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Combats at LHQ


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I was recently informed at a practice that apparently cadets are no longer allowed to wear their combats in an LHQ setting because we look to military or because some one might confuse us with the real army or something stupid like that. Has any one else heard of this new rule? I don't think it makes scene personall. Because if we are going to fire air rifles on base they want us towear civis? I just don't understand what Cadets Canada is doing with us and what there trying to turn us into.
Any help with this would be awesome.
havent heared any thing about not wearing combats at LHQ, where are you getting this info from, rumor or is it being implemented at your corps.  My corps currently wears combats during training nights excluding CO's parades and when the RSM makes it Du's
There is a standing order in the west which was recently implemented not too long ago, it stated that LHQ's are not permitted to allow combat clothing for wear. I know a few corps out there still wear them, but they are not supposed to. As for Central Region, I believe there is an order out there, but many corps are still wearing combats, including my own. I don't know if it is going to be nation-wide, but as far as I know, we will continue wearing combats.
I got the information from my CO. One night I had to teach cadets rest on your arms reverse so we could put on a quarter guard at the cenotaph. I wore combats to look professional. My CO. Told me I wasn't allowed to any more.
I havnt heard any such thing...

but then again I havnt really worn combats on training nights since I was a CPL
The way things are going, I suspect combats will be fully disallowed across Canada, except for summer training and optional training.
It's sad but I have to agree. Cadets is getting pussier and pussier every year. At this point Cadets has more rules that are stupid than boy scouts does. I wish we could convince them that we aren't in cadets because we want to be pussys but because we actually want to be cadets.
I'll tell you what I tell my cadets... suck it up and soldier on, no matter how bad it gets... including myself.
    In all my time in cadets we have worn combats TWICE on a parade night, besides optional training and a few FTX's throughout the year. In regards to "taking the army out of cadets" check this article out written by my old RSM.
That article I can agree with so much!!!

Boy scout can do  more then us!!!
For god sakes we are not even allowed to play Capture the flag because of some morons up top

"Some ppl may get attacked if we allow the cadets to go off on their own, and we cant have that"

When has this happened?, In all my (3) years as a cadet I have never seen or heard of a serious fight on cadet time! (Only exeption camp, basic, two morons had to much sugar)

CHAP is good but it is to restricting right now.
Wheres the fun, wheres the army!!!
Thats a really good article. I am currently working on my own just like that. What magazine is that in? because I was going to post my in cadence but if it was there than I wont because  it would be like most of the same things.

Lets not complain too much about not being able to wear combats.  I have be actively involved in the CF, in some capacity, since 1980.  The past 17 years has been in the reg force, 2 years before that in the reserves, and 5 years in the cadets (2814 Hamilton).  I joined 2814 in 1980.  Back then, we always wore our dress uniform except on Sports days.  Combats were permitted on FTX's but we had to buy them.  Thus, most of us did not have combats and were content wearing warm and dry civies.  During summer camps combats were not issued.  Cadets who went to Ipperwash for the summer wore green shorts, green T-shirt, and cheap canvas running shoes or ankle boots.  Even during the FTX's at Ipperwash we were only issued with long pants and long sleeve shirt (similar to a work dress uniform). 

I have not worked with cadets in a few years but I can say from personal experience the cadets have come a long way in the last 20 years.  Yes, there are good things and bad things but that same cliche will follow you through life.  My point is that being associated with a military organization you are required to follow direction.  I do not know the reason why you are being directed not to wear combats anymore but if it is a directive from a higher HQ you are expected to follow it.  I have done many things over the past 25 years that I did not understand, like, or agree with.  But, hey that is all part of life. 

Cadets is a great organization and as you get older you will appreciate more what you are being taught now, for use in both civilian life and a military career if you should choose.     
I'm wondering where the response is to the linked article, the one that is mentioned in the editor's note at the bottom. Perhaps if we are to be presented with the "beef" we should also see the organization's rebuttal for balance.
I don't know if it is a national policy or a Central Region (Ontario) policy, but in Central Region, it has been a policy for at least 2 years, probably more like 3.

The rule seems to be that cadets can wear combats in the following situations:

- Field Training Exercises
- Rifle training

Also, a rule has come out that officers shall only wear combats one parade night a month.

I have really no sympathy for the cadet combat rules, as someone else mentioned, it has only been recently where corps wore combats most of the time. At my corps when i was a cadet (as recent as 7 years ago) we only wore combats for FTX training, speciality training and work details. The rest of the time was the cadet uniform of some form or other.
Cadets is getting pussier and pussier every year. At this point Cadets has more rules that are stupid than boy scouts does.

Who said I was a Chief Scout? Who?
This is what I know.

  Army Cadets are not SOLDIERS. They are dedicated youth aged 12 to 18 who have an interest in Canadian Forces or curious about what is Cadets all about.Within 125 years if existance the roles of Army cadets have changed because of current events and unfortunate activities which painted a black picture on Army Cadets to society.We are Army cadets
of 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003 and 2004. CHAP was implemented in 1998 in the Canadian Cadet Program. Many say it was the"pitfall"of Cadets and the reason Cadets is slacking is because of it. Which I think is C(@#.

  Main reason why CHAP exists is because cadets were getting injured . Example stick in the middle. A fun game however,
cadets were being hurt. Your first reaction may be wussy to the cadet. Who knows what that particulat cadet has been through. That cadet can be called stuiped, fag and other horrible stuff at school.Let alone he/she has to deal with cadets being up to of her/him beating the living c(@& out of her/him. Alot of luggage. I say.

  Another point of CHAP is, there is nothing that is added, which is not against the law(we are not members of the military). It is like going though a red light.I love this quote "You only break yourself against the law"

  Cadets still need to grow physicaly, emotionaly and sprituality, they are teenagers. Cadets have alot of time left if they want war games. If you want war games join the military. Anything else, is to have fun in Cadets.Don't let the small things bother you.

My last point is. Members of the miltary at times are not trained because of reasons. They get screwed over also.
It is not a new thing. It happends everywheres. "Ruck up and soldier on"
If you really feel the need for training similar to section attacks I would direct you to join a rugby side or school team.  No other sport, in my experience, captures the spirit or physical requirments of an assault quite as well.  Additionally, you gain mental and physical toughness.  All this packaged in an arena based on fair play where the violence is limited to a tackle and not carried past a point no minor should have to contemplate too seriousely. But trust me, you will get fired up.

Good luck in whatever training you undertake.  I am greatly impressed to read so many well constructed posts, regardless of the author's viewpoint.
Tebo said:
If you really feel the need for training similar to section attacks I would direct you to join a rugby side or school team.   No other sport, in my experience, captures the spirit or physical requirments of an assault quite as well.   Additionally, you gain mental and physical toughness.   All this packaged in an arena based on fair play where the violence is limited to a tackle and not carried past a point no minor should have to contemplate too seriousely. But trust me, you will get fired up.

Good luck in whatever training you undertake.   I am greatly impressed to read so many well constructed posts, regardless of the author's viewpoint.

Go Rugby !
It's sad but I have to agree. Cadets is getting pussier and pussier every year. At this point Cadets has more rules that are stupid than boy scouts does.

Um... have you seen the new scout "uniforms"? Now there's a stupid policy. My girlfriend is a leader at a scout camp, and hearing some stories and seeing what they now pass of as their uniform is just plain sad. Cadets losing ground to scouts? Not likely.

The people complaining about nonsense policies and such and demanding more military type training in cadets are missing the irony here. It cannot possibly get more military than having to suck it up and press on despite policies that you might personally think are dumb. You're already learning one of the most important lessons you can for survival in both civy and military life: surviving bureaucracy with your sanity intact.   ;D

No i havent seen the new scout uniforms, would you like to enlighten us?