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training landmines (paint or powder)

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Sapper Major

I have been serching the net for landmines that fire paint or powder and can‘t seem to find any.
I know the americans use them because a few weeks ago we were in the states on ex., and used them there. They are an invaluable training aid. We realy sould use them and I don‘t know why we don‘t.
We used to have a training cartridge for the Elsie AP mine, however since we have stopped deploying AP mines, it is probably now out of the system.
The blue Elsie Trg mines still exist and we are allowed to train with AP mines to the extent required in order to respond to thier presence. However, I do not know of these trg mines having been used in the last few years. It is possible that the ammo no longer is in the system.
You‘re right about the use of the Elsie TA. However, it‘s only the Engineers that are allowed to use them and have access to them. Nobody else, to my knowledge can use them. It would entail us placing them, etc, and seeing as we don‘t use AP mines anymore it would be a contridiction in training and protocol. I remember asking for some for training and being told that they were not available to us because of the government stand on AP mines. Sucks, but that‘s the way it is. Guess the system figures if Canada doesn‘t use them, no one else does. :rolleyes: :eek:
I remember those blue mmines, step on em, a snap, and then a blueish smoke grenade kind of thing, with the smell of a smoke grenade too.

That was back in the 70‘s and I have not seen once since.


Out side of the Training Elsie,we use to use a training A.T..
I have not seen it for years,we may still have it.

Vehicle‘s where fitted with a Winky Dink light and a receiver as when the mine‘s when driven over the mine sent out a radio signal and set the Winky Dink off indicating a strike.

As for dye emiting training mine‘s I have never come across any in my time.
I think a paintball company in the US is making paintball mines. I recall seeing some on eBay.

I have no idea how effective they are, but I think they operated on a 8-gram CO2 cartridge.
I came across one that was missed during a sweep of a range in Pet during a summer course. Ironically we were doing a garbage sweep and I pointed it to course staff who got rid of it with Strange Patrol.

The one I found was light blue in colour and was about the size and length of a glo-stick.
We are alowd to use them even though they are AP. mine. The reason being is so the infentry know how to spot them and react to them. as well we engineers need to practice disarming them in a battle situation.
I have been looking into making them but I would have to pay for it myself. The unit dose not have the cash to buy them or make them. But if I can get them we can and will use them.
Originally posted by Spr.Earl:
[qb] Out side of the Training Elsie,we use to use a training A.T..
I have not seen it for years,we may still have it.
If you are refering to the tan mines that looked like curling rocks, then we still have them.
I heard someone mention paintball landmines....as I am an avid Paintball player, I thought I‘d throw out a link for you guys....


I don‘t know if they could serve a military purpose, as I have zero experience with these things (I am more into the sport of paintball as opposed to a wannabe-soldier aspect), but if you need more info, let me know
Originally posted by McG:
Originally posted by Spr.Earl:
[qb] Out side of the Training Elsie,we use to use a training A.T..
I have not seen it for years,we may still have it.
If you are refering to the tan mines that looked like curling rocks, then we still have them. [/qb]
Those are they.
No batteries no workie,yup had load‘s of fun trying to get the bugger‘s to work.
But sure look good :D

I remeber an Ex with the Strats and they charged through the mine field and over half of them hit mine‘s but kept going.Kinda funny seeing these tank‘s going off with the winky dink‘s going and the Umpire‘s trying to catch them to take them out of the game. :D