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Canadien Army Size?

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Hey, this probably seems like a dumb question, but what is Canada's army size compared to the U.S?  The reason I ask is I met someone who was making fun of the 9/11 attacks and was saying how Canada had a way bigger army than the U.S and had way more money.  I figure that people at a website would know if that is true or not.
The effective strength of the ENTIRE CF stands at approx 55 000 pers, with a budget of approx 8.2 Billion USD.   That is not even as big as the Marine Corps, let alone the US Army.   So this person posting on that site is quite possibly smoking crack. lol.

EDIT - Whooops...wrote million, meant billion... tks.
AntiArmour Guy said:
The effective strength of the ENTIRE CF stands at approx 55 000 pers, with a budget of approx 8.2 Million USD.  That is not even as big as the Marine Corps, let alone the US Army.  So this person posting on that site is quite possibly smoking crack. lol.

I think you meant billions of dollars.
With 8.2 Million $, each soldier in the CF would get at most 150$ per year.
Doesn't the Americans have something like 2 Million Regular and Reservists in all of their forces put together?
i think i read some where that they were 2.65 million, that included every one in every division and branch.
put it this way... ever seen star wars? the United States is the Empire.
they have enough troops to fight two wars like the one in iraq, and still defend the country from a major attack at the same time, and still have more left to counterattack.Their Military is gigantic, if they wanted to conquer the world and economy wasnt a factor , im sure they could take a good crack at it.

The Canadian army is outnumbered by the new york police department.The entire country is only the same population size of that city in the first place.

we have the capacity to support a 100,000 man army, we have around 50,000 i think.On a brighter note:

A corporal in the canadian military could go to the US , and be in special forces.They have so many troops, they dont need to train them to as high of a standard as we do.It would take forever, and cost tons of money, and again, you dont need to because you can ovverrun everybody with the army they have, further training isnt necessary.Its all about numbers.

But, Canada has the second best trained infantry in the world.Number one is Israel if im not mistaken.
jmackenzie_15 said:
But, Canada has the second best trained infantry in the world.Number one is Israel if im not mistaken.

I dunno mate... I'd lean towards the Aussies as being a bit better...

maybe the canadian infantry of 10 years ago, I roll my eyes when I hear from people our infantry is equal to special forces in the states or other countries.
Just checked my figures...  (all figures are rounded down)

Regular Force total - 61 500
Trained Eff Str - 52 500 (approx 1000 unaval for a variety of reasons)

Reserve Str - 21 000
jmmackenzie what do you base this statement on??

A corporal in the canadian military could go to the US , and be in special forces.

If you believe that you are listening to too many war stories.
I agree with Ex-Dragoon.

Are you trying to imply canadian "corporals" in the army are so well trained they would easily be able to serve in the special forces of the US?
Or maybe you mean if a corporal doesn't like the job here they can go south and find more work?  I have a feeling it's the former to which i would say i've seen some corporals that i wouldn't trust lighting a stove.  I'm not trying to burn the CF and i'm as proud as the next guy about our soldiers but lets be realistic.
I happened to take leave at Christmas and went down to Disneyworld.  It was interesting to learn that there are 3000 more employees for Disneyworld than we have in the Forces.  Gives a twisted kind of perspective.
I met someone who was making fun of the 9/11 attacks and was saying how Canada had a way bigger army than the U.S and had way more money.

Congrats, you met an idiot.

But, Canada has the second best trained infantry in the world

Pardon? Maybe back in the day this argument could be made. You know, back before all our experienced troops were paid to bail out, when not only were training standards higher but training actually happened.

I'd be surprised if we're even in the top ten nowadays. If by some fluke we still are, don't hold your breath because we won't be for long. We are now beginning to see the full price of decades of mismanagement and neglect. Even if the government pulls a sharp 180 and actually puts some strong support behind the forces, it will still take a couple decades to put things right.
;D ;D yeah the states are gonna need all their army if they try poking some bs up china's rear ;D ;D weapons of mass distraction
they'll get messed up bad...we have had that experince going againt chinese forces.remember the whistles and charges...
'yeah the only thing they can do is drop the bomb ...like all the wars or engaments they got into..personally i think our armed forces are and have always been 10 times more disciplined than the states...HOW THE HELL U DISOBEY A DIRECT ORDER AND KILL OUR TROOPS <<WHAT WAS HE FLYING AT 100FEET OFF THE GROUND THAT HE WAS AFRAID OF SMALL ARMS FIRE...pppshh please grow a bain and come up with a better excuse...i doubt any infantry or ground unit can target a supersonic jet with AK or any other damn small arms fire!! thought those planes were built so that they can take hits from AA guns and still make it back..or at least in they old days thats how they were built.

OH BTW the French Foreign Legion (legionaires) are the best trained infantry in the world (they make the seals look like puppies ;D )
thats what i feel
why i flew off the handle back there is i'm going infantry and if i ever get smoked by friendly fire...I'm gonna come back from the dead and haunt their ass!!
SAS beat the legion but the JTF would kill them if they have guns from the navy seals but probably not the GS9
This thread is an abortion.  If no one has anything meanful to say, then I'll lock it.