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Search results

  1. N

    When will the CF be hiring again?

    At The Moment.
  2. N

    Que. school worker outed as porn star, suspended

    Some schools do throw a "Morality Clause" into their contracts. Let's hope she read the paperwork carefully.
  3. N

    Report says too many whites, men lead US military

    Women in the US armed forces according to wikipedia, citing sources from 2009: 203,375 / 1,445,000 = 14.07%. If 16% of senior officers are women, my remedial math skills are telling me that they're batting slightly above average. But racial and gender quotas are stupid all on their own, so...
  4. N

    need some answers please !

    Now I know what Jean Francois Champollion felt like.
  5. N

    The Navigation Game

    I attempted this for about 20 minutes before I came to the solid conclusion that there is absolutely nothing in Saskatchewan; people, places, nor road signs. I did a little math in my head and realized that I couldn't possibly click and load new images much faster than a vehicle on the...
  6. N

    Hair Test

    Brings new meaning to the phrase "Got him by the short and curlies".
  7. N

    NHL Playoffs @ BMQ

    I'm thinking you'll miss seeing them make a run to the finals, but not because of BMQ. ;)
  8. N

    Canada Post red-faced over ‘sexy-reindeer’ lingerie ad

    I hardly think that's the worst thing an enterprising youngster searching for 'lingerie' will see on the internet.
  9. N


    On that note, as someone who used to be 6'4 - 150lbs, this is a rather personal issue for me: Unless you have a serious medical issue, or are making a very specific personal choice to remain underweight, I'd encourage you to put on some healthy weight, and bump yourself up into the normal BMI...
  10. N

    New Game: Make a wish

    I wish I could return my opened bluray disk "Cop Out"...wow that was horrible! Granted. Unfortunately, your next blu-ray purchase will mistakenly contain a copy of "Stop! Or my mom will shoot!". I wish I was no longer on hold with my ISP's Customer Service hotline.
  11. N

    Officer vs NCM with an unrelated degree

    I'm on to your tricks.
  12. N

    Officer vs NCM with an unrelated degree

    To be fair, I think Journeyman passed up the economics degree in favor of a Masters in Reverse Psychology.
  13. N

    CF position on poor academic history.

    To this day, I'm still not convinced that a 'practical' Computer Science degree exists. ;)
  14. N

    Pilot Recruiting Length

    He asked for the average, not the median!
  15. N


    I am officially in favor of implementing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" on this one.
  16. N

    New CF Physical Fitness Webiste-DFit.ca

    I'm using Chrome; a bunch of the elements on certain pages have managed to wander off into other frames.
  17. N

    New CF Physical Fitness Webiste-DFit.ca

    Hopefully the terrible layout issues I'm having in a non-IE browser are fixed before it goes live.
  18. N

    If you couldn't be a XXXXX

    Which MOC is 'professional billionaire'?
  19. N

    References Superthread [Merged]

    As a matter of common courtesy, you should always inform someone before you give their name out as a reference, no matter which job you're applying for.
  20. N

    Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

    Tsk. Tsk.  ;)