sorry man.
You should hear some of the things she comes up with.....to say she wears a tin foil hat would be an understatement. More like tin foil sombrero  :P