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  1. E

    Cadets- What Would You Change?

    myself an a few other cadets(mostly my sergeant buddies) have been "requesting" a garrison excercise for over 4 months. the chain hears our pleas but have had no luck (or whatnot) in getting something together.
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    Cadets- What Would You Change?

    748 governer generals horse gaurds.
  3. E

    Cadets- What Would You Change?

    its a sad shame i get to miss out on all those things because my CO‘s a flabbery old fool.
  4. E

    Cadets- What Would You Change?

    how about clean up of a wooded path adopted by the corps.
  5. E

    The "accidental" terrorist-Jason Morley and Free Speech

    Destruction of free speach seems to be a trend nowadays. he‘s just lucky he doesnt go to a elementary or secondary school,he‘d have been EXPELLED & ARRESTED. just the other day i was talkin to my friend whos a Mcpl. in my cadet corp about wut he‘s gonna do at his CLI adventure camp at...
  6. E

    Political correctness runs amok-Warriors Day Parade

    to quote George Carlin: "...the continued ‘puss‘ification of youths is distroying the very moral fabric of which western society is build upon...the idiots making these new bull**** laws,safety rules and ‘morals‘ are the same fools that grew up during the 50‘s,60‘s,70‘s and 80‘s, when extreme PC...
  7. E

    Regiment Airsoft

    i‘ve played both airsoft AND paintball in the past and i‘ve come to this conclusion: paintball is more laid back and fun. airsoft is equally fun (if not,MORE fun) and provides more of a milliteryesque atmosphere. its all good either way. :mg: :fifty: :sniper: :flame: :rage: :evil:
  8. E

    Cadets vs Boy Scouts (role, "child soldiers", etc.)

    actually as a matter of fact, the elderly gentleman who bought me and my friend some doughnuts was a major in the brittish army during korea. the drunks arent too bad sometimes, one fumbled in his pocket for 10 min looking for money while i held his whiskey for him and i ended up with a $20 bill.
  9. E

    Cadets vs Boy Scouts (role, "child soldiers", etc.)

    my corps has done a lot of community projects in the past. from tree planting to baricading for the santa claus parade. we‘ve also adopted a wooded trail along the rouge vally area.
  10. E

    Cadets vs Boy Scouts (role, "child soldiers", etc.)

    A week ago while i was tagging for my corps, a group of about 4 or so people in their mid 20‘s said to me when i approached them to help support my corp, "we hate the army and dont support the militrarization of youth." this struck me as kind of rude but i shrugged it off and went about my...
  11. E

    On the Lighter Side..... CF Rations

    open the bag from the side.....McG that‘s pure GENIUS!!!!!! im gonna try that next time im eatin IMPS(which will probably be next week). thanks for the tip.
  12. E

    On the Lighter Side..... CF Rations

    SoF-forget the little spoon,just drink the peaches from the bag. the pears and pineapples are the dirtiest desserts i‘ve EVER eaten from an IMP. *shudder* :flame: :fifty: :mg: :sniper: these lil guys are the coolest things. :fifty: he‘s my favourite.
  13. E

    On the Lighter Side..... CF Rations

    sausage and hash browns are the best! next to the almighty LASAGNE(!!!) of course. nothing can ever beat cold lasagne on a rainy morning. mmm mmm good. lol (btw,those whiteners can be put into a canteen of water so the water‘ll have taste like those rocket candies(remember those) but wont be...
  14. E

    CF issued kit use for civi purposes

    i‘ve found that CF combats are the BEST to use for paintballing. much better than the ammerican camo because the puffyness of the CF combats make the paintballs not break as easily and doesnt give you a definate shape when ur sitting in the middle of the woods in some godforsaken thornbush...
  15. E

    On the Lighter Side..... CF Rations

    and whats with the peanut butter in an unresealable packet now? what happened to the "toothpaste" tube? it was the best for full ruck marches when ur only a "lil bit" hungry and needed something to tide you o‘er till your eventual meal from a strange bag.
  16. E

    Recruiting Posters, Slogans and Commercials [Merged]

    my friend brought the article to me today an said "are these the kilt-landers ur always talkin about?" after i smacked him for saying "kilt-landers" i convinced him that the army isnt all that bad. that article‘s deffinately going up on my locker wall.
  17. E

    Army Recruiting: The Right Approach

    bossi, you shine a whole new light on the 48th for me. now that i know a little about the regiments rich history,it makes me a more proud of my cousin (whom is a reservist in the 48th). :) mark theses words,"I WILL BE A 48th HIGHLANDER ONE DAY!"
  18. E

    Cadets with Reserves on FTXs...

    it‘d be pretty cool if my corp went on an ex with tha real gghg‘s. FRICKKEN ARMOURED COPRS MAN!!!!!!!!
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    I am fed up, it‘s time to take action!

    u can damn well bet i‘ll be a torch carrier
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    good job DND!!!

    first off,i‘d like to say GOOD JOB to the DND for their new recruitment commercials. :D secondly, whoevers idea it was to get the recruiters to come to high schools,KUDOS to them. a man by the name of Sgt. Gordon came to my school today an set up a nice lil booth at lunch for anyone that was...