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Search results

  1. Tebo

    Defence spending run amok: Report

    Not that new.  Continual acceptance of wrong doings only makes them the status quo - not a process I will partake in.  I'll continue to be angry, bide my time and one day make a difference and/or get booted out.  Thankfully, I can find some dignitiy in such a path. Infantry Officer w/...
  2. Tebo

    Defence spending run amok: Report

    "We've had a downsizing (of National Defence personnel) over a number of years in the department so there are fewer people available to manage the contracts," Chris Currie, one of the officials involved in the review, said in an interview. Nice deflection.  Maybe they should stop with the...
  3. Tebo

    Knee pains and infantry training question.

    I experienced very similar symptoms with my knees.   In the end it came out that my arches had taken a fair bit of abuse from high impact sports and the resultant misalingnment of my legs was causing damage to the knees. The solution was two-fold.   First, an orthotist made customized insoles...
  4. Tebo

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    Sorry.   I was not detailed in my critique of wheels vs the RPG.   From Iraq there is a large instance of wheels catching fire from the RPG strike and cooking the crew inside unless the get out immediately.   But hey, it's not everyday someone can point out an erroneous claim and come out on the...
  5. Tebo

    Major-General Lewis MacKenzie CM, MSC, OOnt, CD

    Do you seriously think the Canadian media would dishonour fallen Canadian soldiers defending the right for democratic election in Afghanistan by saying we should turn tail and run away?  Balance the death stories with our victories and coverage of the election.  If Canada does not have the will...
  6. Tebo

    K9 Units

    I am very keen on the idea of K9 units in many capacities.  When would you NOT appreciate a member of the team that can detect the enemy with nose and ear far before any human sense can?  Many excellent stories came out of Korea and Vietnam in which dogs negated enemy ambushes, raids, and...
  7. Tebo

    New MBT(Leo 2, M1A2, or Challenger 2), new light tank (Stingray), or new DFSV (M8 or MGS)?

    I sincerely hope that those in this community in a position to inform the new MND about NDHQ concerns will do so.   If I were a brand new minister on the scene I would be desperate for as much information from as many quarters as possible.   Make it happen. Couple thoughts on the M8 / CV-90...
  8. Tebo

    Want to decode my occupation code

    When someone in the real world asks your MOC it is beneficial to report a quick ## - U.   Let's them know where you are coming from and ensures someone does not try to hand you a group of troops and a special-knowledge required task. "Go to it, sir."       "Right....."     ^-^
  9. Tebo

    U.S. 'friendly fire' pilot won't face court martial

    I am also curious what sort of threat small arms fire poses to an F-16 fighter patrol however many kilometers up.   With the speed they travel at you would think flight instead of fight a more prudent method for dealing with a pittance of tracer fire.   I have a very difficult time believing...
  10. Tebo

    proper pushup form- please clarify

    From the four CF Fitness tests I have taken on three courses no one ever got in trouble for doing a tricep style push-up.   People did get in trouble for sticking their elbows out too far or placing their hands to wide when the staff was paticularily stingent. My suggestion would be to do as...
  11. Tebo

    Would Mandatory National Service make the CF stronger?

    The foundation of Starship Troopers ("The book, not the movie," I say shaking head in despair) was that to assume the responsibilty of a citizen you must demonstrate an abiltiy to sacrifice self for the greater good.  The idea here is that the authority one is given must be in balance with the...
  12. Tebo

    Liberal or Conservative?

    So I did some poking around the Green camp and came across a few things: "When crisis emerges or disaster strikes in any nation, Canadians are deeply moved to provide help. To play a role in international assistance missions, Canada must maintain a large, highly-trained and well-equipped Rapid...
  13. Tebo

    Liberal or Conservative?

    Three points of note: 1.) A   mixed Proportional / Regional election system has my thumbs up:   Allows us to retain the required voice of under populated regions while alloting popular parties with non-regional power bases a shot at making a difference.   Coalition government operate...
  14. Tebo

    Uganda calling the U.N. - Where are you?

    Sorry to prod you in the wrong direction.  I was simply asking for discussion with respect to the will of Canada to do such a thing where it possible.  Not trying to dive into the logistics which is treated every day all over the site.  :) I was also was quite clear about not occupying...
  15. Tebo

    Infantry Officer P. Eng Eligibility

    Thank you very much.  I have heard this school thrown around by different names, nice to lock it down. Also, it appears I will be on PAT platoon for a few months at CFB Gagetown.  If there are any positions that a graduated engineer would actualy be of use in let me know so I can start working...
  16. Tebo

    What are the must pass subjects for IAP/BOTP?

    On account of my large childhood respect for Tigger I will fire some information off. Direct yourself to: http://www.cflrs.forces.gc.ca//english/officers/formation/formation_01.asp Here you will find a week by week description of training.   Anything that says exam or test is graded.   The...
  17. Tebo

    Infantry Officer P. Eng Eligibility

    I am graduating this summer with a B.Eng in mechanical engineering and will proceed to finish my Infantry Officer trade courses over the next year.  I have heard offhand rumors that through some extra-curricular excursions into the combat engineer and EME worlds, coupled with some technology...
  18. Tebo

    Saudi Arabia has problems too

    Thank you! Excellent, excellent article.  Very well worth the read. The immediate counter I perceive is the destruction of Al Qaeda's sought oil based leverage.  Technologically, we easily have the ability to migrate from oil to a methane or, ideally, a hydrogen based economy:  Mobile and...
  19. Tebo

    Combats at LHQ

    If you really feel the need for training similar to section attacks I would direct you to join a rugby side or school team.  No other sport, in my experience, captures the spirit or physical requirments of an assault quite as well.  Additionally, you gain mental and physical toughness.  All this...
  20. Tebo

    Reserve Engr Sp Sqn in Chilliwack

    Spr.Earl, could you define a future heavy training area for me?  Thanks.