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I am fed up, it‘s time to take action!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Argyll 2347
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The military is doing more for the troops today than they have in decades. Bear with the powers that be. They really are working for the best interests of all concerned. It‘s Treasury Board that limits their progress..not any lack of concern on part of the CF. :D
where‘d u get the info on the dem cadet pregnacy thing ender?
an if that pregnancy thing is true thats pretty sad because i know that a most cadets have enough sense t‘use the condoms (a mighty ****load i hear) that the camps provide(i‘m assuming that the *deed* is done during camp).
anedotal evidnece from about 10 years ago. They don‘t publish statistics on that sor t of thing.

Perhaps this was before condoms were made availiable. (and I‘ve also heard the stories of condom machines running out at cadet camps)

The point I was trying to make is that cadets isn‘t nessesarily good for the kids in it. I think if parents knew half the stuff that went on, they wouldn‘t want thier kids there.
Well that just goes to tell you that you‘ll find rednecks in all areas of life. Teen pregnancy, smoking, and underage drinking are societal problems that plague your local high school football team... The consensus here at least is that there are rotten apples everywhere. If you are to degrade the whole cadet system, you are very sadly mistaken. The kid in the Cannex wear‘s your capbadge with pride and in your honour. You are his role model. ACER ACERPORI. "As the maple, so the sappling." That is the motto of the Army Cadet system. And by the by. If this was happening in front of you, then why did you not do anything to stop it (all the sinful corruption at cadet camps etc...)?! Last time I checked, the most senior infantry regiment in the country had a motto along the lines of "NEVER PASS A FAULT". You may wish to take heed to that before you slag quite a few successful people in the regular force and the primary reserve who are former cadets.

-the patriot-
since I wasn‘t ever in cadets, none of said "sinfull corruption" ever happened infront of me, I heard it from other people who had been in cadets.

If I see something happening that I know is wrong, I do my best to stop it. Like I went to the recrutiting centre on time to complain about the treatment of a friend of mine that joined up. (the pt instuceter told her to do what was practically diamond pushups for her test, she passed anyway, but it seemed like systemic discrimination to me) I try to pick my battles, but I don‘t let important things slide.

I know some good soldiers who had been cadets. I also know some crappy soldiers who had been cadets. I really don‘t think that thier experiences in the cadet corps helps them to much when they join the army. (if they join the army) I also think it‘s not worth DND money to fund what I see as glorified boy scouts.

These aren‘t really fair statements to be making IMHO. Do you realize that all of these allegations could be made of the Militia by the Reg Force...well, they actually all have at one time or another, with the probable exception of the smoking.

Do some ex-cadets in the Militia and Reg Force have a chip on their shoulder? Sure. Do some ex-Militia in the Reg Force? Sure. Some ex-Regs who transfer to the Militia on release? You bet. Of course, civies have chips on their shoulders as well. If the person is an egomaniac the person is an egomaniac...

Regs, Militia and Cadets all have their role to fill and everyone should be sensitive to that and not make it a habit to judge the collective on the faults of a few. Cadet training does not equal Militia training does not equal Reg Force training.

Condoms. They‘ve been available for ages and not from condom machines which run out. Cadets on course, staff cadets and CIC officers on staff have very strict rules regarding frat while at camp and if caught it‘s a guranteed trip home with probable dismissal from their Corps and a possible charge for the CIC officer. Does sex happen? Sure, in isolated instances but it‘s not like they‘re a bunch of rabbits.

"I don‘t like the fact that we are supossed to salute cadet officers." By this statement I assume that you mean the CIC (Cadet Instructor Cadre) officers and if that is the case it‘s apparent to me that you don‘t understand the reason for the salute. Next time you see one of those cadets wearing your cap badge, walk over and ask them why it is officers are saluted. If they have been in any longer than a year they‘ll be more than happy to give you the answer and probably a detailed history of the origin of the salute we use today as well.

Keep an open mind and you‘ll be surprised at what sneaks in.

Thinking about this I have realized that I am being very hostile, even distainfull, towards cadets. I think I am making judgments based on the first few ex-cadets who I met, who were idiots. And that‘s not fair to the majority of cadets, most of whom are keeners who like army stuff.

I am aware of the origins of the salute, that you arn‘t really saluting the officer you are saluting the Queen‘s commision. But I don‘t undersand why CIC officers hold any sort of commision.

My main beef about cadets is that I think DND money could be better spent elsewhere. But I realize that‘s what some reg‘s think about the reserves.

Aplogies to any cadets or ex-cadets on this forum whom I may have insulted.
I‘m in the Army Cadets and I think its great. When im 16 i going to join the reserve. No, I will not lose my education, i will only work evenings and weekends. Try e-mailing one of the reserve corps, they tell you everything you need to know. Cadets is great, espeacily if you are planning on having a career in the CF, teaches you lots of stuff. Sometime next month my Corp is going to Borden for live shooting. Im new and have to pass a test so i don‘t know if ill be shooting, but we use .22s. Does anybody know what the test is like?
Cadets to the left, Cadets to the right...Every where I look people posting on this board are cadets....Is there anyone here who is not a cadet...I‘m not putting your guys down here, but I really don‘t think you are in a position to comment on what is going on the C-F until you have first hand knowledge. Sure you go away to cadet camp for a couple of months each summer. BIG DEAL. Wait unil you at least get into the reserve or up to the Regular Force before you get on here and complain about how bad things are. I mean I see posts from you guys saying that Canada needs better equipment, weapons, and troops. How can you as a cadet make that jusdgement. The lasst time I saw cadets in action they were on the parade square with spit shone parade boots, and using FN rifles and even old 303‘s. Get with the program. Your comments are always welcome, but done carry much weight unless you have been in the middle of some god forsaken training area when your broken down piece of s*** truck quits, or your 77 set radio craps out on you in the middle of a contact, or your just can‘t train because there is no money, or the equipment is not available.



The masterful warrior picks his battles and his victories from the blur of battle.

I suggest that while you and I and many others on this net are more than aware of what these young warriors will encounter while serving our Grand Lady, they will still have to make our same old mistakes, learn from them, adapt and overcome and become the old WarHorses that will chafe and chastise the young of the future.

From some of what I‘ve seen from the various posts, ‘our‘ future may not be secure but some will carry the torch for us forward to the next generation or warriors. Many will pay the supreme price but some will survive to teach, learn and teach some more.

I learn everyday and I think that you do too.

As now, more than ever before...

Dileas Gu Brath
For the comment that DND money could be better spent elsewhere...... Did you know that practically over 90% of the Army Cadet population enlisted in the Royal Canadian Army in 1939 at the outbreak of WW II?! Now if a World War broke out today, where do you think the majority of your recruit pool would be coming from?! Without that recruiting pool you would not have the stripes on your arm that allow you to earn the wage that you get bi-weekly from NDHQ. Furthermore, cadets train under the auspices of the Reserves and Regular force. To see a little more of what cadets do, take a look at Canadian Military Units under User submitted links. There are quite a few cadet units accross the country that are not "Boy Scout" units. The Cadet Parachute Course is exactly the same as the Regular Force CF Basic Parachutist course. Actually, it is two weeks longer. Correct me if I am wrong, but Boy Scouts DO NOT have a para course on their training program. And oh yes, cadets have a biathalon program which without Myriam Bedard would not have won her Winter Olympic Gold Medal.

-the patriot-
The Patriot,

I‘m not sure what set off your rant but you have to accept that cadets are simply a youth organization, not so different from the scouts program or 4H. It is sponsored by the CF and it naturally has a military flair and it provides the building blocks that will assist someone who decides to join the Regular or Reserve Forces. However, the amount of military training is minimal. Any youth organization will make a child a better citizen.

By the way, if scouts want to go parachuting, there are lots of companies that will throw you out of an aircraft after a couple hours of training...it‘s not that big a thing any more. :cool:
Also, I don‘t really think you can use WW2 recruiting figures to demostrate anything about todays cadet movement. An auful lot has changed since then. If I wanted to make a point I could use WW1 recruiting figures, but it really would have no relavence on today.

I still think the the cadet movement, while it may be a useful youth organization, shouldn‘t be funded by DND.
Lots of good points and counter points. I remember the cadets of the 70‘s (holy ****, I‘m old!) with the kaki shirts, pants and puddies. Things have changed alot, not necessarily for the worst. I also remember that in the reserves (joined in 1980 and still in) that if you tried to exchange your combat uniform, you hoped that someone else was finished with it first. We‘ve come a long way. As far as personal kit goes, the gortex combat uniforms are damn good. We are making progress, maybe not at the pace we would like but we are going in the right direction. If you look hard enough, you‘ll find fault every where. Want to hear about the crap going on inside big corperations? If you don‘t like the level of recruit you‘ve got, YOU take the responcibility to train the soldier. You never know, you may need that piece of s**t to save your *** in some faraway place some day. It‘s up to us to develop the kind of soldier that will wear the hat badge of our Regiments. Just for fun, look up the guy that taught you on your recruit course and see what they thought of you when joined.
What exactely is a puddi? I know it is a thing that goes around your ankle that goes up to your knee, but what is the pepuse of it?
When worn with the ankle boots, it is supposed to give you support much like the high top combat boots do. The ones we wore, when done right, had three wraps and the tail was folded and tucked in. You could march all day and feel freash as a daisey (in theory). I surprised I remember this stuff, like gun drills, it stays with you.
Did I mention the wool "hose tops" we wore with the puddies? You ended up looking like you just stepped out of North Africa circa 1944.

The Army Cadet movement is funded by the Lord Strathacona Trust Fund through DND. It is not costing the Canadian taxpayer a single cent whatsoever. For more history and to gain a clearer picture, there is an informational site that I will link for you here.

-the patriot-