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  1. CDNBlackhawk

    August 31st baby

    Well after 13 damn month of waiting and almost giving my hopes up, i finaly got a conditional offer for employment on august 31st Damn i havent been this happy in a year, I get sworn in on the 19th at CFRC Toronro.. Haha man i am excited, Anyways has anyone else got their offer for this time yet?
  2. CDNBlackhawk

    Canadien Army Size?

    i think i read some where that they were 2.65 million, that included every one in every division and branch.
  3. CDNBlackhawk

    Hi everyone!

    anyone know if the selection boards for infantry will be in august!
  4. CDNBlackhawk

    NEW US Army Combat Uniform (ACU) debuts monday

    Major Baker I remember reading or hearing that the USARMY Uniforms (BDU's) cost around 60.00 dollars US and the new ACU are going to be about 20-30 dollars more then the BDU's.  any truth to this that you know of? Thanks
  5. CDNBlackhawk

    any calls out there?

    I was told this also, and my trade is Infantry So I imagine, the calls will go out for most trades.
  6. CDNBlackhawk

    Real Classy Dude

    I just e-mailed that fuck tard, His rants make me mad, but on the same note make me laugh because it goes to show you how ignorant and stupid some people are.
  7. CDNBlackhawk


    for reg force you get uniforms 2-3 days  after basic starts.
  8. CDNBlackhawk

    Giving in to terrorist demands-Why?

    kicken ass and takening names...lol seriously.. I am at the point where i am almost begining to think the states should pull out and tell the rest of the world to go F*&C them selfs. why because country after country cry for the USA to help, they come and then it gets thrown back into their...
  9. CDNBlackhawk

    Giving in to terrorist demands-Why?

    Give in and send the terrorists millions or billions of dollars. so they look like heros in the end. Considering top liberal officials, including paul martin have been to tamil tiger rallys. it wouldnt surpirse me if they gave in.
  10. CDNBlackhawk

    Competition List Questions (formally called Merit List) [MERGED]

    I have been merit listed for over a month now  and was told i missed mays slection boards because i didint get merit listed in time, I have also been told that the next selection board for 031 infantry is around september. I am really getting pissed off with this crap, been in the process for...
  11. CDNBlackhawk

    Joining a Regular Force Parachute Company

    Guys leave him alone and if you dont have an inteligent answer, dont answer. The fact is everyone has their dreams and just because you get sick and tired of people asking similar questions doesnt give you the right to make them feel like shit.
  12. CDNBlackhawk

    got sworn in...

    Robertolan, what trade and when did you recieve your offer?
  13. CDNBlackhawk

    Royal Marines Recruiting Ad

    Awsome Video, that video made me so pumped....lol Candian forces should create an add similar to that and what is currently out their and show both aspects, the rough and tough elite part and the current parts.
  14. CDNBlackhawk

    NEW US Army Combat Uniform (ACU) debuts monday

    IMO I think their new uniforms look rediculous and cant see it being very effective in the fields either, it doesnt look tan,geen and greay as they suggested, it looks just light grey.
  15. CDNBlackhawk

    Battle School

    that 10 week course is after 10 weeks of basic.
  16. CDNBlackhawk

    Battle School

    I was just on the CDN Forces recruiting sight, looking at the trade i have applied for 031 Infantry and i noticed somthing very different from previous times looking at it, It clearly says that Battle school is about 10 weeks long, and i am preatty sure that it use to be 16 weeks long. This is...
  17. CDNBlackhawk

    Found out whats happening

    I applied for NCM
  18. CDNBlackhawk

    Found out whats happening

    I will be calling before september anyways to make sure i wasnt accidently given false information. But if i dont get called with my offer in september i am goona flip.
  19. CDNBlackhawk

    Found out whats happening

    Called CFRC torotno today and found out i missed mays selction boards because i was not merit listed in time which is their falt, but i wont get into that.The next time for slection is in September, so she said to expect a call somtime in september, she also said they still have to select 30%...
  20. CDNBlackhawk

    Basic Reg?????

    When i called about three weeks ago they said i was Merit listed and its now basicly a waiting game, I Guess my biggest concern is i have put my life on hold waiting for the military and am begining to worry. I plan to call them tomorrow and find out anything they can tell me!