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  1. JBP

    For The Ladies - Demystifying Men

    AHA! See, but that won't work for you! Because your a women and inherently complicated by nature and far more difficult to please! You cannot simply switch, even as much as you'd like too!  :dontpanic: ;D
  2. JBP

    Training Value of Reserve Brigade Exercises!

    Which they didn't at all on this ex. So no worries there! Like I stated above, we did Urban Patrolling, VCP's, Gate Duty, Cordon and Search's and a few other things here and there... Overall, apparently the section I was with, and 1 other section got the most action/rotation out of the whole...
  3. JBP

    Training Value of Reserve Brigade Exercises!

    Although I agree a weekend is NOT long enough, it's what we have to work with. So we make the most of it we can. I had down time for about 7 hours the whole weekend while the ex was still "on". And I loved it all. But for what we had, it was a fantastic ex to say the least, better than usual...
  4. JBP

    Training Value of Reserve Brigade Exercises!

    Hello folks, I just came back from 31 Bde training ex located in Hamilton this past weekend, I'm sure there are people who are on this site who were there. I'd like to get some input from others who were there or participated from any level and see what you gained from it. For me personally...
  5. JBP

    For The Ladies - Demystifying Men

    Absolutely perfect and brilliant!!! Para my man... That is almost EXACTLY what I try to explain to women but you just put it in better terms, and I almost fell off my chair when you put in what I call the three "H's".... I've been saying for years to my women I'm very simple... I'm always one...
  6. JBP

    Gear issue in reserve

    Consider it an extra early "Christmass" surprise! That's how I feld when I recieved my kit, was a blessing!!! No longer did I have to wear dirty greasy civvy street clothes around the armouries!  :dontpanic: Just kidding, but you'll have it very shortly, and be ready to put it on, right then...
  7. JBP

    Guelph Army.ca Night

    :rage: Go figure, I'll be so close to you guys yet so far apart! There is a Brigade Ex the weekend of the 25th! Drink one for me boys, I'd love to have been there! I also suggest another meet before Christmass! :)
  8. JBP

    Clip of Canada.

    Meh, it was okay.... I like this one better though...  ;D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Le2WWQxqgl8 Cheers, ENJOY!
  9. JBP

    I'm Ticked Off and Losing Interest

    Specifically ask them WHERE your file is, what's being done with it. Like, is it awaiting medical approval in Borden? Iss it stuck in NDHQ somewhere? Are you 'merit listed'... Basically find out from them exactly what's going on with it. And that way maybe you can find out where the snag is...
  10. JBP

    Reservists in AFG (merged)

    Quite a few from many Reserve units are over there really. It is several hundred on each TF, there are about 6 people from my unit, the Lincoln and Welland Regiment, that are either already over there doing thier part... One of them came back on holidays last week and gave us a presentation on...
  11. JBP

    North Korea (Superthread)

    I am seeing what you folks are saying about making a deployment/buildup of troops in SK, but I really don't think that would be a good move at this point because what happens every time the USA puts some boots on the ground in any significant numbers anywhere on the map? - Battle. If the US was...
  12. JBP

    German Stealth Suit?

    OOohh... Now that's just frightening... So really there is not much to cover your sorry half cooked a$$ regardless from any radiation eh? ... I thought they said that suit would hold up for like 12-24 hours depending on the level of radiation. That thoroughly upsets me!... So really the bunny...
  13. JBP

    Re: Army.ca pub night/meet and greet anyone? - Sir John A Macdonald Chapter

    Ahhhh crap! I wish I could make it... 4 hour drive from me which I would do but I'm going to Kingston the LAST weekend of the month!!!!! .... I don't suppose everyone might want to switch it no? Might give more people notice and more people could come right Mich?  :-\ Well anyway, I hope you...
  14. JBP

    Future of ATHENA: Manning issues & LAV III upgrades

    SO many people from my unit would be far too happy to be 'activated' and sent on work-up training to go on a roto! But I really do think that would be a political nuclear bomb for the current government in power and the CDS would probably be made the scape-goat... But in anycase, I think this...
  15. JBP

    German Stealth Suit?

    The course officer on my BMQ wore his stealth suit in the gas hut and it worked just fine for him. He had it all done up and he didn't suffer any of the effects... Makes me wonder if one day we'll get something like a stealth suit for NBC warfare enstead of the evil dreaded bunny suit! Lol...
  16. JBP

    LFCA Task Force in 2007?

    Well, I'll consider Mirage a worste case scenario and even then, that means I'm doing my part to help out so I'll go where they send me if that's the case. But with the tiny bit of info we do have, if I did get chosen to specifically be one of these '8' it is to Afghanistan and basically to...
  17. JBP

    LFCA Task Force in 2007?

    I don't want to post specific dates (OPSEC?), but I just put my name in for a VERY SHORT notice deployment to Afghanistan (like, short notice as in our unit was notified TONIGHT and if you wanted in you said so tonight and they send off your name for tomorrow for review!!!)... and just wondering...
  18. JBP

    LFCA Task Force in 2007?

    Well, 6 guys from my unit ARE doing workup training right now to be deployed I think for Jan 07... Just put your name in and say you want to go on tour and you'll probably be going in not too far off a time! Goodluck
  19. JBP

    PM Harper will address the country on Monday

    Also, the Prime Minister of Canada (to me, FYI) is suppose to be the embodiment of the Canadian people, he is who we chose by majority to lead us and be our representation to the world at large... Your old school mentality of "Oh we don't need a pat on the back, suck it up and soldier on!" may...
  20. JBP

    Saudi Arabia buys 72 Eurofighters

    Ahhh... VERY good point indeed about BVR... I wonder if the US Forces comms systems will ever incorporate well enough so that it will easily extracted if a bogey at 50 miles out is friendly or not by simple matter of communication with AWACS etc... ? We all know that is how it's suppose to...