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  1. xFusilier

    Anti-terrorism squads raid Ottawa homes

    Donald Marshall, Guy Paul Morin and Steven Truscott go to prove the fact that miscarrigages of justice do happen. I have not portrayed the police as salivating dogs, they are, in fact, necessary to the maintenance of the rule of law. Nor, did I state that abuse of authority is rampant. That...
  2. xFusilier

    Anti-terrorism squads raid Ottawa homes

    Bruce what you said may be true. But I‘ll stick with the age old rule, the police suspect you of something, shut up and get a lawyer. Besides with a tag line like corrections, its not like you‘re going to be arguing for the scrotes is it. :D
  3. xFusilier

    Anti-terrorism squads raid Ottawa homes

    I can tell you I‘ve been to societies which can be defined as "free" and I have been to societies that can be defined as "safe". There are no "free", "safe" societies. Having lived in Syria, I would define Syria as a very safe place in terms of law and order issues, wouldn‘t call it a very...
  4. xFusilier

    trade open or closed?

    What I would suggest you do is go back to the unit you want to join and advise that you went to CFRC and they said the trade was closed. One person here is wrong, if it turns out to be CFRC thats good for you if not you took 20 minutes of your time.
  5. xFusilier

    Wrist Watch Recommendations - Merged Thread

    $10 Genuine Rolex Almost as good looking at the bar and i‘ve got $490 left over for associated sundry items at the bar.
  6. xFusilier

    BUDGET ‘04

    Regular force members vote in the ridings from which they are recruited, thus scattering any posible liberal votes throughout the country, seems a lot of money to pickup a couple of votes in each riding.
  7. xFusilier

    Sec 2i/c crse - QL5 - questions

    When I did JNCO in 1996 they did it as an all arms course, with the infantymen all getting assesed to the infantry standard. Try leading a patrol that consists of a 4‘0" admin clerk, an engineer, and a gunner from Quebec who was sent on the course for "employment".
  8. xFusilier

    Sec 2i/c crse - QL5 - questions

    Other way around, you take PLQ which provides the foundations for DP2B and then you take the section 2i/c course which goes into Infantry specific leadership and tactics, wheras PLQ is an all arms course.
  9. xFusilier

    training landmines (paint or powder)

    We used to have a training cartridge for the Elsie AP mine, however since we have stopped deploying AP mines, it is probably now out of the system.
  10. xFusilier

    Spain is pulling out

    Maybe, the PM elect in Spain is doing the famous political trick of doing "Unless A happens, I will do B". While the participation of the UN in the political process in Iraq is not a sure thing, I think that what the PM elect is trying to do is have his cake and eat it too. I.E. he carters to...
  11. xFusilier

    Professional Engineer

    I‘ve seen Jimmy Officers wear them so unless the EME Branch dress regs state differently I couldn‘t see why not.
  12. xFusilier

    Globe and Mail...US Centric?

    Right then lads time, to defend Canadian Culture, were just going to have to go down there and torch the Whitehouse again. Or even better: One of you guys from the ASHCAN‘s or the Riley‘s go round up Shelia Copps, she‘s out of a job, and mail here to the following address: The President The...
  13. xFusilier

    Troops Forced To Pay Back Meal Claims Advances

    Im sorry, call me a heartless blade if you will (I got broad shoulders) but; TD allowances exist to ensure that an employee of the Government of Canada does not go out of pocket on expenses. No wheare have I stated in this forum that members of the CF should go out of pocket for travel...
  14. xFusilier

    Troops Forced To Pay Back Meal Claims Advances

    There is not enough information in the story to go on but, If they were living in accomodations (say a suite hotel) with a kitchen, their entitlements for meals is reduced substantially, as do entiltlements for TD change the longer you remain in travel status. And Michael, you are right if...
  15. xFusilier

    Troops Forced To Pay Back Meal Claims Advances

    This isn‘t an issue on wanting to pay or not wanting to pay, there is a TB directive that sets the meal rates. The CDS himself cannot vary those rates. You are either entitled to an allowance or not entitled to it. It is your responsibility as a member be it CF, Public Service or RCMP, to...
  16. xFusilier

    Troops Forced To Pay Back Meal Claims Advances

    What ever happened to you, Bloggins, pack your kit you‘re going on course. The senior official in this story is correct, the military is not a smorgasbord of benefits. The military way of doing business is not to attempt to buy volunteers it is to order people to go if no one is willing to...
  17. xFusilier

    You ever get that feeling...

    One reason you may not have been confined to barracks on your PLQ, (cannot vouch for the accuracy of this mind you) is that you cannot CB anyone above the rank of Pte without charge.
  18. xFusilier

    New Conservatives

    RHF, the above post is only interesting in the way the things you couldn‘t have in the Sears Christmas Wish Book were interesting. The cold hard reality of politics in Canada is guns wins over butter every time. What ever number of votes you gain by dropping a billion into Defence, you will...
  19. xFusilier

    Seems SEN Kerry is qualified

    Well I can tell you that I come from a military family, and one of the things I learned when I joined the Calgary Highlanders in 1992, was that even though I came from a military family, and I understood the military, that I did not "know" the military, because, being the child of a military...
  20. xFusilier

    Rucksack Weight

    Funny I always carried a light ruck around to simulate the room I would have to leave to fit ammunition etc. :D That was one of the shortcommings, I always found in the militia, was the 48 hr ex mindset. As the Sgt. Major has explained carrying what is on the kit list 1. Simulates the...