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  1. C

    Cotton socks...?

    I'm currently on BMOQ and my staff really doesn't care what underwear you wear, as long as it's not silly things with little hearts. (Out of sight out of mind). As for chaffing, which I had some problem with in the field, one of my Mcpl recommended Underarmor underwear. The socks they issue you...
  2. C

    Internal Change Impossible?

    There's a few examples of what I see as unique military transformations in the Canadian Forces. For example the creation of the French units, which was pretty much necessary (especially in the context they were created, when French-canadians mostly didn't speak English). I think it's a good...
  3. C

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    Well I don't know what program or trade you were applying for either, but my grade 11 math was very average as well. I'm also civilian university as I was not eligible for RMC. My file also wasn't nearly as good as yours so there might be another factor at play here, but in my case it definitely...
  4. C

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    It works,  if you have an otherwise strong file, because that's exactly how I got in. But it's true I also went back to adult school to do my advanced maths and got good grades.
  5. C

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    Yeah, given I was Civvy U and didn't make the selections, I assume they kept me on the merit list and that someone dropped out of ROTP, thereby giving me their spot. They retroactively paid for my first semester and enlisted me in December. It's something of an exception, but it goes to show...
  6. C

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    If I remember well I got the initial offer paperwork by email and signed everything hard copy at the CFRC on the day of my enrollment. You can always print out your email if it brings you comfort, but if you've been made an offer, you're in and don't need to worry, you'll have plenty of papers...
  7. C

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    This. Or any university really, bring up your grades and voilà, your main hindrance to joining ROTP is gone. You can apply to ROTP up to your 3rd year of university. Make sure you have all the prerequisites you need to attend RMC though, be it advanced math classes, physics or chemistry...
  8. C

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    You can never be sure, I got my offer in December for example. People drop out, their priorities have changed etc... which frees some spots. However if you haven't gotten an offer after second selection, your chances of getting in are somewhat thinner, since the third selection is usually a top up.
  9. C

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    Very good reminder George, when I joined up I changed all my passwords and made sure to separate very clearly my anonymous online identities as well as my more official profile, something I recommend everyone does. Also, you should probably keep inflammatory stuff to a minimum in your online...
  10. C

    BMOQ: Leadership assessment and training?

    Yeah that's what I figure from reading the principles of leadership. Better to be decisive and maintain strategic aim than to flail about and issue contradictory orders/do nothing. I'll let you know how it was when I'm done, only 14 days until I'm there!
  11. C

    BMOQ May 5th, 2014

    Finals over for me, best of luck to you over the summer! I got the academic down, but I think I'll hurt a bit at the beginning PT-wise. Then again, I'm doing fairly well so I'm probably just nervous.
  12. C

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    I'm surprised they even take INT O's from outside the Forces to be honest, I thought it was all internal transfers. But yeah, it's a very competitive trade, but you never know, some offers come very late. Did you have any other occupation choices on your application?
  13. C

    BMOQ: Leadership assessment and training?

    So your comment on Vimy reminds me of another question, will we be simulating wargames during BMOQ or does that come later? As in tactical exercises where you must lead a force to accomplish an objective and you have some leeway, or is it mostly scripted situations, like private A got hurt with...
  14. C


    INT O is pretty much all internal transfers, unless you're going reserve.
  15. C

    I have several questions as a CF applicant.

    As far as service time goes, you have something called a contract, and something called a minimum service period. Your contract is how long they're bound to employ you (unless certain circumstances arise, such as your own bad behaviour). The mandatory service period is usually shorter, depending...
  16. C

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    As far as I know, you can't "apply to ROTP" from within the forces. What you're looking for is UTPNCM and from what the RMC page tells me (http://www.rmc.ca/adm/ua-epc/utpncm-pfumr-eng.php), it's for NCMs who have proven they can succeed at RMC/have leadership potential. Also, transfers can be a...
  17. C

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    alx: I got into ROTP after 3 applications and the failing of 2 CEGEP semesters. To get in I had to go back to high school, get my strong maths, then go back to CEGEP and bring up my grades, and even then, I wasn't even eligible for RMC and got in a Civvy ROTP spot by the skin of my teeth with...
  18. C

    Questions about BMQ @ St.Jean

    If a few jokes over the internet upset you, you're in for a rude awakening in St-Jean. The instructors will say much much meaner things, and so will your fellow platoon mates. Bottom line, you'll soon be a recruit undergoing one of the toughest physical, mental and emotional challenge of your...
  19. C

    Questions about BMQ @ St.Jean

    There are many fine stations at the St-Jean resort where you will get to enjoy yourself so much you will forgo sleep, so when it comes, the humidity will be the least of your concerns :)
  20. C

    ROTP at Civilian University 2004 - 2018 [Merged]

    @Katrina: Ah, shame, there's something distinctly excellent about going to school right next to DND HQ. You're always a stone toss away from filling in more paperwork (yay). @ Journeyman: Pfft, you're just jealous you don't get to go to university anymore and enjoy campus life alongside such...